(报告加工时间:2019-12-16 -- 2019-12-29)



  • 亚太非乘用车市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The construction industry in Asia-Pacific is expected to witness a surge in growth in the coming years, with good opportunities arising from infrastructure, residential, and non-residential sectors. Some of the major factors boosting the growth of the construction industry are increasing activities of construction of multi-family houses (with the growing trend of nuclear families) and increasing investments in the construction of roads, highways, smart cities, metros, bridges, and expressways, due to growing population and urbanization. Augmented construction activities in countries like Japan, China, India, and the ASEAN member states (including Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, and others) are driving the market for the construction machinery and medium and heavy-duty trucks segments in the region. Chinese Belt and Road initiative (BRI), a program to connect Asia with Africa and Europe via land and maritime networks along six corridors with the aim of improving regional integration, increasing trade, and stimulating economic growth, involves the construction of major infrastructure projects in the Asia-Pacific region. As a part of this, major spending is expected to be on railways and ports in the coming years.
  • 全球汽车自动变速器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The automotive transmission system has many advantages, apart from performing the simple purpose of transferring an engine's power to the wheels. Some of the advantages of automatic transmission vehicles are: They are simple and easier to use as it reduces the burden on the driver. Automatic shift of gears is faster and more accurate than most manual, as manual transmission shifting involves several degrees of driver movement, offering opportunity for mistakes and mis-timings. Due to higher planetary gear system in automatic transmission vehicles, surface contact between the gears increases, thereby, torque load spreads out over a greater area and reduces breakage.
  • 汽车模具市场全球展望和预测(2019-2024年)
    Automotive molding is the process of producing automotive parts/components via molding machines in which the inserted material has to undergo a cycle comprising injection, pressure holding (cooling), and plastic part demolding. Automotive molds are a crucial part of the overall automobile production process. For instance, to produce a new car, more than 90% of the parts (close to 20,000 parts) are dependent on molds for further batch processing. Automotive molds are highly dependent on the automotive production in a particular country/region. Thus, an upswing or a downswing in the industry can have a similar impact on the market for automotive molds. Automotive molds are classified into four categories based on technology: casting molds, injection molds, compression molds, and others. Based on application, the automotive mold market is categorized into two segments: exterior and interior parts. Based on vehicle type, the market is classified into three segments: passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and heavy trucks.
  • 全球汽车燃油滤清器市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    According to Eurostat, over 75% of inland cargo transports within the European Union, i.e., about 1,750 billion metric ton-kilometer (tkm), travel by road. In some European countries, this percentage goes as high as 90%, or more. ■ As a result, the demand for commercial vehicles has been continually increasing in the region, owing to the growing logistics industry and increasing usage of light commercial vehicles, such as vans (for ride hailing services). The underlying factor driving the growth of the light commercial vehicle market in Europe is the increased preference for pickup trucks and small vans, over heavy-duty trucks and railways, for logistics. Thus, the demand for lightweight vehicle components to integrate into light commercial vehicles is expected to grow significantly, during the forecast period. This, in turn, is expected to augment the demand for high-pressure die casted products, like fuel filters.
  • 中国豪华车市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The Chinese luxury car market has performed well during the 2018-19, despite a decrease in the sales of economic cars. Majority of the luxury car manufacturers, such as Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and BMW, have witnessed an increase in sales. There was significant demand for European made luxury cars in the country and this has laid initiatives to increase the production capacities. During January to November in 2018, Mercedes-Benz recorded sales of 603,089 units, representing an 11.7% growth as compared to the previous year. During the same period, BMW sold 577,058 units across China, representing 6.4% growth.
  • 全球防抱死制动系统市场(2019-2026年)
    The report incorporates the study of the global anti-lock braking system market that focuses on component of ABS and use of ABS for different vehicle types. Anti-lock braking system is mainly used in vehicles to provide features such as safe braking and easy maneuvering in emergency situations. ABS holds a great potential in changing the safety of vehicles thus making them safer and comfortable. ABS is designed to be useful whenever a driver slams on the brakes, particularly when road conditions are slippery or wet. In these conditions, a vehicle is more likely to slide, or skid, if the wheels lock. The primary function of ABS is to avoid skidding and retain steering control after hard braking; ABS can therefore help reduce the risk of being involved in a head-on collision with a car or another substance.


