摘 要:This is the final report that shows the results obtained during the funding. The aim of this study was identify combinations of currently approved drugs that would be effective for treating MPNST. The resources attained along the first phase of this project were valuable for the subsequent drug screen performed in human MPNST cells and in vivo experiments. The inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) by drugs (Rapamycin and RAD001) or RNA interference shows synergism with ionizing radiation decreasing human MPNST cell proliferation. Cell-based drug screen in combination with mTOR inhibitiors uncovers three potential candidates (toremifene, riluzole and bortezomib) with different mechanism of action. We further characterized the interaction between bortezomib, a proteasome inhibitor, and mTOR signaling inhibition in MPNST cells proliferation, cell cycle and apoptosis. Finally, dual targeting of proteasome and mTOR signaling associated with radiotherapy delay MPNST tumor growth in xenograft nude mice.