[石油加工、炼焦和核燃料加工业,化学原料和化学制品制造业,橡胶和塑料制品业,化学纤维制造业] [2023-12-04]
[橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-12-01]
我们预计橡胶价格将进入一轮上涨周期,最终幅度取决于今明两年产量的减损幅度。当前全球橡胶生产处于季节性高峰,但低迷的割胶意愿以及主产国不利的天气抑制了供给释放。近两年东南亚、以及海南的人工成本快速上涨,与制造业转移以及中国大力发展海南密不可分,这是长期因素而非短期。尽管近期连续上涨,国内胶价仍未摆脱10000-15000的近20年低位波动区间。传统产胶国产能拐点已现,天气等因素或将加速天胶基本面扭转。历次厄尔尼诺周期内,东南亚地区(天胶主产区)基本都受到影响,超预期高温干旱及降雨或将出现。本轮厄尔尼诺周期(2023-2024年)强度或刷新历史,今年的全球高温已有所预示。 目前天胶价格仍处历史底部,割胶意愿下降,胶林维护动力薄弱等因素正间接改变天胶单产。
[科学研究和技术服务业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-11-01]
Plastic labware is a set of equipment used to serve the purpose of scientific work, such as developing new drugs and conducting various experiments in research laboratories. In 2022, the labware market was valued at $ 9,940.75 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.20%. The increased use of plastic labware in academic & diagnostic institutions, hospitals, and forensic laboratories has recently driven the demand for the same. Moreover, the rising number of research and development laboratories and the increasing demand for plasticware products have driven the global labware market demand. Researchers have shifted to plasticware products since they are lightweight, recyclable, cost-effective, and non-breakable. Government support in pharmaceutical and drug discovery is anticipated to be the major driver for the market growth of the global labware market during the forecast period.
[橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-09-30]
The equipment described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the equipment from other similar equipment. The equipment descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each equipment is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for equipment are listed below
[橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-08-13]
Equipment Type: Plastic boxes and covers, including junction boxes Industry: Wiring device manufacturing The equipment described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the equipment from other similar equipment. The equipment descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each equipment is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for equipment are listed below
[化学纤维制造业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-08-08]
Equipment Type: Liquid-tight flexible conduit fittings Industry: Wiring device manufacturing The equipment described in this report are primarily defined by its title since the title is generally long and includes most of the criteria used to differentiate the equipment from other similar equipment. The equipment descriptions are sourced from the U.S. Census. Additionally descriptions can be collected from the manufacturing industry descriptions that each equipment is categorized. The U.S. Census manufacturing industry descriptions for equipment are listed below
[科学研究和技术服务业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-08-03]
[橡胶和塑料制品业,金融业] [2023-08-02]
[橡胶和塑料制品业,化学纤维制造业] [2023-07-22]
Equipment Type: Industrial machinery plastics products, excluding foam (including gears, bearings, bushings, cams, etc) Industry: Other plastics product manufacturing
[化学纤维制造业,橡胶和塑料制品业] [2023-07-22]
Equipment Type: Low-pressure rubber & plastics hose (300 PSI/less pressure) Industry: Rubber and plastics hoses and belting manufacturing