(报告加工时间:2018-07-23 -- 2018-07-29)



  • 医疗照明技术市场分析预测(2018-2026年)
    We have segmented the global lubricants market based on two parameters, product and region. In the first level, the market has been segmented into industrial, automotive, marine and aerospace, as following
  • 可穿戴技术市场分析和分段预测到2022年
    Wearable technology market can be segmented based on product into wrist-wear, eye-wear, foot-wear, neck-wear, body-wear and others. Wearable technology is used for fitness & wellness, healthcare, infotainment, defense, and enterprise & industrial. Growing awareness to monitor vital health related statistics is anticipated to drive healthcare application segment over the forecast period. Some of the healthcare products available in the market include 9Solutions IPCS, Metria Wearable Sensor, PolyPower, etc.
  • 打包蓝牙音箱市场全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    The music industry has been ever-growing due to an increasing reach of various streaming services such as Apple Music, Pandora, and Spotify, among others. An increase in the adoption of subscription music has spurred the market for Bluetooth speakers, due to their ability to deliver higher definition music wirelessly. Development in the Bluetooth technology such as low power mode, HD data streaming, and improvement in the range has also helped in boosting the adoption.
  • 全球无人机意识避免系统市场分析预测(2017年-2022年)
    We have analyzed the skin care products market by segmenting it on two levels. Functional segmentation of the skin care products market has been done on the basis of key products including face creams and body lotions. The face cream segment comprises anti-aging, sun protection, and skin brightening products. Furthermore, products under the body lotion segment include mass market body care lotions and premium body care lotions.
  • 术中影像市场分析和分段预测至2025年
    On the basis of products, the global intraoperative imaging market has been segmented into Intraoperative Computed Tomography (iCT) systems, intraoperative systems, Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (iMRI) systems, and C-arms. On the basis of application, the market is segmented into neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, ENT surgery, oncology surgery, and others. Based on end use, the market is divided into hospitals and others. The study also comprises the regional market in which key countries considered are the U.S., Canada, Germany, UK, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, and South Africa.
  • 智能扬声器市场全球展望预测(2018-2023年)
    A change in technology leads to the transformation in the customer's experience and human interaction. As customers are increasingly relying on smartphones and the convenience of information available to them through a large number of websites, their needs along with their expectations have altered. By using a voice-assistance technology, companies are trying to offer their customers something which can assist them and make their life convenient. For example, Santander, a UK-based bank, has recently unveiled its voice banking services. The company’s clients can ask their simple questions via an iOS SmartBank application. The bank’s clients can no longer need to manually review their monthly statements.


  • 计算机行业:新型智慧城市水平不断提升,“感知+基础设施+平台资源三条主线寻找相关标的
    新型智慧城市水平不断提升,多规合一提出新的要求。《新型智慧城市发展白皮书(2018)》讨论了新型智慧城市内涵、发展趋势等内容,阐述了对分级分类推进新型智慧城市建设目的和意义的认识,提出了基于成熟度模型的新型智慧城市评价体系,拟通过建立新型智慧城市评价的标准化体系,为各级政府开展新型智慧城市分级分类建设提供指导。在建设智慧城市问题上,其“智慧”的科技属性被不断强调,云计算、大数据、量子计算、物联网、第5 代移动通信技术 (5G)、人工智能等新一代信息技术,将对新型智慧城市的建设发挥越来越重要的作用。多规合一下,未来智慧城市将朝着感知智能化、管理精准化、服务便捷化、网络空间规范化以及参与主体多元化等方向发展。
  • 计算机应用行业:公募计算机相对持仓显著提升,持续关注自主可控及云计算
    上周计算机行业(中信)指数上涨1.40%,沪深300 指数上涨0.01%,创业板指数下跌0.55%。在核心技术自主可控的预期和政策推动下,计算机行业在6 月下旬以来相对大盘的收益显著,但行业主要呈现结构化的行情:业绩主线主要是云计算领域的龙头,主题主线主要是自主可控的核心标的。目前时点,从估值角度,看业绩的个股经过反弹后估值趋于历史上合理区间,但从策略配置角度,我们认为计算机行业龙头仍然具有较高的配置价值,尤其是受政策驱动的自主可控方向。
  • 军用通信行业:联合作战指挥体制形成,军用通信装备升级正当时-深度报告
    我们认为,军用通信设备作为联合作战力量生成与升级的“信息神经网络”,将随着“军委管总、战区主战、军种主战”的新军队体制形成而率先迎来采购高峰。根据我们的测算,未来3 到5 年军用通信设备采购需求主要来源于单兵通信装备装配、陆军火力平台的换装与升级,仅计算上述部分,军用通信装备市场规模约达373.30 至866.30 亿元。我们看到,目前部分军用通信装备供应商已获取相关订单,并开始逐渐传导至收入与利润端,业绩回暖信号显现。
  • 通信行业:从频谱规划看5G进展和机遇-5G深度研究系列之一
    SA 5G 标准于 2018 年 6 月正式确立,商用进入倒计时,产业配套预计在 2019年逐步完备,商用局将渐次开启,2020 年将开启全球商用。目前已有 39 个国家和地区推出 5G 频谱规划,其中 24 个明确了频谱划定和拍卖时间表,英国和韩国已经在今年上半年完成了频谱拍卖,最早将在今年底启动商用局。各国 5G 频谱共识聚焦在 3.4-3.8GHz、28GHz 等频段。 
  • 通信行业:大浪淘沙洗净铅华,光通5G云安物联
    回首 2018 年 1-6 月,受外贸纠纷、中兴事件影响,通信板块下跌 26.7%,跌幅榜第一,市场悲观情绪在 1 月初-2 月上旬,5 月 20-6 月两个时间窗口得以集中释放。如果剔除中兴,通信板块上半年下跌-15.7%,表现还能居中(29 个行业中排名 15),源于光通信、云计算、信息安全、北斗等板块带动行业业绩改善(净利润从 17Q4 -33%(剔除中兴)到 18Q1 +20%),有力支撑股价。 
  • 计算机行业:人工智能助推法院信息化步入3.0智能时代
    法院信息化起步至今超过20 年,在基础设施建设基本完成的前提下,2015 年正式提出法院信息化3.0 版,2018 年作为深化完善的开局之年,将进一步推动大数据、云计算、人工智能等技术落地与司法实践的融合,助推法院步入智能时代。
  • 计算机行业:迎来中期拐点,首选云计算、自主可控-2018中期投资策略
  • 计算机行业:拐点初显,云安全等子板块机会开启-“演化系列信息安全专题报告之二

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