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  • 5631.对于TXDOT路面管理信息系统的路面分数,性能模型和需求估计的评价和开发——最终报告

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    This project conducted a thorough review of the existing Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) database, performance models, needs estimates, utility curves, and scores calculations, as well as a review of District practices concerning the three broad pavement types, asphalt concrete pavement, jointed concrete pavement, and continutously reinforced concrete pavement. The proposed updates to the performance models, utility curves, and decisions trees are intended to improve PMIS scores and needs estimates so that they more accurately reflect District opinions and practices, and reduce performance prediction errors. Reseachers hope that implementation of these PMIS modifications will improve its effectiveness as a decision-aid tool for the Districts. Appendices H, J, and K contain calibrated PMIS performance model coefficients for asphalt concrete pavement (ACP), continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), and jointed concrete pavement (JCP), respectively; they are recommended for use in the existing PMIS performance models (summarized in Chapter 4). Appendices M and N contain new revised utility curves and coefficients for ACP, CRCP, and JCP pavement distresses. Appendices T, U, and V contain revised ACP, CRCP, and JCP decision trees for needs estimates determination. Appendix Z contains a recommended priority index that can be used for programming projects for preservation, rehabilitation, and reconstruction.
  • 5632.居民实习数据报告的审查和居民医疗保险信息系统成本报告对Highmark医疗保险服务公司和国家政府服务公司的提交

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,卫生和社会工作] [2013-10-14]

    Highmark Medicare Services, Inc. (Highmark) is a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) under contract with CMS to administer the Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) program. Highmark administers the program for MAC Jurisdiction 12, which consists offour StatesPennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware-and the District of Columbia. For fiscal year (FY) ended 2006, 133 hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 collected and reported information to the IRIS on residents. In FY ended 2007, the figure was 132 hospitals. National Government Services, Inc. (NGS) is a MAC under contract with CMS to administer the Medicare Part A program for MAC Jurisdiction 13, which consists oftwo States-New York and Connecticut. For FY ended 2006, 139 hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 13 collected and reported information to the IRIS on residents. In FY ended 2007, the figure was 137 hospitals. The objective of our review was to determine whether hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 claimed Medicare GME reimbursement for residents also claimed by hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 13 in accordance with Federal requirements.
  • 5633.工作需要的基于DSRC的V2I交通信息系统的开发和现场演示

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    This report describes the architecture, functionality and the field demonstration of a newly developed dedicated short??range communication (DSRC)-based Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) communication system for improving traffic efficiency and safety in the work-zone related congestion buildup on US roadways. The goal was to develop a portable system that can be easily deployed at a work zone site to acquire and communicate important travel information, e.g., travel time (TT) and start of congestion (SoC) location to the driver. By providing this information, i.e., SoC location and TT, drivers can make informed decisions on route choice and be prepared for upcoming congestion. The system is composed of a portable road-side unit (RSU) that can engage the on board units (OBUs) of the traveling vehicles using DSRC technology to acquire necessary traffic data (speed, time, and location). From the acquired data, the RSU periodically estimates the SoC location and TT that are broadcast to all vehicles in its coverage range. An OBU receiving the broadcast message calculates the distance to the SoC location. The distance to the SoC location and TT are then relayed to the driver, who can make smart decisions regarding whether to seek an alternate route and when to expect a sudden speed reduction. Results from the field demonstration have shown that the developed system can adapt to changing work-zone environments smoothly under various congestion patterns on the road.
  • 5634.四氢呋喃的毒理学评论(CAS号:109-99-9)。支持集成风险信息系统(IRIS)的信息汇总

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2013-10-14]

    The purpose of this toxicological review is to provide scientific support and rationale for the hazard and dose-response assessment in IRIS pertaining to chronic exposure to tetrahydrofuran. It is not intended to be a comprehensive treatise on the chemical or toxicological nature of tetrahydrofuran. The intent of Section 6, Major Conclusions in the Characterization of Hazard and Dose Response, is to present the major conclusions reached in the derivation of the reference dose, reference concentration and cancer assessment, where applicable, and to characterize the overall confidence in the quantitative and qualitative aspects of hazard and dose response by addressing the quality of data and related uncertainties. The discussion is intended to convey the limitations of the assessment and to aid and guide the risk assessor in the ensuing steps of the risk assessment process.
  • 5635.基于地理信息系统的交互式车道关闭和交通信息工具

