(报告加工时间:2020-04-06 -- 2020-04-19)



  • 全球肾脏病器械市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global nephrology devices market. In addition, it presents the market estimations and forecast of the market. It includes revenue generated from the sales of devices such as dialysis instrument, lithotripter, dialysis catheters, and other products, which are provided by key players. For the purpose of analysis, the global nephrology devices market is segmented into device type and region. The study estimates revenue generated from the sales of nephrology devices. On the basis of device type, the market is divided into dialysis instrument, lithotripter, dialysis catheters, and others. This further provides an understanding of the use of nephrology devices. Moreover, the report covers revenue generated from the sales of nephrology devices offered across regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球注射药物输送装置市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The development of injectable drug delivery system is playing a major role in the healthcare industries. New technologies are influencing the current medical practices, which are positively changing the bioavailability, safety, and efficacy of the drug.  The burden of chronic diseases is increasing worldwide. Factors, such as aging population and behavioral changes in lifestyles, are leading to long-term health problems, and their treatment can be expensive. Most deaths by chronic diseases can be attributed to cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes. This rise in the burden of such diseases is contributing in the growth of the injectable drugs and devices market. The increasing adoption of injectables drugs is currently driving the growth of the market. In the regions, like North America, there has been an increasing adoption for injectable drugs, due to early adoption of advanced technologies. The companies operating in the prefilled syringes industry are getting government approvals for various drugs used in syringes, to increase their market share.
  • 全球兽医影像市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global veterinary imaging market. In addition, it presents the estimations and forecast of the market. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of veterinary imaging; however, it excludes the veterinary imaging service revenue. The valuations comprise revenue generated from veterinary imaging product such as instruments and reagent. Conversely, the report excludes revenue generated from post-sale services of veterinary imaging. For the purpose of analysis, the global veterinary imaging market is segmented into product, animal type, application, and region. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of instruments and reagent. The applications covered in the study include orthopedics & traumatology, oncology, cardiology, neurology, and other. The report covers the revenue generated from the sales of products related to veterinary imaging systems offered in regions such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球静脉照明器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Vein illumination devices use infrared technology to reveal the structure of the vein by providing the nurses and phlebotomists a means for locating veins in the very first attempt and within a few seconds. Near-infrared (NIR) imaging has contributed to the solution for veins visualization, with its capability to penetrate up to millimeters into tissue with a specific wavelength between 700nm and 1000nm. Conditions not demanding prompt access provide ample time for physicians and phlebotomists to find a vein. But for cases of medical emergencies, such as hemorrhage, acute renal failure, hypotension, shock, and cardiac arrest, immediate access to the patient’s vein is vital to be achieved. The market for vein illumination device has witnessed a strong growth owing to various advantages offered by the devices, such as increased work efficiency, a decrease in the number of errors during the procedure, etc. Burn victims and drug abusers will further benefit from such devices as the visibility of veins is more heightened with their use.
  • 全球抗纤溶药物市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Antifibrinolytic drugs help the blood to clot after an injury. This report involves the study of different indications that require these drugs including gynecology, hereditary angioedema, fibrinolytic response testing, and surgeries. In addition, it covers the end users including hospitals & clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, and trauma centers. Moreover, this report provides a detailed analysis of the current market trends and future estimations from 2019 to 2026.
  • 全球兽医诊断市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The growth of the market studied is currently being driven by various factors, including the increasing pet ownership and animal health expenditure, increased burden of animal zoonotic diseases, and the growing pet insurance and animal health investments made by the pharmaceutical companies.  The recent years have observed an increasing adoption of pet animals every year. Not only the pet ownership, but also the number of farm population has increased at a steady rate. There is also a high adoption of pigs across billions of farms all over the world.  Moreover, there is an increase in the immune mediated diseases in animals, which has driven the market for new immunodiagnostic tests. ELISA is a highly sensitive means of detecting relatively low levels of molecules within a biological fluid. For this reason, it is a very commonly used immunodiagnostic test and is applied to a wide variety of samples from different body fluids.
  • 全球甲状腺功能测试市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The market studied is currently being driven by factors, such as the rising incidence of thyroid disorders, the increasing consumption of tobacco and alcohol, the increasing geriatric population and the rising sedentary lifestyle among the population. Over the last few years, there have been significant advancements in the specificity and sensitivity of thyroid testing, which has impacted the treatment for thyroid disorders. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) measurement subsequently gained a dominant role in thyroid function testing, which facilitates cost effective disease screening, which is augmenting the demand across the developing and developed countries. While there are several problems associated with interpretation of thyroid blood tests but with the appropriate follow-up tests, and consultation, most of these cases can be resolved easily, which is expected to progressively improve the thyroid testing methods.
  • 全球脱发治疗市场报告(2019-2026年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global alopecia treatment market. In addition, it presents the estimations and forecast of the market. The study estimates the revenue generated from the sales of alopecia treatment drugs; however, it excludes the alopecia treatment service revenue. The valuations comprise revenue generated from alopecia treatment drug type such as minoxidil, finasteride, and other drug types that are used for treatment of hair loss. Furthermore, the report excludes revenue generated from post- sale services of alopecia treatment drugs.


