(报告加工时间:2018-10-30 -- 2018-11-11)



  • 医药竞争情报-第718期
    9 月11 日,国家试点联合采购办公室在上海召开工作座谈会,确定国家药品带量集采将在北京、上海、天津、重庆、广州、深圳、沈阳、大连、西安、成都、厦门11 个城市试点,以试点地区所有公立医疗机构年度药品总用量的60%-70%估算采购总量;此次带量采购涉及33 个通用名药品,包括27 个口服制剂和6个注射剂,入围企业包括原研厂家及通过一致性评价的仿制药企业。9 月12 日,A 股医药板块众多白马股出现急跌。此次带量采购征求意见稿的发布也被戏称为“医药行业911”。


  • 巴西医疗器械报告 - 2018年第4季度
    We estimate the population at 207.7mn in 2016, the fifth largest in the world. Population growth is average for the Americas region at 0.8% per annum. Brazil has a relatively young population; around 8.2% of the population was aged 65 years or more in 2016, equal to 17.0mn people, although this segment is growing at a rate of 3.4% per annum. There are 2.7mn births and 1.3mn deaths each year, with an infant mortality rate estimated at 13.1 per thousand live births in 2016. Life expectancy is 71.5 years for men and 78.9 years for women. The fertility rate has fallen to 1.7, below the population replacement level. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics now anticipates that Brazil will begin the phenomenon of population reduction by 2030, a whole decade earlier than previously forecast. Conversely, the elderly population will continue to grow with the number of people aged 65 and over set to more than treble by 2050.
  • 骨移植替代品市场报告(2018-2025年)
    The bone grafts are used in surgical procedures for bone replacement and repair of bone fractures. Bone graft is helpful in spinal fusion surgeries ensuring new bone formation. Bone grafts are of several types which include allograft, autograft, and artificial graft. This report constitutes information about allografts, bone grafts substitutes, and cell-based matrices. Platelet concentrations and cost of autografts are excluded in this report. The bone graft market has witnessed remarkable growth and developments since last few years, owing to increase in incidences of musculoskeletal disorders and other bone & joint related disorders. Bone grafting is the emerging solution to musculoskeletal disorders. Furthermore, the advancements in medical technology has brought improvements in bone grafting methods by providing benefits in fixing bone, and other joints related problems.
  • 美国同伴动物诊断市场行业展望预测(2018-2023年)
    A companion animal or a pet is an animal that is primarily bred to live as a companion to a person as well as to entertain and protect them rather than to serve as a working animal, laboratory animal, or livestock. Two of the most popular companion animals are dogs and cats. Companion animals play an important part in the lives of many people. They provide companionship and a sense of responsibility, demand care and attention, and respond with affection. Although somewhat controversial, a number of studies have shown that owning companion animals is associated with positive health benefits. Pets, especially dogs and cats, are always considered as companion animals and there has been an improvement in the way people treat their pets over the past decade. Around 70% of the pet owners said they would risk their lives for them. Apart from the growing interest to have a pet in the family, most families now consider pets as another family member.
  • 亚太高级伤口护理市场报告(2018-2025年)
    The report covers the analysis of Asia-Pacific AWC market based on product type, application, end user, and region. Based on product type, the AWC market is segmented into infection management, exudate management, active wound care, and therapy devices. Based on application, the AWC market is bifurcated into chronic wound care and active wound care. AWC products find applications in many clinical areas, namely, burns, pressure ulcers, diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, diabetic leg ulcers, and surgical wounds. Based on end user, the market is bifurcated into hospital and community health service centers.
  • 巴西制药与医疗报告 - 2018年第4季度
    The Brazilian pharmaceutical market is the largest in Latin America, a position we expect it to maintain and solidify over our forecast period and thus drive foreign investment in the market - despite drug pricing challenges. We calculate that pharmaceutical sales in Brazil reached a value of BRL78.7bn (USD24.7bn) in 2017, accounting for 1.2% of GDP and 12.6% of health expenditure. Patented drug sales represented the largest segment of the market at 47.4% of overall sales, with a value of BRL37.3bn (USD10.7bn). Medicine spending per capita was calculated to be just USD118 in 2017.
  • 古巴医疗器械报告 - 2018年第四季度
    Highly centralised healthcare sector, controlled by the government. Smallest medical device market in the Americas region. • Other medical devices, consumables and diagnostic imaging have the highest market shares. Market heavily reliant on medical device imports, particularly from Europe, China and Japan. Lack of advanced medical device manufacturing capacity. Moderate medical device market growth over the forecast period. One of the smallest per capita medical device expenditures in the region.


  • 医药生物行业:新版基药目录公布,流感防控进入日程
  • 医药行业:三季报出炉,医药创新是行业发展永恒的主题
    医药板块收入和利润增长的冰火两重天:2018Q3 医药上市公司合计实现营业收入10618.22 亿元,同比增长21.88%,远高于最近5 年同期14.02%的平均增速;然而,归母净利润901.99 亿元,同比增长9.62%,达到最近5 年同期的最低水平;扣非净利润815.89 亿元,同比增长23.42%。营业收入的高增长与归母净利润的低增速形成显著反差,行业内部正在经历剧烈的结构调整。
  • 医药生物行业:新版基药目录出台,体现用药升级趋势
    理论上,《完善国家基本药物制度的意见》由国办发文,具备部际协调机制。实际上,非医保品种进入基药目录2018 年并非首例,2012 版基药目录中也有祖卡木颗粒、消痛贴膏、多柔比星等非医保品种进入基药目录。医保报销政策的主要决定权仍在医保手中,但进入基药目录有望在下一轮医保目录遴选的过程中获得优先权。
  • 医药行业:美国市场环境篇-仿制药行业系列报告(一)


  • 分级诊疗背景下医院与社区卫生服务机构协作研究进展
  • 2017年某县级医院门诊工作量变化趋势分析
  • 药品集中采购制度与“两票制”政策衔接的关键问题分析
  • 实现医保对医疗行为监管模式转变的路径思考
  • 基于熵权-TOPSIS法的我国基层医疗卫生机构服务能力差异性分析
  • 北京市医药分开综合改革对门急诊患者就医流向的影响研究
     目的:评价北京市医药分开综合改革的实施对于门急诊患者就医流向的影响。方法:对北京市卫计委信息中心收集的2016年1月—2017年10月的各级医疗机构门急诊就诊人次数据的变化趋势进行分析,并采用间断时间序列分析(Interrupted Time Series,ITS)方法分析北京市医药分开综合改革对其影响。结果:2017年4—10月,三级医院平均每家医疗机构门急诊人次同比下降12.11%;二级医院平均每家医疗机构门急诊人次同比下降2.10%;基层医疗卫生机构平均每家机构门急诊人次同比上升11.49%。结论:北京市医药分开综合改革通过医事服务费的调整和基层用药目录与三级医院对接等主要措施,使得门急诊患者就诊流向发生明显变化,长期下去需要引起注意的是基层是否有动力接收病人,以及能否接住病人的问题。

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