摘 要:The primary objective of our Early Investigator Synergistic Idea Award is to establish a driver prioritization pipeline to functionally evaluate lung cancer genomics data to identify somatic driver aberrations, which beyond the handful of well-characterized genes like oncogenic KRAS, contribute to lung cancer progression. As outlined in our Annual Report, we have successfully constructed the necessary gene libraries for the screens outlined in our proposal (Aim 1), and we have optimized and initiated the proposed in vitro and in vivo screens (Aim 2). We have already identified several robust drivers of cell invasion, and we are on task to complete all screens in year two of this project as planned. Finally, we are putting into place the necessary tools for mechanistic studies of lead candidate genes (Aim 3) that includes our development of a novel isogenic human bronchial epithelial cell system that permits regulatable expression of the KRAS oncogene. We have made several technical improvements to our overall work plan and view this first year as a highly successful start to this project and further screening of lung cancer genomics data that will extend past the life of this particular award.