摘 要:Local, one-dimensional (1-D) simulations of the upper-ocean structure observed at the Hawaii Ocean Time Series (HOTS) mooring located 100 km north of Oahu are compared with output from the operational Global NCOM ocean forecast system at the location of the mooring. The observations from the mooring indicate that the upper-ocean density structure and mixed-layer depth (MLD) in this area are significantly affected by the extensive eddy field that exists there. Local, 1-D simulations do not account for the modulation of the upper-ocean density structure by the eddies. However, Global NCOM, along with the data assimilation that it uses, provides a reasonably accurate simulation of the eddies and does a fairly good job of accounting for the effect of the eddies on the upper-ocean density structure and MLD. Comparison of atmospheric fields from NOGAPS, which are used by Global NCOM, with observations from the mooring show fairly good agreement, which contributes to the skill shown by Global NCOM in simulating the sea-surface temperature and MLD observed at the mooring.