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全球生物农药市场表现及 2025 年
Global Biopesticides Market Performance and Outlook to 2025
For Global Biopesticides Market assessment we have performed Data synthesis on two models (Bivariate & Multivariate Model and Cluster Model) on Independent Variables such as Economic Factors (Economic Growth, Balance of Trade, GDP, Inflation, Unemployment, Population vs import/Export, retail, COVID -19 impact, Arable land, and more); Industry Factors (Scenario of Organic farming, organic food demand, impact of pesticides, demand of biopesticides, and others.)
1. Research Methodology
2. EPTD Analysis
3. Covid-19 & Impact Assessment
4. Global Trade Scenario
5. Global Biopesticide Market: Market Dynamics
6. Global Biopesticide Market Analysis and Forecast
7. Global Biopesticide Market – Product Distribution
8. Global Biopesticide Market – Geographic Distribution
9. Mergers & Acquisitions
10. Global Biopesticide Market: Company Profiles