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全球 Li-Fi 和光学相机通信增长机会
Global Li-Fi and Optical Camera Communications Growth Opportunities
Li-Fi and optical camera communications (OCC) are 2 emerging light communication technologies that gained traction in the past few years in indoor and outdoor wireless communications. Li-Fi is a networked, bi-directional wireless communication technology that uses light to transmit/receive massive data at higher speeds for short-range communications. The study includes Li-Fi hardware components and OCC hardware and software components for market sizing and forecast. Li-Fi hardware components include primarily: 1) the Li-Fi access point, a Li-Fi-enabled light emitting diode (LED) lighting fixture, 2) a photodetector in the form of a Li-Fi dongle to receive light signals and transmit data back.
Strategic Imperatives
Growth Opportunity Analysis
Growth Opportunity Analysis—North America
Growth Opportunity Analysis—Europe
Growth Opportunity Analysis—Asia-Pacific
Growth Opportunity Analysis—Rest of World
Li-Fi and OCC Best Practice Examples and Use Cases
Growth Opportunity Universe
Next Steps