[采矿业] [2024-11-17]
4 年前三季度全行业利润总额同比-22%,24Q3 吨煤利润环比-24 元至 118 元。 24 年前三季度全行业利润总额同比-22%,吨煤利润 132 元/吨,同比-36 元/吨 (-21%),较上半年降低 8 元/吨(-5%)。24Q3 吨煤利润 118 元/吨,环比/同比 -24/-27 元/吨。截至 24Q3 全行业亏损企业比例 46%,同比/环比+4.3/+0.5pct。 24 年前三季度样本公司归母净利同比-21%,其中 24Q3 归母净利环比+4%,动 力煤公司业绩相对稳健,24Q3 归母净利环比+9%。
[房地产业,金融业] [2024-11-14]
行业政策动态:中央政策宽松,地方促消费政策持续;中央多个部委密集出台政策;多城市出台支持消费和商业地产的政策;市场表现:房地产投资下行,社零数据增速回升;房地产投资仍处于下行通道,商业用房销售增速优于平均水平;社会消费品零售额增速提升,百货店零售额同比下降;消费类REITs:整体价格走势变化不大;商业地产融资动态:累计发行量有所减少; 重点公司经营:新城商管收入高增,龙湖新开5座商场.;新城控股:商业运营收入保持增长,暂无新开业商场.;华润置地:商业运营收入增长,新开业2座商场;龙湖集团:首进海南,新开业5座商场;新开业重点项目
[化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2024-11-09]
[金融业] [2024-11-08]
[综合] [2024-11-07]
[教育] [2024-11-04]
[通用设备制造业] [2024-11-01]
[仪器仪表制造业,计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业] [2024-10-31]
Surveying is the technology of detecting the relative position of a point that is at the surface of the earth (or above or below the surface of the earth). There are different types of surveying techniques like geodetic surveys, cadastral surveys, engineering surveys, aerial surveys, mining surveys, and hydrographic surveys
[计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2024-10-31]
A supercomputer is a computing device that performs at or near the highest operational rate of all computers currently available. Supercomputers engage in extremely fast data processing, with number-crunching (computational) power being measured in terms of a hundred billion floating-point operations (gigaflops). They rely on parallel-processing technology and use complex programs in modeling scientific and technological applications, such as meteorological phenomena, economic behavior, and nuclear react
[酒、饮料和精制茶制造业] [2024-10-31]
Stout and porter beer are types of craft beer. Stout is a dark, top-fermented beer with a number of variations, including dry stout, Baltic porter, milk stout, and imperial stout. Porters are dark beers with big chocolate and coffee aromas and flavors. The only main difference between stout and porter beer is the kind of malt that is used to brew each type of beer. Porters use malted barley, and stouts are primarily made from unmalted roasted barley.