(报告加工时间:2020-07-06 -- 2020-07-12)


  • 化妆品行业:2020年中国女性敏感肌现状研究白皮书


  • 全球建筑密封胶市场分析与预测(2018-2024年)
    The market dynamics section discusses on the various factors which have the potential to alter the dynamics of a market. Market drivers push the market forward allowing the market to grow in due course of time. The factors which act like constraints to the growth and development of the market are called market restraints. They affect the production activities associated with the market, negatively. Apart from the drivers as well as restraint, various opportunities provide a window for the growth of the construction sealants market. These opportunities open gates for the new market entrants to set their foothold ultimately strengthening the market ecosystem. The market is subject to certain challenges, which may arise either on the technical side or owing to numerous regulations imposed by the government bodies. Although these challenges hinder the market growth these can be overcome by certain efforts made in the direction to push the market forward. The present section provides an in-depth understanding of the various drivers, restraints / constraints, opportunities and associated challenges with the global construction sealants market.
  • 全球化妆品包装市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The packaging in the cosmetic industry has gone leaps and bounds in recent years. The cosmetic industry has the most varied packaging requirements of all the other sectors. The materials used vary from different metals from glass, paper, and Plastics, and these materials are used to make containers with different shapes and sizes and dispensing mechanism.  Plastic in the form of primary containers, secondary flexible pouches, caps and closure, and the nozzle is one of the major packaging materials used by the cosmetic industry. The plastic tube is one of the major containers in the cosmetic industry as it is able to store liquid-solid and semisolid materials and able dispense products in the controlled proportions. Also, the, when compared to other containers tubes, are able to provide better contamination protection.  In order to cater to the increasing demand for tubes, various suppliers have come up with innovative offerings in the market. Most recently, Sally Hansen, a major cosmetics manufacturer in the global market, developed a squeezable tube paired with an applicator tip with the help of Topline.


  • 化工行业:从需求端出发,关注具备刚需特征子行业-2020年中期策略报告
    2020 年年初至今(截至2020 年6 月24 日,下同),沪深300 指数上涨1.04%,化工行业上涨2.36%,跑赢沪深300 指数1.32 个百分点,在A 股28 个行业中涨跌幅位列第15 名。目前化工行业市盈率为23.10倍,显著低于近5 年均值(30.63 倍),相对沪深300 市盈率(12.38 倍)溢价率为86.59%,行业估值水平不断抬升,整体估值修复阶段有望持续,子板块整体估值水平趋于平稳。化工行业2020 年第一季度营业收入同比下降18.6%,归母净利润同比下降107.14%,排名靠后,行业业绩一方面受疫情拖累,另一方面受原油价格崩盘影响较大。
  • 化工行业:周期巡礼之粘胶短纤,周期底部,迎接拐点-深度报告
  • 化工行业:周期巡礼之氨纶,面料“味精“稳步增长,成本曲线铸就龙头优势-深度报告
  • 化工行业:盈利增速阶段性见底,估值有望修复-化工行业专题
  • 生产稳定上升,外需明显改善-6月制造业PMI数据点评
    6 月我国官方制造业PMI 50.9%,比上月上升0.3 个百分点。构成制造业PMI 的五大分类指标中,生产指数、新订单指数和供应商配送时间指数均高于临界点,原材料库存指数和从业人员指数均低于临界点。
  • 化工行业:湖南加快沿江化企搬迁改造,5月份化工行业利润明显改善-双周报2020年第13 期
  • 化工行业:未来原油怎么看?复盘过去10年油价核心逻辑的启示
  • 化工行业:周期巡礼之MDI,高壁垒高毛利的大宗化学品-深度报告
    短期看,随着供方控量与密集检修利好,MDI 价格出现回升。长期而言,MDI 供给格局稳定,新增产能以技改扩产为主,当下MDI 价格已处于近十年底部区间,随着海外需求逐渐修复,未来MDI 价格中枢有望上行。
  • 化工行业:短期抓需求,长期看格局-2020年中期投资策略
    需求整体下行,下半年不容乐观。2020 年初新冠疫情突袭全球,一季度国内供需双杀,单季度GDP 增速为-6.8%。二季度复工复产后内需复苏,房地产、汽车产销均出现回暖,但复苏的持续性仍然存疑。海外需求则更糟,二季度海外疫情爆发,主要经济体PMI 数据均出现大幅下滑,进而影响国内化工行业出口。随着6 月底美国疫情的二次爆发,海外能否持续复工复产存疑,我们对下半年整体的需求依然偏悲观。
  • 化妆品行业:6月美妆线上维持高景气度,国货品牌追击-淘系月度观察
    1)整体景气度: 20年6月淘系美妆全网gmv增长49%,其中护肤品gmv增长51%,环比加速;彩妆类目gmv增长40%,今年以来逐月环比加速增长;今年线上高景气不变,1-6月护肤品gmv增长37%,彩妆增长23%,合计增长33%。2)细分品类方面,6月精华/香水继续领跑行业增长,乳液面霜当月表现良好。3)竞争格局方面,6月欧美系头部美妆集团代表品牌增长80%以上,国货线中丸美/玉泽/润百颜增势迅猛,实现三位数增长。
  • 化工行业:聚氨酯板块的攻与守-万华化学深度报告之七

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