(报告加工时间:2017-08-14 -- 2017-08-20)


  • 医药竞争情报-第658期
    淘汰、洗牌——这是多数业内人士对两年前“ 7· 22 数据核查风暴”以及一致性评价政策这套“组合拳”政策将带来的影响所做的行业预言。如今两年过去,国家食品药品监督管理总局于近日公布了这场最严核查风暴的初期疗效,从公布的数据来看,在中国有相当比例的临床数据涉嫌数据造假。如今,涉及 1300 多个品种撤回的企业面临药物研发成本短期难以收回的现实,而被查出数据造假的企业三年内不得再次申请临床。在 A 股市场,超过一半数量的医药上市公司因此被波及,更惨的是资本、研发实力欠佳的数千家中小型仿制药企业,数据核查及一致性评价风暴的双管旗下,让过去同质化、缺乏市场份额的中小仿制药企难以度日,在中国近 5000 家的医药企业中,这一类型的企业占据了三分之一。
  • 医药汇编-第738期
    8 月 2 日,CFDA 官网公布了《药物非临床研究质量管理规范》(简称《规范》),自 2017 年 9 月 1 日起施行。早在 2003 年,国家食品药品监督管理局发布施行《药物非临床研究质量管理规范》(原局令第 2 号),随着我国药物非临床安全性评价研究能力的不断提升和评价数量的快速增长,以及药物非临床研究领域新概念的产生和新技术的应用,需要对于药物非临床研究质量管理规范内容调整和细化,以适应行业发展和监管工作的需要。
  • 动物疫苗行业:猪瘟疫苗强免取消,市场化加速推进!-深度分析
    猪瘟疫苗竞争激烈,市场较为成熟。1)行业规模:据草根调研,2016年猪瘟市场规模约 10 亿元;2)渗透率:约95%,其中市场苗以中大规模养殖户为主要客户;3)竞争格局:企业数量超过 50 家且均有国内企业,主要竞争企业疫苗产品线基本覆盖脾淋苗、细胞苗及传代细胞苗;4)细胞苗为主:目前市场上细胞苗使用占比约为 90%;5)市场空间:据我们初步预估,在规模化及市场化推动下,猪瘟市场苗空间约 15 亿元。


