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  • 5621.居民实习数据报告的审查和居民医疗保险信息系统成本报告对国家政府服务公司和Highmark医疗保险服务公司的提交

    [卫生和社会工作,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    National Government Services, Inc. (NGS) is a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) under contract with CMS to administer the Medicare Part A program for MAC Jurisdiction 13, which consists of two StatesNew York and Connecticut. For FY ended 2006, 139 hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 13 collected and reported information to the IRIS on residents. In FY ended 2007, the figure was 137 hospitals. Highmark Medicare Services, Inc. (Highmark) is a MAC under contract with CMS to administer the Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) program. Highmark administers the program for MAC Jurisdiction 12, which consists of four StatesPennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delawareand the District of Columbia. For fiscal year (FY) ended 2006, 133 hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 collected and reported information to the IRIS on residents. In FY ended 2007, the figure was 132 hospitals. The objective of our review was to determine whether hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 13 claimed Medicare GME reimbursement for residents also claimed by hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 in accordance with Federal requirements.
  • 5622.EPA的集成风险信息系统程序(进度报告和国会报告)

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Program provides health effects information on chemicals to which the public may be exposed, providing a critical part of the scientific foundation for EPA's decisions to protect public health. EPA has made several changes to this important Program over the past few years, streamlining the assessment development process, improving transparency, and creating efficiencies within the Program. In April 2011, the National Research Council (NRC) made several recommendations to EPA for improving the development of IRIS assessments. The NRC's recommendations were focused on the development of draft assessments, and the NRC was clear that their intent was not to delay assessments.
  • 5623.中东和北非地区解决关键的社会需要的水信息系统平台

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    The MENA region includes 18 countries, the occupied Palestinian territories and Western Sahara. However, the region of interest for this study has a strategic interest in countries adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. The 90of the water in the MENA region is used for the agriculture use. By the end of this century. this region is projected to experience an increase of 3 C to 5 C in mean temperatures and a 20decline in precipitation (lPCC, 2007). Due to lower precipitation, water run-off is projected to drop by 20to 30in most of MENA by 2050 Reduced stream flow and groundwater recharge might lead to a reduction in water supply of 10or greater by 2050. Therefore, per IPCC projections in temperature rise and precipitation decline in the region, the scarcity of water will become more acute with population growth, and rising demand of food in the region. Additionally, the trans boundary water issues will continue to plague the region in terms of sharing data for better management of water resources. Such pressing issues have brought The World Bank, USAID and NASA to jointly collaborate for establishing integrated, modern, up to date NASA developed capabilities for countries in the MENA region for addressing water resource issues and adapting to climate change impacts for improved decision making and societal benefit. This initiative was launched in October 2011 and is schedule to be completed by the end of2015
  • 5624.居民实习数据报告的审查和居民医疗保险信息系统成本报告对Highmark医疗保险服务公司的提交

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,卫生和社会工作] [2013-10-14]

    Since its inception in 1965, the Medicare program has shared in the costs of educational activities incurred by participating hospitals. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which administers the Medicare program, makes two types of payments to teaching hospitals to support graduate medical education (GME) programs for physicians and other practitioners. Direct GME payments are Medicare's share of the direct costs of training interns and residents, such as salaries and fringe benefits of residents and faculty and hospital overhead expenses. (In this report, 'resident' includes hospital interns.) Indirect GME payments cover the additional operating costs that teaching hospitals incur in treating inpatients, such as the costs associated with using more intensive treatments, treating sicker patients, using a costlier staff mix, and ordering more tests. Highmark Medicare Services, Inc. (Highmark) is a Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) under contract with CMS to administer the Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) program. Highmark administers the program for MAC Jurisdiction 12, which consists of four States-Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, and Delaware-and the District of Columbia. For fiscal year (FY) ended in 2006, 133 hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 collected and reported information to the IRIS on residents. In FY ended 2007, the figure was 132 hospitals. The objective of our review was to determine whether hospitals in MAC Jurisdiction 12 claimed Medicare GME reimbursement for residents in accordance with Federal requirements.
  • 5625.加州酒后驾车管理信息系统的2012年度报告