  • 汽车行业:稳步复苏,关注新技术带来的投资机会-月行业跟踪报告
    11 月(2019.11.9-2019.12.5)全 A 指数涨跌幅为-2.89%,汽车行业涨跌幅为 -0.29%,领先大盘 2.60pct,位于 SW 一级行业中第 6 位。
  • 汽车行业:11月相对平淡,备货12月-11月销量点评
    乘联会发布 10 月狭义乘用车产销数据,产量:213 万,同比+1.5%、环比+11.1%,累计同比-8.5%;批发:204 万,同比-4.6%、环比+7.3%,累计同比-10.1%;零售:194 万,同比-4.1%、环比+5.1%,累计同比-7.9%。
  • 汽车行业:全球BBA销量跟踪-汽车消费升级月报行业专题研究
  • 汽车及零部件行业:19年11月交强险数据解读
    银保监会数据显示,19 年11 月,狭义乘用车交强险上牌量为174 万台,同比下滑2.7%,环比上升5.7%。1-11 月狭义乘用车上牌量累计为1,806 万台,同比下滑3.7%。
  • 汽车行业:深远以计,玉汝于成-《新能源汽车产业发展规划(2021-2035年)》
    《规划》(征求意见稿)指出:新能源汽车产业为世界经济发展注入新动能;我国新能源汽车产业进入加速发展新阶段;融合开放成为新能源汽车发展的新特征。《规划》(征求意见稿)对我国新能源汽车的市场销量份额愿景为:2025 年销量占当年汽车总销量 25%(估计约合 700 万辆),智能网联新车销量占到当年汽车总销量 30%。 
  • 汽车行业:产量结束负增长,行业复苏持续-11月汽车产销量分析
    据中汽协 12 月 10 日发布的数据,2019 年 11 月全国汽车产销量分别完成 259.3 万辆和 245.7 万辆,环比分别增长 13%和 7.6%,同比分别增长 3.8%和下降 3.6%;产量开始实现月度正增长,销量同比降幅较上月收窄 0.5 个百分点。1-11 月,汽车产销量分别完成 2303.8 万辆和 2311.0 万辆,同比分别下降 9.0%和 9.1%,降幅比 1-10 月分别收窄 1.4 和 0.6 个百分点。
  • 汽车行业:汽车行业与房地产行业的相关性简析
  • 汽车行业:11月乘用车销量降幅缩窄,重卡快速增长-月报
    11 月沪深300 指数下跌1.5%,中信汽车指数上涨4.6%,表现强于大盘。旺季来临11 月乘用车零售与批发销量降幅均有所收窄,后续基数较低,春节时间较早,预计销量有望逐渐回暖。11 月客车小幅增长,卡车同比增长迅速,其中重卡7-11 月实现连续正增长。受过渡期后补贴大幅退坡的影响,11 月新能源乘用车与商用车销量均出现较快下滑,预计短期销量将承压,长期看仍有较大发展空间。随着销量降幅收窄,2019 年1-10 月汽车行业重点企业营业收入、利润总额降幅也在收窄。建议加配乘用车、零部件与重卡板块,重点推荐长安汽车、上汽集团、华域汽车、伯特利等,建议关注潍柴动力、中国重汽。
  • 汽车行业:汽车行业的“苹果时代-2020年度策略,新能源篇
    Model 3 标致着特斯拉进入 “iPhone 4”阶段。19 年Model 3 单款车型在美国新能源车市场的市占率在19 年10 月达到了57.7%。Model 3 的风靡全球,与2010 年的iPhone 4 十分相似。苹果的崛起扶持了一大批中国手机供应商,间接推动了中国手机品牌后起之秀华为、OPPO、小米在手机行业的发展壮大。国产特斯拉也将如苹果一样给中国带来众多产业链配套机会。
  • 汽车行业:HEV销售强劲,油混技术终端接受程度提升-HEV专题研究系列之一

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