摘 要:This Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) demonstrates the flood modeling capabilities of the AutoRoute model. The AutoRoute model has been developed to support the Military Hydrology Program at the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) as part of their mission to determine route vulnerability caused by flooding over large land areas. Through several tests the AutoRoute model showed that it quickly and effectively simulates the flood extent of high flow volumes where adequate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data is available. The Military Hydrology Program at CHL fields numerous requests for information (RFI) from the military regarding route vulnerability caused by hydrologic factors, such as flooding. Currently, completing these route vulnerability studies includes the use of the AutoRoute model developed by CHL personnel in 2011. The model is computationally efficient and versatile, allowing for large sections of routes to be analyzed in a timely fashion. The model results can also link to existing mobility models to determine the risk that flooding has on the mobility of vehicles. The AutoRoute model is a one-dimensional, raster-based program developed to determine flood extent and stream cross sections efficiently over large areas. The model uses a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a computed stream mask to determine the location and cross section of each stream cell within the domain. As in most modeling cases, the finer the resolution of the DEM data, the more accurate and defined the results will be. The goal of AutoRoute is to compute the inundated area and spatially explicit depth of inundation for a given flow value. For a given flow Q we wish to derive the flood depth h, flood extent, cross-section profile, cross-section area A, and average flow velocity (V = Q/A). Unlike typical flood models, the AutoRoute model neglects the flow in highly detailed channels.