(报告加工时间:2019-06-17 -- 2019-06-30)


  • 电梯和自动扶梯市场 - 全球展望预测(2019-2024年)
    The global elevator and escalator market is evolving along with the changing dynamics of the global economy and construction industry. In terms of revenue, the global elevator and escalator market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.85% during 2018−2024. For more than a decade, advancements in vertical transportation have transformed the construction sector, enabling the growth of high-rise buildings that define cities globally. Moreover, the rapid improvements in safety, quality, and efficiency of elevators and escalators have allowed the expansion of cities. Nowadays, elevators and escalators have become a routine part of modern existence, moving people in offices, malls, metro stations, airports, and residential buildings, among others.
  • 全球农业机器人和机电一体化市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global agricultural robots and mechatronics market is expected to witness high growth, with a CAGR of 24.2%, over the forecast period, 2019-2024. The key factors propelling the growth of this market are shortage of labor, increasing labor cost, increasing demand for food and agriculture supply, efficiency of work, adoption of emerging technologies, and increasing research on different applications to make the human life easier with perfect end results. The key players, such as Yamaha Motor Company, GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft , De Laval Inc. and Lely, have extensive hold on the improving technology and distribution channels, which helps in the growth of the market for agricultural robots and mechatronics..
  • 全球烘干机市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Body dryers are air blowing electric appliances (similar to hand dryer or hair dryer) used in drying an individual’s complete body after bathing or swimming, thus substituting the use of a towel. The types of body dyers considered in the report include wall mounted and on floor. The market is analyzed across four geographical regions namely North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA to provide in depth analysis of the market. This report outlines current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder. It features a detailed profile of the key market players operating in the market.
  • 澳大利亚草坪割草机市场 - 机会增长评估(2019-2024年)
    The Asia-Pacific cleanroom disposable gloves market is segmented based on material type, end user, and country. By material type, the market is classified into natural rubber/latex gloves, vinyl gloves, nitrile gloves, polyethylene/neoprene gloves, and others. Depending on end user, it is segregated into aerospace industry, disk drives industry, flat panels industry, food industry, hospitals, medical devices industry, pharmaceuticals industry, semiconductor industry, and others. Based on country, it is studied across China, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, and rest of Asia-Pacific.
  • 全球电动机市场报告(2018-2025年)
    The report includes the electric motors that are used in applications such as pumps, compressors, fans, industrial machineries, blowers, domestic appliances, and other applications. The report provides a comprehensive analysis of various electric motors used in the industry, including AC, DC, and hermetic motors along with their applications. The revenue generated from the sales of linear motor applications is not considered in the scope of our study. The usage of types of motors in any application depends on the requirements of the application. Therefore, the introduction of advanced electric motors has increased the popularity of high-tech equipment such as robots and electric cars. Moreover, the global electric motor market is segmented based on the output power of electric motor and their applications in end user industries such as industrial machinery, transportation, motor vehicles, household appliances, and heating ventilation & air conditioning.