  • 医药生物行业:医药版块延续强势,布局行业优质赛道-第二季度投资策略(20200407)
    医药行业市场表现强于大盘,子版块加速分化。截至2020 年3 月31 日收盘,2020 年第一季度医药生物指数上涨8.39%,跑赢万得全A 指数15.18 个百分点。从行业涨跌幅来看,2020 年第一季度医药生物涨幅在28 个行业中位列第2,表现优于万得全A 指数和沪深300 指数。估值方面,截至3 月31 日收盘,以TTM 整体法(剔除负值)计算,医药行业整体市盈率38.09 倍,相对于整体A 股剔除金融行业的溢价率为89.52%。受到疫情影响,春节后医药行业子版块表现加速分化,医疗器械、化学原料药板块和生物制品板块表现出色,显著跑赢医药板块整体涨幅。截至3 月31 日,医疗器械、化学原料药和生物制品板块,分别实现了32.68%、25.15%和18.76%的涨幅。
  • 医疗服务行业:互联网医疗行业深度,破局之路,行则将至
    我们看好互联网医疗的成长空间与发展潜力。2020 年伊始,互联网医疗在此次新冠肺炎疫情防控中作用突出,成为后疫情时代医疗投资趋势演变主题之一。在医保支付端政策的加速落地使行业有望迎来投资逻辑重构拐点。虽然目前尚未出现一个经验证的商业模式,头部企业也依然处在可持续性盈利困境中,我们建议关注在商业模型与创收路径逐步清晰化,并逐渐形成自己竞争优势的公司。相关港股标的包括平安好医生、阿里健康。
  • 医疗器械行业:行业概览:红日初升-运动医学研究之一
    运动普及、人口老龄化、医疗科技发展驱动运动医学方兴未艾。1)全民健身背景下,群众健身运动参与度提高,运动损伤发病难免提升;2)老龄化人口损伤发病率高且复杂多样,促进激发潜在市场需求及3)微创关节镜技术、手术自动化、3D 打印技术应用赋能运动医学欣欣向荣。
  • 医药商业行业:追求长期增长下的医药零售投资机会-2020年医药零售投资逻辑
    本文系统梳理了医药零售板块的长期、中期、短期投资逻辑及线上电商的最新情况,为投资者呈现2020 年板块的主要投资线索。报告分为两个部分,第一部分主要阐述医药零售板块的长期、中期、短期逻辑(第一-第三章),对医保统筹、集中度提升逻辑及短期业绩进行了探讨,并汇总了2019-2020 年期间的主要政策及行业发展情况;第二部分主要讨论医药电商,通过将现有医药零售市场划分为存量市场及增量市场,并区分医药电商/线下药店各自服务的主要场景,探讨未来4 年(截止到2023 年)的线上/线下发展趋势,同时探讨了处方外流带来的增量市场。
  • 医药生物行业:一季度大考结束,重视“季报行情”—兼论连锁药店长期价值
    本周上证综指下跌0.3%,报2763.99 点,中小板上涨1.33%,报6632.78 点,创业板上涨0.15%,报1906.67 点。医药生物同比上涨0.17%,报8725.89 点,表现强于上证0.46 个pp,弱于中小板1.16 个pp,强于创业板0.02 个pp。
  • 原料药行业:特色原料药板块将迎来戴维斯双击
    原料药不是简单周期板块,特色及专利原料药具有成长属性,行业壁垒相对较高:原料药分为大宗原料药、特色原料 药及专利原料药,其中大宗原料药需求相对平稳,而特色原料药和专利药原料药具备成长属性。2020年全球原料药市场 规模将预计达到1864亿美元,同比增长6.1%,特色原料药增速预计在6%-10%。从壁垒来看,大宗原料药门槛低,竞争 激烈,而特色原料药和专利原料药门槛较高;特色原料药核心壁垒体现在技术、重资产和客户粘性方面,在技术层面,生 产工艺和研发水平需要不断提高;在客户粘性方面,特色原料药和专利原料药与客户绑定紧密;重资产方面,特色原料药 专业化生产线需要较大资金投入,近几年环保成本攀升,进一步提高行业壁垒。
  • 医药行业:疾病快速检测方法论,核酸检测和抗原抗体检测
    医学检验是现代医学疾病诊断不可或缺的环节。广义医学检验包括影像学检验和非影像检验两大类;狭义非影像检验,根据检验项目所采用的技术原理、检验方法以及临床应用等不同,包括理化质谱检验、基因组检验、病理诊断、生化发光检验、免疫学检验、其他综合检验等 6 大类,当前国内外医疗机构(含第三方医学独立实验室ICL)可开展达4000-5000 项医学检验。目前获批的新冠病毒检测试剂盒的技术原理主要是核酸检测法(基因检验)和抗体检测法(免疫学检验)。

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