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  • 21.全球专业照明市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,专用设备制造业] [2024-03-28]

    Professional lighting refers to the application of lighting techniques and fixtures to create optimal lighting conditions in various commercial and industrial spaces, including offices, retail stores, hospitality venues, healthcare facilities, sports arenas, and outdoor environments. It is designed to meet specific requirements, such as enhancing visibility, creating ambiance, highlighting architectural features, or promoting productivity and well-being. It incorporates lighting, control systems, and advanced technologies to provide efficient and customizable lighting solutions.

  • 22.全球露营冷藏箱市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2024-03-26]

    Camping coolers are portable containers designed to keep food and beverages cold during outdoor activities. Also known as ice chests, camping coolers employ insulation to maintain temperature levels, ensuring freshness. Camping coolers are essential for camping, picnics, and various recreational pursuits where refrigeration is unavailable.

  • 23.全球洁净室设施市场报告展望预测(2023-2028年)

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-03-26]

    The manufacturing process of many industries needs to be carried out in a clean and controlled environment. For example, optics and lens manufacturing, nanotechnology, advanced military equipment manufacturing, and food & beverage industries manufacture products that are sensitive to particulates and contaminants in the surrounding atmosphere. Hence, such industries require cleanroom facilities to ensure that the manufacturing process is controlled and does not affect the quality of products. Furthermore, the demand for cleanroom facilities is also driven by its requirement for R&D activities in the pharmaceutical sector, hospitals, research and diagnostic facilities, and biotechnology firms. Cleanrooms are essential as they deal with hazardous and lethal substances such as viruses, pathogens, chemical compounds, and microorganisms. The samples of these substances have the potential to cause severe damage to the people in the laboratories and in causes where they are released into to atmosphere can cause harm on a large scale. Hence reasons such as these are propelling the growth of the cleanroom facility market across the globe during the forecast period.

  • 24.人工关节集采续约1号文发布,机制进一步完善

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-03-20]

    上周医药生物(申万)板块涨幅为 12.25%,在申万 32 个一级行业中排名第 11 位,医疗器械(申万)板块涨幅为 11.42%,在 6个申万医药二级子行业中排名第 5 位,跑输医药生物(申万)0.83 百分点,跑输沪深 300 指数 0.72 百分点。截止 2024 年 3 月 5 日,医疗器械板块 PE 均值为 30.66 倍,在医药生物 6 个二级行业中排名第 1,相对申万医药生物行业的平均估值溢价 20.26%,相较于沪深 300、全部 A 股溢价 195.68%、136.01%。

  • 25.量价有望齐升,协同打好“碧水保卫战”

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-03-14]


  • 26.订单不断!盘古新能源大圆柱钠电池量产在即

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-03-14]

  • 27.底部筑底,复苏在即

    [通用设备制造业,综合,专用设备制造业] [2024-03-13]

    机械设备板块整体业绩:机械设备行业2023年处于“底部筑底,复苏在 即”阶段,随着库存触底,下游需求逐渐回暖,行业景气度将逐渐回升。剔除ST股、B股、北交所等相关个股,申万(2021)机械设备517家上市企业中,246家企业披露中报业绩预告,占比47.58%。其中,140家企业预计 2023年业绩实现增长,占比56.91%。

  • 28.医疗大模型“激战"

    [专用设备制造业] [2024-03-11]

  • 29.全球登陆绳索设备市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [木材加工和木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业,专用设备制造业,仪器仪表制造业] [2024-02-29]

    Landing strings equipment are heavy-duty thick wall drill pipes, which are used for oil and gas well drilling purposes in offshore areas. These are also used for landing heavy equipment on the seabed and landing heavy casing strings in wells. In subsea wells, landing strings allow well intervention or completion activities to be performed safely from floating vessels by interfacing with the subsea wellhead on the seabed. Landing strings are thick-walled steel tubes that are used to connect offshore drilling rig surface equipment with the bottom hole assembly.

  • 30.全球商用罐式搅拌机市场报告(2024-2028年)

    [电气机械和器材制造业,仪器仪表制造业,专用设备制造业] [2024-02-28]

    Commercial jar blenders are specially designed to blend drinks, including various food items. Many food service establishments are using such appliances for serving different kinds of drinks to customers as well as to blend food items. The demand for such appliances is growing along with the increasing adoption rate. Given the positive prospects of growth, the global commercial jar blender market has been chosen as the market under focus.

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