(报告加工时间:2021-05-17 -- 2021-05-23)


  • 全球动物蛋白市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Animal protein is a type of protein ingredient that is specifically derived from the sources such as egg, dairy, fish, and others. Animal protein is widely used in food & beverage industry, cosmetics industry, nutraceuticals industry as a foaming agent, emulsification, and others. There are different variants of animal protein available in the market that include egg protein, fish protein, gelatin, and dairy Protein The global animal protein market is analyzed on the basis of its prospects and future growth rate. The report highlights numerous factors that influence the growth of the market. These include market forecast, drivers, restraints, opportunities, and roles of different key players operating in the market. The report is analyzed for animal protein by product type including gelatin, d airy protein, egg protein and fish protein.
  • 全球蘑菇市场报告(2021-2027年)
    A mushroom is a vegetable with a fleshy fungus that provides nutrients such as vitamins, potassium, and selenium. With sufficient light, humidity, ventilation, temperature, nutrients, pH, and air pressure, mushrooms need a regulated climate. Button mushroom, shiitake mushroom, and oyster mushroom are the most common variety of mushrooms; button mushroom, however, leads in terms of consumption worldwide as it finds its use in salads, soups, and casseroles. As a food ingredient as well as in raw form, mushrooms are mainly used in the food & beverage industry. As fresh mushrooms are a source of high fiber and nutrients and free from preservatives, the demand for fresh mushrooms over canned or preserved mushrooms is growing. For bitter taste, mushrooms are used, so they find their use in plenty of foreign cuisine as a flavor enhancer. In addition, for nutritious foods, mushrooms are well recognized and are also widely used in the nutraceutical industry. It is a recommended food for heart and diabetes patients due to the low sugar and lipid content of mushrooms.
  • 全球牛奶蛋白浓缩物市场报告(2021-2027年)
    Milk protein concentrate (MPC) is a milk extract that contains high level of encapsulated bioavailable calcium. It contains high concentration of protein and has a wide range of applications in food & beverages. Although majorly used in the preparation of packaged dairy products, but has application in protein supplements. For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the milk protein concentrate market based on application and concentration. The report outlines the details about the applicable use of milk protein concentrate in the market such as packaged products, nutritional products, infant formula, and others (ice cream and desserts). In addition, it summarizes the information about the different concentration of milk protein concentrate available in the market such as low concentration, medium concentration, and high concentration.


  • 食品饮料行业:行业表现分化,价增趋势持续-4月电商数据分析
    根据魔镜数据,2021 年4 月京东食品饮料行业线上销售额为38.3 亿元,同比下降6.9%;其中销量同比减少24.0%至6884 万件,商品均价同比增22.6%至55.6元。销售额下滑主要受销量下降幅度较大影响。分行业看,食品礼券、饮料冲调、茗茶行业线上销售额增速较快,分别同比增加1582.9%、14.2%、13.2%。其余子行业:地方特产、进口食品、休闲食品、粮油调味,同比分别6.2%、-21.0%、-21.6%、-34.3%。2021 年4 月休闲食品行业线上销售额占比较大,达33.7%。
  • 食品饮料行业:专业绩为友,择成长相伴-2021年中期策略会反馈专题报告
  • 食品饮料行业:业绩改善持续验证,关注集中度加速提升下的核心龙头-5月投资策略
    受去年同期低基数影响,2021Q1 食品饮料板块收入、利润增速相比同期显著加快。Q1 食品饮料板块实现收入2480 亿元,同比增长24%,相较2019 年Q1 提升7.8pct;归属股东净利润514 亿元,同比增长26.9%,相较2019Q1 提升2.54pct,整体改善明显。
  • 食品饮料行业:酒类产销持续恢复,生鲜乳淡季价格环比微降-5月数据点评
    3 月白酒产量同比提升,名酒终端价稳中有升。全国2021 年3 月白酒产量79.2 万千升,同比上升24.7%。京东部分名优白酒4 月30 日价格相较21年3 月26 日价格:京东52 度五粮液维持1,389 元/瓶;52 度剑南春涨至459 元/瓶;52 度水井坊上涨10 元至519 元/瓶。
  • 食品饮料行业:调味品发展新格局,竞争转型,整合加剧-调味品专家论坛演讲实录
    调味品行业黄金十年从2002 年到2011 年,黄金十年复合增速在25%左右,目前调味品行业整体进入缓速增长时代,从扩容式竞争到挤压式竞争状态。分品类看,酱油一超多强格局已定,复调扩容的同时行业集中度亦在提升;分区域看,企业可分为全国化运作、跨区域型和区域型三类,全国化运作企业从各个维度展开综合竞争,跨区域型企业聚焦产品、渠道、区域某一层面。一线品牌在产品研发、品牌推广、组织执行、客户帮扶、终端促销等要素优势更强,对二三线品牌形成挤压式竞争。
  • 食品饮料行业:布局合理估值板块,紧握高成长型标的-2021年食品饮料策略报告
  • 食品饮料行业:数字化时代下消费品渠道变革发展趋势-快消品专家论坛演讲实录
  • 食品饮料行业:白酒分化明显,食品预期改善-2020年年报及2021年一季报业绩综述
    2020 年,食品饮料(中信)板块共实现营业收入7939.52 亿元,同比增长7.27%,实现归母净利润1403.18 亿元,同比增长15.93%,行业整体增长符合预期。从近三年数据来看,受到疫情影响营收增速有所放缓,但归母净利润仍然呈现了较好的增长趋势。

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