摘 要:Building high performance homes (HPHs) that are energy efficient, durable, comfortable, and safe requires more than knowledge of building science principles. It also requires the ability to properly design, specify, install, and startup/commission new technologies and systems. Quality management systems (QMSs) provide the infrastructure necessary to ensure repeatability and to manage continual improvement to increase first time quality, reduce warranty, and increase customer satisfaction. QMSs are therefore needed as the industry shifts from conventional homes to HPHs, and ultimately to state-of-the-art homes such those meeting the U.S. Department of Energy's Challenge Home criteria. As builders and remodelers strive to build HPHs, QMS is emerging as a critical need for implementing complex, whole-house changes to the conventional design and construction processes. However, residential QMSs have most often been designed for new home construction. To address quality in existing homes in the form of scopes of work (SOWs), the NAHB Research Center began with a new construction SOW and applied it to an existing home project.