(报告加工时间:2017-12-04 -- 2017-12-17)


  • 全球滑水设备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Wakeboarding is a sport where athletes are towed behind a motorboat inside a designated watercourse area. Athletes receive two passes inside the course within which they perform as many tricks as possible by using the wake of the motorboat to launch into the air. It is a surface water sport that involves riding a wakeboard over the surface of a water body. A wakeboard is a small, rectangular in shape, thin board with very little displacement and shoe-like bindings mounted to it. It was developed from a combination of water skiing, snowboarding, and surfing techniques.
  • 全球移动式起重机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Mobile cranes are used widely in the engineering, construction, and infrastructure industries. These machines are used for loading, unloading, moving, shifting, and erecting materials. Mobile cranes lift, shift, and place loads, weighing five tons to more than 100 tons, from one point to another. Mobile cranes are available in various sizes and can be used in projects of all sizes because of the flexibility in application and low costs. The efficiency of mobile cranes lies in the amount of load they can carry and transfer. As these machines are used both in the material handling and construction equipment sectors, the customer profile is diverse.
  • 全球充气玩具市场报告(2017-2021年)
    They are dome-shaped permanent structures and buildings that use internally pressurized air to achieve structural stability. Balloons filled either with hot or normal air are used as toys or for decorative purposes. Their low cost and density make them popular among the younger population.
  • 全球介入影像引导系统市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Medical imaging is the process of creating visual representations of the interior of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention. It is applied for both diagnostic (screening and diagnosis) and treatment purposes (therapy and surgical purposes). Medical imaging, which is used for treatment purposes, is commonly known as interventional medical imaging. Various types of image-guided systems such as X-rays and fluoroscopy, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and endoscopes are used for the interventional procedures.
  • 全球离子注射器市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Ion implantation is a major process carried out to introduce dopants in a semiconductor. Implanters bombard wafers with foreign atoms to modify material properties such as conductivity or crystal structure. The main part of an implanter system is the beam path, wherein the ions are generated, concentrated, accelerated, and passed at high speed to the wafer. The conductivity of semiconductor devices such as silicon, germanium, and III-VI compounds (e.g., gallium arsenate) is altered by doping them with n or p type dopants. Out of the two methods used for doping semiconductors, diffusion and ion implantation, the diffusion was the most preferred method before the 1970s. However, doping processes by ion implantation are being preferred for IC fabrication currently.
  • 全球音乐制作设备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Music production equipment refers to the set of equipment used in music recording studios for music composition. The music production equipment market is predominantly B2B, where the quality of equipment is of high importance to music producers. Music is fast becoming accessible to the general population, which is increasing individuals' interest in music and the demand for quality music recording equipment.
  • 全球放射治疗和放射治疗机器人市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The report analyses radiosurgery and radiotherapy robotics, which is expected to emerge as a major method of treatment for cancerous and non-cancerous tumors during the forecast period. The sale of systems such as Gamma Knife, CyberKnife, and linear accelerators is expected to increase due to the growing demand for noninvasive surgeries. These systems have emerged as alternatives to treatments such as brachytherapy, chemotherapy, tomotherapy, and immunotherapy.


  • 家电行业:分化延续,白电稳健,黑电改善,照明成长-2018年年度策略报告
    大涨之后,分化延续:17 年家电板块表现强势,在各板块中涨幅位居第事,仅次于食品饮料板块。但家电行业子板块之间分化较大,除了白色家电明显强于同期沪深300 挃数,其他子板块均跑输沪深300 挃数。展望18 年,我们认为白电行业中空调品类18 年增速大概率回落,提升空间相对有限,黑电企业有望收益面板价栺下跌迎来周期性机会,照明行业预期成长较好且竞争栺局逐步改善,总之,家电各板块分化仌将延续。
  • 家电行业:把握龙头,关注改善-2018年度策略
    整体来看,目前市场风格依然偏稳健,对确定性的关注依然较强。根据这条主线,我们认为2018 年一方面建议继续关注利润成长性确定高,估值相对较低的各细分领域的龙头企业,另一方面建议关注成本与汇率因素导致短期利润增长不及预期带来估值错杀,但行业基本面整体向好,具备环比改善空间及能力的相关企业。因此,家电板块中建议关注具备出货均价提升而面板价格下降带来短期错配,盈利能力边际改善的黑电龙头海信电器
  • 家用电器行业:把握竞争力强的行业龙头-2018年度策略
    2017 年前三季度,家电行业共实现营业总收入7798 亿元,相比去年同期增长32%,总体归母净利润516 亿元,相比去年同期增长25%。同时在原材料价格大幅上涨、人民币兑美元持续升值的情况加毛利率保持稳定,盈利能力稳健。市场行情方面,截至今年12 月6 日,中信家电行业指数累计涨幅达到39.44%,跑赢沪深300 指数18.12 个百分点,家电板块累计涨幅居全行业第二。
  • 其他专用机械行业:废钢循环利用正本清源,加工设备迎新契机-深度分析
    根据行业协会统计,2016 年我国社会产生废钢量 1.6~1.7 亿吨,加上钢厂自产废钢,废钢总供应量超过 2 亿吨,预计 2017 年废钢消耗量 1.4 亿吨,我国炼钢废钢消耗量首次突破 1 亿吨,标志着我国进入废钢大规模使用期。

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