(报告加工时间:2020-12-23 -- 2020-12-27)


  • 全球混凝土泵市场报告(2020-2027年)
    A concrete pump is a machine used to transfer liquid concrete by means of pumping. The pump operates by one piston drawing liquid concrete into a cylinder from a hopper, while the other simultaneously pushes its concrete out into the discharge pipes. Concrete pump is important in revolutionizing the construction of highrise buildings and structures. The report on the global concrete pumps market presents a detailed analysis of the trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market depending on type, industrial vertical, and region.
  • 全球防水市场前景预测(2020-2025年)
    Waterproofing in building constructions is the process of making a structure waterresistant or impervious to ingress of water. In areas where building structures have high exposure to rainfall and snowfall, waterproofing is mandatorily preferred to maintain the safety and quality of the building. Basements and foundation areas need to be waterproofed in buildings where the groundwater levels are high. In the APAC and North American regions, a majority of the construction sites are built-in high water table areas, which is likely to exert hydrostatic pressure on the basement and walls. This can force water through cracks, which can result in structural damage along with moisture-related problems like mold, mildew, and decay. A majority of building owners prefer waterproofing to maintain the quality and resale value of the buildings. Unhealthy living areas and weak foundations are significantly reducing the resale value of the building every year globally. Investors and buyers of properties in a majority of growing economies around the world have waterproofing as an essential consideration in building construction works. Waterproofing methods differ in the areas it is being applied like urban and rural applications.
  • 全球建筑拆除废物回收市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Construction & demolition waste recycling deals with construction, renovation, and demolition. The global construction & demolition waste recycling market is segmented on the basis of source, service, material, and region. On the basis of source, the market is divided into construction, renovation, and demolition. On the basis of services, it is classified into collection and disposal. On basis of material, it is segregated into inert, wood, plastic & glass, metal, and others. The market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA to understand their regional trends. This report highlights drivers, restraints, opportunities, and growth strategies adopted by key players to understand the dynamics and potential of the market. The study includes Porter’s five forces analysis of the industry to determine the impact of suppliers, competitors, new entrants, substitutes, and buyers on the market growth.
  • 全球建筑设备租赁市场报告(2020-2027年)
    This report covers the study of the global construction equipment rental market. Comprehensive analyses of the market trends, future estimations, and thorough study of the market on the basis of application, product, propulsion system and region are included in this report. Construction equipment rental market includes construction equipment of different types depending on their application, product, and propulsion system. Construction equipment are used to in construction and mining activities. Furthermore, the report highlights the regional trends and the regional coverage of this market across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa). It further provides insights on the drivers, restraints, and opportunities to understand the dynamics and potential of the construction equipment rental market.