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    In this twenty-first annual legislatively-mandated report, 2009 and 2010 DUI data from diverse sources were compiled and cross-referenced for the purpose of developing a single comprehensive DUI data reference and monitoring system. This report presents crosstabulated information on DUI arrests, convictions, court sanctions, administrative actions and alcohol-involved crashes. In addition, this report provides 1-year proportions of DUI recidivism and crash rates for first and second DUI offenders arrested in each year over a time period of 20 years. Also, the long term recidivism curves of the cumulative proportions of DUI reoffenses are shown for all DUI offenders arrested in 1994. Two analyses were conducted to evaluate if referrals to DUI programs were associated with reductions in 1-year subsequent violations and crashes among those convicted of the reduced charge of alcohol-related reckless driving, and if referrals to the 9-month DUI program were associated with reductions in 1-year subsequent violations and crashes when compared to referrals to the 3-month DUI program among first DUI offenders. The proportions of convicted first and second DUI offenders arrested in 2009, who were referred, enrolled, and completed DUI programs are also presented.
  • 5626.EPA关键问题的再分析与二恶英的毒性和对NAS的评论,卷1(CAS号:1746-01-6)。支持集成风险信息系统(IRIS)的信息汇总

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,化学原料和化学制品制造业] [2013-10-14]

    Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds (DLCs), including polychlorinated dibenzo-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls, are structurally and toxicologically related halogenated dicyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Dioxins and DLCs are released into the environment from several industrial sources such as chemical manufacturing, combustion, and metal processing; from individual activities including the burning of household waste; and from natural processes such as forest fires. Dioxins and DLCs are widely distributed throughout the environment and typically occur as chemical mixtures. They do not readily degrade; therefore, levels persist in the environment, build up in the food chain, and accumulate in the tissues of animals. Human exposure to these compounds occurs primarily through the ingestion of contaminated foods (Lorber et al., 2009), although exposures to other environmental media and by other routes and pathways do occur. The health effects from exposures to dioxins and DLCs have been documented extensively in epidemiologic and toxicological studies. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlor odibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is one of the most toxic members of this class of compounds and has a robust toxicological database. Characterization of TCDD toxicity is critical to the risk assessment of mixtures of dioxins and DLCs because it has been selected repeatedly as the 'index chemical' for the dioxin toxicity equivalence factors (TEF) approach.
  • 5627.基于地理信息系统的交通资产管理的最佳实践

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业] [2013-10-14]

    Maps are powerful tools. They orient. They guide. They provide a sense of scale and distance. They are a universal language, accessible to people from different personal and professional backgrounds. In a transportation planning context, maps provide a flexible canvas for communicating important information such as the location of structurally deficient bridges and proposals for future improvement projects. Geographic information systems (GIS), which are modern mapping technologies, allow transportation agencies to harness the power of maps more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. Agencies can use GIS to visualize information about their bridges, highways, and other assets. They can also use GIS to plan maintenance trips and evaluate design alternatives to manage their assets more effectively. Maps are becoming commonly used in transportation asset management (TAM) programs that help agencies to strategically invest in their infrastructure. GIS, when applied to TAM, can help agencies communicate technical information more simply, professionally, and persuasively. This report provides background on GIS and asset management, describes how public agencies have been integrating the two, and identifies benefits and challenges to doing so. The information presented is gleaned from a literature review and interviews with several state departments of transportation (DOTs) and one county agency. The report also identifies some leading industry trends and new, innovative approaches to using GIS for TAM.
  • 5628.美国全球变化研究计划国家气候评估全球变化信息系统

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    The program: (a) Coordinates Federal research to better understand and prepare the nation for global change. (b) Priori4zes and supports cutting edge scientific work in global change. (c) Assesses the state of scientific knowledge and the Nation s readiness to respond to global change. (d) Communicates research findings to inform, educate, and engage the global community.
  • 5629.使用广域NASA机构地理信息系统的设施管理

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    What is the NASA‐wide Institutional GIS. Classification of Buildings based on Real Property Fields. Migration to the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. Query Information Across NASA. Search Data tied to Floor plans. Add Map Services from Local Sources. Support for Mobile Devices.Plans.
  • 5630.派生流域和数字和非数字派生的数字排水区域比较的数字数据库架构和描述方法

    [信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业] [2013-10-14]

    The drainage basin is a fundamental hydrologic entity used for studies of surface-water resources and during planning of water-related projects. Numeric drainage areas published by the U.S. Geological Survey water science centers in Annual Water Data Reports and on the National Water Information Systems (NWIS) Web site are still primarily derived from hard-copy sources and by manual delineation of polygonal basin areas on paper topographic map sheets. To expedite numeric drainage area determinations, the Colorado Water Science Center developed a digital database structure and a delineation methodology based on the hydrologic unit boundaries in the National Watershed Boundary Dataset. This report describes the digital database architecture and delineation methodology and also presents the results of a comparison of the numeric drainage areas derived using this digital methodology with those derived using traditional, non-digital methods.
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