摘 要:This paper describes a computational fluid dynamic method used for modelling changes in aircraft geometry due to icing. While an aircraft undergoes icing, the accumulated ice results in a geometric alteration of the aerodynamic surfaces. In computational simulations for icing, it is necessary that the corresponding geometric change is taken into consideration. The method used, herein, for the representation of the geometric change due to icing is a non-cut cell Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). Computational cells that are in a body fitted grid of a clean aerodynamic geometry that are inside a predicted ice formation are identified. An IBM is then used to change these cells from being active computational cells to having properties of viscous solid bodies. This method has been implemented in the NASA developed node centered, finite volume computational fluid dynamics code, FUN3D. The presented capability is tested for two-dimensional airfoils including a clean airfoil, an iced airfoil, and an airfoil in harmonic pitching motion about its quarter chord. For these simulations velocity contours, pressure distributions, coefficients of lift, coefficients of drag, and coefficients of pitching moment about the airfoil's quarter chord are computed and used for comparison against experimental results, a higher order panel method code with viscous effects, XFOIL, and the results from FUN3D's original solution process. The results of the IBM simulations show that the accuracy of the IBM compares satisfactorily with the experimental results, XFOIL results, and the results from FUN3D's original solution process.