  • 建材行业:周期向上,紧抓竣工逻辑等三条投资主线-投资策略报告
    建材行业(申万)指数上涨21.69%。截止2020 年12 月11 日,建材行业指数(申万)上涨21.69%,同期沪深300 上涨19.36%,建材行业指数跑赢沪深300 指数2.3 百分点;创业板指数上涨49.48%,建材行业指数跑输创业板指27.8 百分点。
  • 水泥行业:2020年度信用分析及展望
    水泥在国民经济发展中有重要的地位和作用,2020 年前三季度全国水泥建材市场景气度在经历 了前期的低迷后快速恢复至较高水平,在环保力度不减、产能受到有效控制的情况下,全行业产量、 收入及利润均较上年同期小幅下降。
  • 建材行业:水泥需求保持韧性,玻璃去库明显-2020年1-11月行业数据点评
    2020 年1-11 月全国固定资产投资(不含农户)累计为49.96 万亿元,累计同比增长2.6%,增速比1-10 月份提高0.8 个百分点,固定资产投资稳步回升,投资结构继续改善。其中11 月固定资产投资环比增速(季调)同比增长2.8%,增速较10 月单月收窄0.1 个百分点;基建投资1-11 月同比增长1.0%,增速比1-10 月份提高0.3 个百分点。我们认为2021H1 基建项目有望迎来集中开工,叠加2020H1 低基数,开工端建材需求和相关公司业绩均有望超出预期。
  • 建筑建材行业:21年镁砂价格中枢或高于20年
    近期我们与行业专家针对近期镁及镁加工品价格明显上涨进行了交流,专家认为近期镁及镁加工品价格上涨主要源于供需阶段性错配及部分区域政策变化。我们认为,菱镁矿主要用于耐材原料生产,辽宁储量最多且其政策变化对行业影响较大,近期镁砂价格明显上涨或源于辽宁近期开始的新一轮菱镁产业整合。有上一轮整合经验,辽宁本次整合效果值得期待,且21 年需求进一步复苏,21 年镁砂价格中枢或高于20 年。耐材行业角度,集中度提升趋势有望延续,且后续节奏有望加快,行业龙头受益。
  • 建材行业:淡季运行无忧,玻璃高景气有望延续-12月投资策略
    11 月行业整体保持稳步上涨,建材行业及其龙头公司单月上涨3.45%、5.82%,跑赢沪深300 指数-2.19、0.18 个百分点,龙头企业表现相对更优,分板块来看,水泥、玻璃、其他建材单月分别上涨6.99%、0.42%和1.74%,分别跑赢沪深300 指数1.35/-5.22/-3.9 个百分点。年初至今建材板块上涨31.83%,跑赢沪深300 指数9.24 个百分点,处于全行业相对靠前水平。
  • 建筑行业:基建稳中求进,装配建筑鼎立革新-深度报告
    基建投资稳中求进。我国基建或从量变过渡到质变时代。我国基建龙头企业在技术、经验、管理等方面综合实力全球第一。基建是逆周期调节的重要抓手,基建聚焦补短板,更加精细化、信息化,基建技术输出硕果累累。2020 年1-10 月,我国广义基建投资同比增长3.01%。1-10 月我国累计发行专项债3.98 万亿元,同比增长57.24%。专项债放量有望助力“稳投资”。2021 年基建投资增速预计为3.91%,基建投资或延续稳中有升趋势。
  • 建材行业:大浪淘沙,建材龙头跨品类扩张大幕开启-2021年度策略报告
    2021 年经济重回“稳杠杆”,地产投资有韧性:今年国内率先遏制疫情,中国经济“一枝独秀”,在宽信用政策下,地产和基建投资快速修复。2020年8 月政府发布的“三条红线”政策限制了房企加杠杆的空间,房企将控制拿地额、加快开工、加大销售力度和加快竣工结转,2021 年地产投资仍具有韧性。2021 年经济将重回“稳杠杆”,基建投资继续温和回升。
  • 建筑建材行业:南北发货继续呈现分化,11月社融及信贷延续稳健增长
    北方陆续进入淡季发货下滑,天气好转下南方发货回升,库存低位略降,全国价格继续上涨,但同比仍低于去年同期。受北方陆续进入淡季影响,本周行业出货环比下滑,全国范围出货率74.1%,环比-2.0pcts,去年同期(12月第二周)为77.2%;区域上看,华南/华东/西南/华中/华北/西北/东北出货率为102.8%/92.0%/82.5%/71.8%/65.6%/28.3%/12.5%。其中华北、西北受淡季因素影响,企业出货环比减少10%-20%;华东、华中地区天气好转,企业出货环比增加5%-10%;华南地区继续保持稳定。本周库存环比略降并仍保持低位(全国平均库容53.9%,环比-1.0pcts),除华南、华中、华东外库存均有所上升,华中库存低于去年同期水平。本周全国高标水泥吨价格为455.8元(环比+1.3元),其中华南(环比+7元至527元)、西北(环比+6 元至441元)、西南(环比+5元至381元)环比上涨,全国均价较去年同期低14.9元。
  • 建材行业:工业玻璃新建产能有望重回宽松-水泥玻璃行业产能置换办法修订点评
    12 月16 日,工信部发布《水泥玻璃行业产能置换实施办法(修订稿)》(以下简称“12 月修订稿”),与10 月发布的修订稿相比,主要是对产能置换办法的适用范围做了修订,允许光伏压延玻璃和汽车玻璃可不制定产能置换方案,但新建项目应委托全国性的行业组织或中介机构召开听证会,并公告项目信息,且项目建成后企业履行承诺不生产建筑玻璃。我们认为该调整中长期有利于增加光伏压延玻璃供给、缓解行业供求紧张的局面,符合当前需求侧改革要义,但短期内供给缺口仍然存在,我们预计光伏玻璃价格有望高位维稳,继续重点推荐旗滨集团、亚玛顿。

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