行业指导:人类食物中兽药残留的安全性评估研究——建立微生物ADI VICH. GL36(R)的一般方法
摘 要:A variety of toxicological evaluations can be performed to establish the safety of veterinary drug residues in human food. An issue that needs to be addressed for veterinary antimicrobial drugs is the safety of their residues on the human intestinal flora. The objectives of this guidance are (1) to outline the recommended steps in determining the need for establishing a microbiological acceptable daily intake (ADI); (2) to recommend test systems and methods for determining no-observable adverse effect concentrations (NOAECs) and no-observable adverse effect levels (NOAELs) for the endpoints of health concern; and (3) to recommend a procedure to derive a microbiological ADI. It is recognized that different tests may be useful. The experience gained with the recommended tests may result in future modifications to this guidance and its recommendations.