  • 电气设备行业:全球能源转型,平价渐行渐近-新能源深度报告之风电光伏
    风电光伏发展迅猛,全球能源转型任重道远。近20 年来风电光伏的年发电量增速大幅领先于其他发电方式。光伏发电的复合增速高达42%,风电的复合增速达到23%。虽然近二十年来可再生能源取得了巨大的发展,但要在本世纪实现将全球平均气温上升幅度限制在2℃以内的目标,全球低碳能源转型的速度还要加快。
  • 家电行业:为什么长线投资者偏好家电?-深度分析
    近期,部分投资者对家电行业的长期空间存在疑虑。以史为鉴,我们选取了日本、美国历史上的可比阶段(日本 1975~1984年 GDP 增速换挡期、美国 1971~1983 年“滞胀”期),以十年的时间尺度,研究两国家电公司基本面、股价的表现。
  • 机械行业:优选景气确定龙头-中期策略
  • 电力设备与新能源行业:厚积薄发,龙头增长潜力无限-动力电池海外专题一之LG化学
  • 电气设备行业:5月动力电池装机量点评,能源局发布可再生能源电力发展监测评价报告
    5 月动力电池装机量为5.68Gwh,同比增长26%,欣旺达首次入围TOP10。GGII 公布2019 年5 月动力电池TOP10 装机量数据,总装机量为5.68Gwh,同比增长26%,环比增长5%,TOP10 合计装机量为4.89Gwh,约占整体86%。宁德时代与比亚迪依旧为第一与第二,装机量分别为 .38Gwh 、1.07Gwh ,市占率分别为42%与18.8%。榜单中欣旺达为首次入榜,排名第8,装机量为0.12Gwh,市占率约2.1%,本次入榜主要是由于开始批量配套吉利汽车,5 月已配套1736 辆。
  • 电气设备行业:转型升级,突破创新-2019中期投资策略
    我国全社会用电量近年保持稳步提升态势。根据中电联数据,我国全社会用电量2018 年达6.84 亿千瓦时,同比增长8.5%,增速为2015 年以来新高;2019 年Q1 为1.68 亿千瓦时,同比增长5.5%。但国网公司却由于落实国家降电价政策等影响,利润出现了下滑。
  • 家用电器行业:10个问题看清家电行业年报及一季报-专题研究
    2018 年三季报总结中,我们提出,家电行业除了受地产的大周期影响,仍旧出现了消费升级、渠道下沉、企业努力维持增长等积极现象。本篇年报和一季报总结,我们主要通过年报信息,回答行业发生了哪些新的变化? 
  • 电气行业:光伏风电高景气,新能源汽车需求增速放缓-5月深度跟踪
    2019 年5 月,国内新能源汽车产业链需求增速放缓,但销量结构持续改善;国内风电、光伏并网提速,光伏海外需求持续景气;维持行业强于大市评级。
  • 电新行业:锂电池,补贴下调力度大,中短期产业链利润承压-2019年中期投资策略
    2019 年3 月底,四部委正式下发《关于进一步完善新能源汽车推广应用财政补贴政策的通知》。a. 2019 年补贴政策调整幅度,符合2020 年底前补贴全部退坡完毕的节奏。此次退坡幅度看,各个车型的单位电量的补贴、补贴总额度下调幅度基本超过了50%,平均在55%左右。如果考虑地方补贴的退出,同水平能量密度和能耗的调整系数的降低,单车补贴金额下降幅度约在70%,幅度较大。
  • 电力电气设备行业:行业短期主动去库存,增长有所放缓-新能源车月度观察
    合格证口径下,2019 年5 月动力电池共装机5.7GWh,同比+26.2%,环比+5%;其中三元装机3.34GWh,同比+73.3%,环比-11%;铁锂装机1.73GWh,同比-26.5%,环比+13%。
  • 家用电器行业:高能效变频空调料将成为行业主流-空调行业专题报告
    019 年 6 月 10 日格力电器实名举报奥克斯空调虚标能效。能效比是衡量空调性能的重要参数,目前有适用于定频空调和变频空调的两类标准,标准均将空调能效分为 1 级、2 级和 3 级,其中 1 级能效最节能,空调的性能表现更好。
  • 家电行业:提前促销空调增速放缓,天猫优品影响品牌格局-2019年5月淘宝数据跟踪
  • 电气设备与新能源行业:新能源车增长放缓,政策曙光再现-双周报2019年第12期
    截至本报告期末,电气设备指数2019 年累计涨幅14.06%,沪深300 指数同期涨幅21.40%。最近一年,电气设备指数跌幅为4.53%,沪深300 指数跌幅为2.63%。行业整体PE 估值回升至27.54倍,企业估值倍数(EV/EBITDA)为14.92 倍,略高于历史均值,处于中性水平。
  • 电新行业:风光高景气持续向好,电动车和工控蓄势待发-2019年下半年投资策略
  • 电气设备行业:从中长期看电动车平价和动力电池行业格局-车全球观之4

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