(报告加工时间:2020-12-23 -- 2021-01-10)


  • 中国 - 新材料行业 - 我国智能材料产业发展研究


  • 全球表面处理化学品市场分析和预测(2020-2025年)
    Methodological understanding of the core and adjacent markets as well as the industry changes, for a critical assessment of business dynamics of the materials in scope Analysis of the impact of developments and initiatives made by governments as well as corporate stakeholders that influence the business environment for both market participants as well as customers Examination of competitor’s strategies and their recent developments for effective assessment of market movements at each level of the supply chain Triangulation of the supply-demand gaps with business drivers and challenges to anticipate business opportunities and revenue pockets
  • 全球下一代印刷油墨市场分析和预测(2019-2025年)
    Pad printing has been a conventional method of printing on curved and uneven surfaces for a long time. It involves the transfer of 2D images or texts onto a 3D surface with the help of flexible silicone pads. It is a spin-off of conventional offset printing. Recently, digital printing has paved the way for printing on the surfaces with variable diameter using digital cylinder printing technique. This process directly strews ink over a curved surface which is in a close vicinity to the cylindrical printheads using digital imaging systems. Additionally, this process uses a robot automation system which tracks the surface of the substrate and calculates the angle of inclination with help of a computer-aided software. This ensures that the substrate and the printheads are always less than 5 mm of distance, which is the optimum distance to get a high-resolution print. Thus, digital cylinder printing offers a faster turnaround time than the conventional pad printing method, due to the single-pass mechanism and no requirement of pre-setups for printing. Many companies such as Inkcups, PadJet, Automated Marking, Inc., and BottleJET are offering products to print on curved surfaces. Such developments are going to boost the digital printing ink market in the coming years.
  • 全球柔性泡沫市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Flexible foam is a processed polymer or plastic made up of hydrocarbons and other organic units joined with urethane connections. They exhibit various characteristics, such as high durability and enhanced shock absorption. Flexible foams are used in automotive, furniture, bedding, and packaging end-use industries. Their uses range from sponges in the kitchen and medical dressings to large filters and soundproofing devices. For the purpose of analysis, the global flexible foam market is segmented into type, application, and region. The report highlights the revenue generated from various types of flexible foams, which include polyurethane (PU) foam, polyethylene (PE) foam, polypropylene (PP) foam, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and others. The applications covered in the study include furniture & bedding, transportation, packaging, construction, and consumer goods. Region wise, the flexible foam market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA.
  • 全球BTX和烃分离吸附剂市场分析和预测(2019-2025年)
    The demand for cleaner fuels has been increasing exponentially in colder regions as cleaner fuels have lower freezing points and lower densities. Due to these reasons, the automobiles that use fuel have increased the demand for cleaner fuels as they help eliminate the start-up problems during cold seasons. Countries such as Canada and the U.S. face these difficulties as the temperature during winters reaches as low as -10oC. Cleaner fuels also result in more efficient engine performance, which is a concerning matter, especially in cold seasons, when there is a minimal but effective contraction in the engine. This contraction leads to lowered performance due to ineffective fuel combustion and power generation. Countries such as Canada have implemented “Clean Fuel Standards,” which define the allowed impurity levels in the fuels. This also helps in reducing greenhouse effects as the engines become more efficient. The standards implemented in 2016, were aimed at controlling the carbon emissions by fuel economy.
  • 全球超吸收性聚合物市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) is a material that has high liquid absorbing capacity. It is cross-linked structure polymer, which avoids dissolution. These types of polymers can absorb liquid up to 100 times of its own weight. Therefore, it is used in products, such as child diapers/nappies, incontinence items, and others, where high absorption characteristics are required. The report focuses on types of super absorbent polymers such as synthetic and natural. The applications covered in the study include personal care, healthcare, agriculture &horticulture, and others. In addition, different production methods analyzed in the report are suspension polymerization, solution polymerization, and gel polymerization. Furthermore, the study evaluates the current market trends and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies. The report further covers the strategies adopted by the key players to sustain the competitive environment and increase their market share.
  • 硅光子学 场–全球和区域分析
    Methodical understanding of the core and adjacent markets as well as the industry changes, for the critical assessment of business dynamics of the markets in scope, including the drivers, challenges, and opportunities for various players Impact analysis of developments and initiatives made by governments as well as corporate stakeholders that influence the business environment for both market participants as well as customers Examination of competitor’s strategies and their recent developments for effective assessment of market movements at each level of the supply chain, along with supply chain analysis and supply and demand analysis for identifying the key stakeholders in the silicon photonics market Triangulation of the supply-demand gaps with business drivers and challenges to anticipate business opportunities and new revenue pockets, along with industry attractiveness analysis for identifying whether new products, services, or businesses have the potential to be profitable in the silicon photonics market