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    This paper describes the development of the Rutgers Interactive Lane Closure Application (RILCA), an interactive computer tool to plan lane closures for work zones. This tool provides traffic engineers with a computerized and easy-to-use lane closure application, along with other useful features. RILCA was developed with the Arc View geographic information system (CIS) software package as the main development environment. Arc View displays the interactive CIS map of the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and other major freeways in New Jersey and its surrounding network. RILCA provides various analysis and visualization options to plan lane closures interactively, obtain traffic volume information, and conduct accident queries. RILCA was tested successfully, and New Jersey Department of Transportation (DOT) and New Jersey Turnpike Authority engineers now use it with all of the features presented in this paper. RILCA received an annual implementation award from the New Jersey DOT in 2009. The award recognized RILCA's usefulness and potential to improve the efficiency of traffic operations as a practical decision-support tool for lane closure decisions.
  • 5636.物联网中特设网络的作用:智能环境的案例场景

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    Internet of Things is an emerging area and it visions an inter-connected world full of physical as well as virtual objects, devices, processes and services capable of providing a different lens on how to link them via the Internet. While Internet of Things as part of the Future Internet has been described as a paradigm that mainly integrates and enables several technologies and communication solutions a notable interest is to define how current standard communication protocols could support the realization of the vision. Within this context, we offer a state-of-the-art review on ad hoc and wireless sensor networks, near field communications, radio frequency identification and routing protocols as a mean to describe their applicability towards an Internet of Things realization. We conclude by presenting a brief case scenario to describe a future smart environment and illustrate its possible model architecture.
  • 5637.物联网的情境感知环境

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    This chapter discusses the challenges, state of the art, and future trends in context aware environments (infrastructure and services) for the Internet of Things, which is defined as a world-wide network of uniquely identified self-organized and intelligent things. Intelligence means primarily the capability of things to be aware of the context in which they operate (time, geographic location, geographic dimension, situation, etc.) and to inter-cooperate with other things in the environment. The Chapter is structured in three sections. The first section, which frames the issues discussed in the rest of the chapter, is a systematic presentation of the most relevant concepts and aspects related to the infrastructure and services for the Internet of Things. The second section presents relevant research works in the infrastructure, and up to date solutions and results regarding the infrastructure and services. The third section presents future trends and research directions in the domain.
  • 5638.移动地理信息系统(GIS)解决路面状况调查

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    This report discusses the design and implementation of a software-based solution that will improve the data collection processes during the Pavement Condition Surveys (PCS) conducted by the State Materials Office (SMO) of the Florida Department of Transportation. This software replaces the prior method of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with macro programming and integrates data from both the Departments Geographic Information System (GIS) and their legacy test section database. The software, known as the XPCS system, contains three components: a database of pavement condition, an office application used for planning and reporting, and a mobile application used for data collection and navigation.
  • 5639.俄亥俄州莫米河盆地流域规划的GIS和遥感应用

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    The Maumee River watershed is the largest drainage basin that discharges into the Great Lakes. Although the watershed is largely a rural landscape, several major urban-industrial cities, including Fort Wayne and Toledo are located along the river. Many water quality concerns are present, especially non-point rural runoff that contributes significant amounts of sediment into the Maumee River. There is an important need to collect, organize and assess the available information on the watershed conditions and to better determine the status of the changes with land uses, crop rotation, and implementation of conservation tillage practices within this watershed. A partnership between the University of Toledo and US Department of Agriculture NRCS lead to several GIS and remote sensing products including annual land cover and crop rotations via remote sensing techniques, establishment of a Maumee Watershed Project Area GIS database, and providing educational and informational outreach with other project partners, resource managers, and the general public.
  • 5640.美国可再生能源技术的潜力:基于GIS的分析

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-11]

    This report presents the state-level results of a spatial analysis effort calculating energy technical potential, reported in square kilometers of available land, megawatts of capacity, and gigawatt-hours of generation, for six different renewable technologies. For this analysis, the system specific power density (or equivalent), efficiency (capacity factor), and land-use constraints were identified for each technology using independent research, published research, and professional contacts. This report also presents technical potential findings from previous reports.
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