(报告加工时间:2018-09-25 -- 2018-10-07)


  • 医药竞争情报-第714期
    近日,证监会官网上发布了关于对政协《支持未盈利生物制药企业在A 股创业板上市融资的提案》答复函,表示将依法创造条件引导尚未盈利或未弥补亏损的生物医药等创新企业发行股权类融资工具并在境内上市。这意味着,A 股有望成为未盈利生物医药企业上市的新选择。


  • 兽医影像市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Veterinary imaging market is classified based on products, animal types, and end-use. Product segment inclusive of instruments required for imaging that are radiography X-ray systems (direct radiography, computed radiography, film based radiography), ultrasound imaging devices (2-D, 3-D/4-D, doppler imaging devices), magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography (multi slice and portable), video endoscopy imaging and other imaging devices. Animal types are further classified into small companion animals, large animals and other exotic birds & aquatic animals. Veterinary imaging devices found applications in various disciplines that are orthopedics and traumatology, oncology, cardiology, neurology, dentistry and ophthalmology End-use segment classified into hospitals/clinics and reference laboratories for veterinary applications. Geographically the market is studied with respect to five main regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America and MEA.
  • 全球医疗机器人市场报告(2018-2023年)
    The blockchain technology is expected to disrupt the automotive value chain in the near future. The magnitude of its impact might vary from stake holders to stake holders, but it surely encompasses the whole value chain. This section of the research study throws light on the push and the pull forces operating in the automotive blockchain market. It further studies the impact of these forces on the market growth.
  • 全球伤口护理产品市场报告(2017-2022年)
    The blockchain technology is expected to disrupt the automotive value chain in the near future. The magnitude of its impact might vary from stake holders to stake holders, but it surely encompasses the whole value chain. This section of the research study throws light on the push and the pull forces operating in the automotive blockchain market. It further studies the impact of these forces on the market growth.
  • 全球远程医疗市场报告(2017-2022年)
    The blockchain technology is expected to disrupt the automotive value chain in the near future. The magnitude of its impact might vary from stake holders to stake holders, but it surely encompasses the whole value chain. This section of the research study throws light on the push and the pull forces operating in the automotive blockchain market. It further studies the impact of these forces on the market growth.
  • 牙齿更换市场 - 全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    The face is widely regarded as a symbol of oneself and a smile as a window to one's personality. The teeth play an important role in the maintenance of a positive self-image and appearance; the loss of teeth may result in significant change in the appearance of a person that can profoundly disrupt one’s confidence and social activities. Missing tooth can change facial aesthetics, which may impact facial expressions and lead to social stigma. Hence, many people opt for aesthetic dental treatments, which help to boost their self-confidence. Tooth loss may be traumatic and upsetting and is regarded as a serious life event that requires significant psychological and social readjustment.
  • 全球生物和医学影像试剂市场报告(2017-2022年)
    Gabon's consumer-facing sector will continue to be largely made up of informal street vendors and independent stores for the foreseeable future. The country's small population and low median income mean that few international retailers have expanded into the country, and those that are present are almost exclusively French, an indication of the countries' historical ties. Modern retail formats are present in the major urban areas of Libreville and Port-Gentil, but here, the organised sector remains small.
  • 全球癌症筛查市场报告(2018-2023年)
    Gabon's consumer-facing sector will continue to be largely made up of informal street vendors and independent stores for the foreseeable future. The country's small population and low median income mean that few international retailers have expanded into the country, and those that are present are almost exclusively French, an indication of the countries' historical ties. Modern retail formats are present in the major urban areas of Libreville and Port-Gentil, but here, the organised sector remains small.
  • 坦桑尼亚制药和医疗保健报告 - 2018年第4季度
    Tanzania's pharmaceutical market is among the largest in Sub-Saharan Africa. In 2017, Tanzania's pharmaceutical market was valued at TZS1.11trn (USD496mn), or 1.0% of GDP, with per-capita drug expenditure at just under USD9. This is fairly modest in global terms and even by regional standards. Due to low purchasing power, generic drugs comprise the majority of Tanzania's pharmaceuticals market, providing opportunities for companies focused on off-patent drugs. Patented drugs only hold a small market share as low per-capita drug expenditure continues to limit the capacity of most of the population to purchase higher-priced medication. Self-medication is prevalent in Tanzania, making the OTC medicine market an attractive prospect. Pharmaceutical sales accounted 26% of health expenditure.


  • 医药生物行业:药品带量采购定调,推进仿制药和抗癌药螺旋式降价,医保局话语权凸显,部分品种面临洗牌
    新成立的国家医保局作为集采购权、定价权和支付权于一身的“超级买方”,对终端及上游药企都具有强大话语权,在后续集采和医保支付的执行过程中主导能力会更加凸显。推进通过一致性评价品种的带量采购降价成为医保局首要发力方向。原研面临最大危机,已通过一致性评价的品种可能在集采中获得六成以上市场,部分品种市场格局可能发生巨变。2018 年新一批抗癌药谈判目录发布,同步开始启动省际进口抗癌药集中采购和前批抗癌药降税后的价格调整工作,各地市陆续出台前期国家谈判抗癌药的医保支付标准,抗癌药品螺旋式降价将成常态。
  • 医药行业:肿瘤靶向药物,倍道而进、百舸争流
  • 医药生物行业:2018年9月中药材价格月报
    2018 年 9 月 18 号中药材天地网综合 200 指数为 2296.10,相比 8 月21 号的 2322.58 略有下降。中药材价格指数 2016 年上涨较大,2017 年稳中略降,2018 年初略有上涨。 
  • 医药生物行业:带量采购,祸福相依,危机并存-“大医保动态跟踪系列报告之三
  • 医药行业:投资、并购、引入-医药企业扩充产品线的新途径
  • 医药行业:“沉默”是金,RNAi药物黎明破晓正当时-小核酸药物专题报告
    RNAi 是指与靶基因 mRNA 互补的短双链 RNA 诱导的序列特异性的转录后基因沉默现象。狭义的小核酸是指介导 RNAi 的短双链 RNA 片段(siRNA),本文探讨的小核酸范围与寡核苷酸(oligonucleotide)相近,涵盖了 siRNA、miRNA 和反义核酸等。小核酸药物,能特异性地静默疾病基因的表达,具有高特异性、高效性、长效性优势。
  • 医药生物行业:国办发布基药新政,抗癌药医保谈判稳步推进
  • 医药行业:整体增长稳健,业绩分化延续-2018年医药中报综述
    2018 上半年,医药制造业主营收入同比增长 13.5%,利润同比增长 14.4%,较一季度增速有所回落主要由于流感行情和原料药普涨行情基本结束。行业整体呈复苏态势,在老龄化加剧、新版医保目录调整、药企竞争格局不断优化的大背景下,随着医改红利逐步释放,招标降价和医保控费的干扰趋于稳定,我们认为未来医药行业有望维持稳健的增长,行业龙头的优越性越发彰显。 
  • 医药行业:带量采购政策不确定性导致行业大幅波动,底部坚定推荐医药消费升级属性标的

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