  • 全球脉搏血氧饱和度市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Patient monitoring systems are used for the measurement of a patient's medical parameters such as heart rate, blood glucose level, blood-oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and other parameters. There are various types of patient monitoring systems, which help in the regular or continuous monitoring of a patient's medical wellbeing. The majority of the patient monitoring systems are connected to life-support devices. The existing patient monitoring systems measure parameters such as invasive and non-invasive blood pressure, dual temperature, oxygen saturation (SPO2), partial carbon dioxide level, and other related parameters. Some of the factors impacting the growth of the patient monitoring systems during the forecast period are use of blood gas analyzers, drug dosage monitoring, real-time patient location system, wearable patient monitoring devices, and telemedicine.
  • 全球前列腺活检市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Biopsy is a clinical procedure primarily used in the detection and extraction of malignant or cancerous cells and their abnormal growth in the body for further analysis and interpretation of diseases. The purpose of removing tissues or cells during the procedure is mainly to limit the spread of tumor, minimize morbidity, and eliminate interference with future treatments.
  • 全球专业皮肤护理市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Ba29sed on the target market and product pricing, the beauty products industry can be divided into two broad categories: mass beauty care and premium beauty care. While the mass category is targeted at the middle- and lower-income class (C, C-/D+, and D/E class) population, the premium category is targeted at the upper-income class (A/B and C+) or affluent class of the population.
  • 全球智能医疗市场报告(2016-2020年)
    mHealth segment is expected to witness the fastest growth in the market, due to the increase in healthcare cost, the demand for patient centric healthcare model,and the occurrence of chronic and lifestyle-related diseases.The Americas had the largest share of the smart healthcare market in 2015, due to the presence of sophisticated IT infrastructure that enables the easy implementation of advanced healthcare facilities.Most wearable healthcare devices function on GPS, wireless networks, and M2M technology. Therefore, the battery life of these devices is very low because of their high power consumption. This also affects the durability of these devices and,therefore, has the potential to affect the demand for smart wearable healthcare devices in the coming years, which will have a direct impact on the market.This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global smart healthcare market from 2016-2020.
  • 全球滑石市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Talc is a soft mineral, which is chemically composed of magnesium, silica, and water.The chemical composition for talc is hydrated magnesium silicate. The chemical formula usually remains close to this generalized composition but sometimes there are variations in the structure due to the substitution of magnesium by other elements.When ferrous ions substitute magnesium ions of talc, then minnesotaite is formed.Similarly, when aluminum ion substitutes magnesium, then pyrophyllite is formed. Talc has the tendency to form pseudomorphs from different minerals. Some of the commonly pseudomorphed minerals are quartz, dolomite, pyroxenes, and calcite.Kerolite, magnesium talc, soapstone, and steatite are the terms that are generally used for referring talc.
  • 全球射线摄影市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Radiography is a technique that uses gamma rays and X-rays to produce images of objects. These images can be used to identify certain deformities or defects that are not visible to the bare eye. The object to be tested is subjected to radiations using a generator, while a film or digital detector is used to take the image of the object. The darker areas on the image indicate high levels of radiation, whereas lighter areas indicate low levels. This is the basic principle for the functioning of radiography equipment. However, newer technologies such as CT, CR, and digital radiography can produce high-quality images in 3D, allowing for better analysis.
  • 全球干细胞治疗市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Stem cell therapy is the use of stem cells for the treatment or prevention of a disease or condition. Bone marrow transplant is the widely used stem cell therapy, followed by therapies derived from umbilical cord blood. Research is being undertaken to develop various sources (such as cord blood cells, bone marrow, and skin) for stem cells, and to apply them to various disorders like neurodegenerative diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions.Stem cell therapy has become controversial after development in isolating and culturing of embryonic stem cells. This technique is used to create stem cells using somatic cell nuclear transfer and to create induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This controversy is related to abortion politics and human cloning. However, the changing regulatory landscape in several countries such as the US and Japan may help accelerate the clinical trials.
  • 全球肺内窥镜装置市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure used for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of complications in the internal organs of the body. An endoscope is introduced into the individual's body either through natural cavities or through a small incision. The bronchoscope is an instrument used to visualize the inside airway through mouth or nose to observe the distal branches of the bronchi. This technique helps to observe the pulmonary malignancies from the sample taken through working channels of the bronchoscope. Also, a physician can install radiographic media for bronchographic studies, remove foreign objects, perform laser therapy, perform difficult intubations, and insert catheters.



  • 河南省医用氧生产企业实施新版药品GMP缺陷分析
  • 我国公立医院医生薪酬制度改革的逻辑分析——以福建省三明市为例
  • 完善我国互联网药品销售监管体系的思考
  • 按病种付费下高值医用耗材医疗服务价格政策现状、影响及建议——以经内镜逆行性胰胆管造影术(ECRP)为例
  • 公立医院医生正向执业环境现状与分析
    目的:了解我国医生对正向执业环境的评价,从卫生服务供方角度提出对医改的建议。方法:采用自行设计的医务人员正向执业环境调查表,对全国7个省/直辖市的77家公立医院的3 564医生进行问卷调查。正向执业环境包括组织管理和医患关系两个维度。结果:医生的正向执业环境评分仅18.02±4.86分(满分40分),组织管理维度的评分高于医患关系;组织管理维度中,评分最低的是组织对个人建议的重视(2.24±1.04);医患关系维度中,评分最低的是规避医疗风险(1.59±0.81);不同地区医生的正向执业环境评分存在差异,西部地区医生的评分最低(P<0.001);中医的正向执业环境评分高于西医(P=0.002)。结论:目前医生的执业环境不容乐观,医院外部紧张的医患关系比医院内部低效的组织管理更严重;促进正向执业环境,医院应采用参与式决策管理模式、建立向医院基层倾斜的宽带绩效薪酬制度;政府应以促进医患信任为基本价值取向,建立合理的医院补偿激励机制。
  • 我国西部地区个人现金卫生支出致贫影响研究——基于少数民族边远地区的调查
  • “两票制”政策下我国药品配送模式研究——以福建、陕西为例

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