(报告加工时间:2018-12-10 -- 2018-12-23)


  • 行业月度报告-港口201810
    进入 10 月后,港口生产保持相对稳定。10 月当月全国规模以上港口完成货物吞吐量 11.26 亿吨,同比增长 6.29%。
  • 物流竞争情报-第729期
  • 物流竞争情报-第730期
    国家邮政局监测信息显示,11 月 11 日至 16 日业务高峰期间,全国邮政、快递企业共处理邮(快)件 18.82 亿件,截至 21 日 20 时,除边远地区外,主要寄递企业揽收的邮(快)件已妥投 18.3 亿件,妥投率超过 97%。
  • 行业月度报告-物流201810
    2018 年 10 月,我国物流业景气指数为 54.5%,较上月回升 1.4 个百分点。10 月份,物流业景气指数继续回升,反映出生产和消费活动加快。


  • 奢侈品包装市场全球展望预测(2019-2024年)
    When defining luxury packaging, it is necessary to look at the product to be packed, as the definition of luxury cannot be associated with the product alone. It may be the nature of the product itself or the brand that contributes to the definition. Materials are considered to be luxury when they conform to a high standard of quality and strength.
  • 微穿孔食品包装市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Micro-perforated food packaging is a type of perforated packaging that contains micro holes, which enable gas permeation in order to maintain the rate of respiration of food products. Micro-perforation involves the puncturing of packaging films with holes ranging from a diameter of 30 mm to 200 mm. This packaging offers various advantages including extended shelf life and moisture retention of the food products. We have segmented the global micro-perforated food packaging market based on three parameters, namely material, application, and region. In terms of material, micro-perforated food packaging market has been segmented into polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and others. Others include Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH). These materials are used in various types of plastic packaging such as wraps, bags, pouches, and sleeves.



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