5299 篇
13868 篇
408774 篇
16079 篇
9269 篇
3869 篇
6464 篇
1238 篇
72401 篇
37108 篇
12060 篇
1619 篇
2821 篇
3387 篇
640 篇
1229 篇
1965 篇
4866 篇
3821 篇
5293 篇
全球医疗技术并购 (M&A) 增长机会
Global Medtech Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) Growth Opportunitiesb
The research provides an overview of all the M&As and divestitures in the medtech industry during the study period. The M&As focus on three primary areas: The clinical specialty areas where the M&As occur. The purpose behind these deals. oThe impact of the consolidated landscape on healthcare providers, payers, patients, and other market players.
Strategic Imperatives
Growth Opportunity Analysis—Medtech M&As
Medtech Mergers & Acquisitions
Medtech Divestitures
Profiling of Top 5 Medtech Deals
Growth Opportunity Universe—Medtech M&As