摘 要:PZ sensors were previously considered as not being sensitive enough compared to other types of transducers. As theoretical backgrounds for operation of piezosensors in liquids became completed and many successful applications were reported, this situation changed. The PZ biosensors represent a convenient tool for fast and simple determination of viruses and bacteria, proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules such as drugs, hormones, and pesticides. Usually, no additional unstable reagents are required for the analysis. The traditionally interpreted mass changes (microbalance operation) are currently supplemented with dissipation and viscoelastic changes-the presence of analyzed molecules initiated agglutination reactions and conformation changes of attached biolayers, and enhanced responses are due to nanostructured surfaces and application of nanoparticles. This provides novel ways to improve the sensitivity of measurements and recently the studies of eukaryotic cells (adhesion, morphology, apoptosis, etc.) became frequent.