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Global Digital Surgery Technologies Market Analysis and Forecast: 2020-2030

加工时间:2021-01-28 信息来源:EMIS 索取原文[181 页]
摘 要:

The companies in the global digital surgery technologies market are the manufacturers and providers of digital surgery technology products, such as manufacturers of simulation systems, leading medical device OEMs, emerging tech-startups developing AI-algorithm tools, and software platforms related to surgical data science. Thus, the market includes both the established players such as Medtronic, Brainlab, and tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and IBM, as well as emerging digital surgery technology product manufacturers. Big companies are taking great interest in AI. IBM, Microsoft, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Intel, and Fujitsu were some of the machine learning patent producers in 2017. More than 300 healthcare patents were filed between 2013 and 2017: 186 by Alphabet, 73 by Microsoft, and 54 by Apple.

目 录:

1. Product Definition 

2. Research Scope 

3. Research Methodology 

4. Industry Analysis 

5. Competitive Landscape

6. Global Digital Surgery Technologies Market Scenario

7. Global Digital Surgery Technologies Market (by Technology), 2020-2030 

8. Global Digital Surgery Technologies Market (by Product Type), 2020-2030 

9. Global Digital Surgery Technologies Market (by Region), 2019-2030

10. Company Profiles

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