Greenbelt Homes Pilot Energy Efficiency Program Phase 1 Summary: Existing Conditions and Baseline Energy Use
摘 要:A multiyear pilot energy efficiency retrofit project has been undertaken by Greenbelt Homes, Inc, (GHI) a 1,566 co-operative of circa 1930 and 1940 homes in Greenbelt, Maryland. The three predominant construction methods of the townhomes in the community are materials common to the area and climate zone including 8 in. concrete masonry unit (CMU) block, wood frame with brick veneer and wood frame with vinyl siding. GHI has established a pilot project that will serve as a basis for decision making for the rollout of a decade-long community upgrade program that will incorporate energy efficiency upgrades to the building envelope from the exterior and equipment with the modernization of other systems like plumbing, mechanical equipment, and cladding. The pilot project has three phases focused on identifying the added costs and energy savings benefits of energy efficiency features that are to be installed during a planned community-wide replacement program commencing in 2015.