  • 其他化学制品行业:碳中和系列-生物基行业,政策保驾护航下潜力巨大的新蓝海
    我国在2020 年9 月第七十五届联合国大会期间提出将采取更加有力的政策和措施,力争于碳排放于2030 年达到峰值,2060 年前实现碳中和。长期来看,生物基产业与部分传统高能耗、高排放石化行业的新旧动能转换将是大势所趋。建议关注卓越新能、梅花生物、凯赛生物、金丹科技、金发科技和华恒生物等。
  • 基础化工行业:油价上涨,制冷剂、聚四氟乙烯、DOP、阿特拉津、正丁醇等产品价格上涨
    OPEC+联合减产形成油价底部支撑,但仍需关注非OPEC 产量(加拿大重质油、巴西、中亚)、全球宏观经济下行风险与贸易风险进一步发酵对油价的影响。推荐聚酯产业链一体化建设加快并进军大炼化、布局C2/C3 轻烃裂解的优秀民营炼化企业(卫星石化、桐昆股份、恒力石化、荣盛石化、恒逸石化);关注宝丰能源。
  • 化工行业:2021年十大预测-碳中和、油价、顺周期等-2021年投资策略
  • 化妆品行业:美妆需求旺盛,功能性大势所趋-2020年双12及11月数据点评
  • 石油化工行业:2021年油价怎么看?-原油系列报告(十三)
    在疫情冲击下,2020 年油价总体呈V 型走势: 1)1 月下旬油价于疫情暴发后开始调整,3 月减产谈判破裂后加速下跌;2)5 月后随着OPEC+新减产协议启动,供给削减明显,油价开启复苏之路;3)9-10 月宏观环境较为动荡,市场悲观情绪集中爆发,进而加快了油价的下跌4)11 月后随着疫苗出台以及达成新的减产协议,油价强势复苏。
  • 化工行业:疫情后时代,掘金“双循环“-2021年度投资策略报告
  • 化工行业:中芯国际被列入实体清单,南大光电ArF光刻胶通过客户认证
    本周化工新材料指数跑输创业板指,截至 2020 年 12 月 19 日,化工新材料指数收 1070 点,较此前的 1042 点上涨 2.73%,跑输同期创业板指的上涨 3.46%。
  • 化工行业:PX逐步自给自足,长流程利润优势明显-大炼化系列报告之五
  • 化工行业:辛醇、乙二醇等煤化工产品涨价,草甘膦等推动农药价格指数修复,涤纶长丝、制冷剂延续涨势
    中国化工品价格指数(CCPI):本周CCPI 较上周下跌 0.7%,较上月同期上涨1.3%,年内涨幅为5.5%,较去年同期上涨3.9%。
  • 化工行业:国六催生广阔市场,国产替代大势所趋-润滑油添加剂深度
  • 化工行业:需求复苏和补库共振,景气可期-深度分析
    化工宏观周期景气修复:十年中周期看全球化工业经历三轮景气(每轮景气2年),18H2 转入下行通道,20H1 在新冠冲击下全球化工PMI 触底,随后20H2在主要经济体的货币与财政政策刺激下迅速恢复至景气高点,下一轮景气周期或已拉开序幕。分终端看2020 年复苏是主旋律,地产链方面美国新房销售强势反转;汽车方面,2021 年国内乘用车市场有望维持正增长;其他消费方面,海外社零增长重回景气高点,“宅经济”行业受益,中国“出口替代”作用显现。
  • 浮法玻璃行业:竣工逻辑有望继续演绎,2021年供需格局或仍趋紧-深度研究报告
    玻璃可分为平板和深加工玻璃,下游主要应用于建筑地产。玻璃分为平板玻璃和深加工玻璃,浮法玻璃是通过浮法工艺生产的平板玻璃,占总量的90%左右。玻璃的下游中建筑玻璃需求较大,占比75%。玻璃行业市场集中度低于水泥和玻纤,两大龙头旗滨集团和信义玻璃市占率分别为11%和14%,CR2 仅有25%。
  • 化工行业:轮胎反倾销初裁落地,结果好于预期,看好顺周期品种

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