(报告加工时间:2020-03-09 -- 2020-03-29)




  • 全球铝市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Aluminum is an electronegative metal, which possesses strong affinity for oxygen. It is the sixth most ductile and second most malleable metal present on earth. It is exceptionally light having 2.7g/ccm density is resistant to dust, possesses high degree of conductivity, and exhibits significant strength when alloyed. It is widely used in food & packaging and pharmaceutical industries, as it is nontoxic in nature, preserves food for prolonged times, and inhibits growth of microorganisms. It is a good electrical conductor, and thus is used frequently in electrical transmission lines. In addition, it is used as a primary propellant for solid rocket booster motor in space shuttle due to its high volumetric energy density. Corrosion resistance, reflectivity, and recyclability are other characteristics of aluminum, which makes it a favorable choice for various industrial applications. The market is segmented into grades, end user industry, processing method, and region. Based on grades, it is categorized into series 1, series 2, series 3, series 4, series 5, series 6, series 7, and series 8. Based on end user, it is classified into transport, building & construction, electrical engineering, consumer goods, foil & packaging, machinery & equipment, and others (solar panel nanotechnology and aluminum air batteries). The processing method segment is divided into flat rolled, castings, extrusions, forgings, pigments & powder, and rod & bar. Based on region, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, and LAMEA.


  • 黄金行业:准备迎接金价新阶段-专题研究
    美联储两次降息至 0 利率,黄金不涨反跌。美联储在 3 月 3 日,3 月 16 日 连续两次分别降低联邦基准利率 50 个 BP 和 100 个 BP,直接将联邦基准利 率降低至 0-0.25%的零利率上。而 COMEX 金价从 3 月 5 日高点 1688.2 美元 /盎司一路下跌至 3 月 18 日的 1488.2 美元/盎司,下跌 11.85%。在趋势上, 金价一般呈现出与美元实际利率的负相关关系,本次美联储降息后,金价涨 反跌看起来较为异常。
  • 有色行业:黄金新观察:恐慌过后,海阔天空-深度报告之黄金系列
    资源属性成就黄金避险功能:全球黄金的资源较少,目前资源储量仅约为5 万吨,且分布相对分散,第一大和第二大储量国份额为20%和11%,其他国家份额低。黄金成矿条件较为苛刻,大多为较小规模的矿脉,且区域分布较为分散,大量增产难度高。资源稀缺以及开发难度较高,加之历史性形成了黄金消费习惯以及货币属性,成就了黄金的避险功能。
  • 铜行业:危中有机,后期铜价怎么看?-深度研究报告
  • 有色行业:黄金,复盘2008的启示-深度报告
    自“新冠”疫情自国内爆发以来,目前向全球快速蔓延,对全球经济运行造成较大冲击,同时OPEC+未达成减产协议,原油供给端进入争抢市场份额的博弈状态,在一系列冲击事件影响下,全球股、债、黄金、原油等大类资产大幅波动,市场波动水平甚至超过美国2008 年次贷危机时期。尤其是近期黄金成为下跌的避险资产,这背后的原因是什么?未来会怎么演绎?本篇我们重点对2008 年次贷危机时黄金价格的表现及影响因素进行梳理,并结合目前的市场特征,对黄金价格再次进行系统梳理分析和展望。
  • 黄金行业:数十年一遇的黄金与美元共振-一叶知秋看资产配置系列2
    21 日伦敦现货黄金收报 1643 美元/盎司,创 7 年来新高。本轮金价上涨,最大 特质是其伴随强美元共振。纵览历史长周期黄金美元呈高度负相关,共振窗口 屈指可数。处此契机,寄希望借共振视角剖析金价演绎。本篇聚焦三点:1)本 轮共振的逻辑;2)历史窗口下两者共振的模式与未来路径差异;3)落地展望。

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