(报告加工时间:2019-06-10 -- 2019-06-30)



  • 全球干混砂浆市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    Disposable medical gloves are widely used in the healthcare applications to avoid cross-infection between caregivers and patients. Disposable medical gloves are utilized for avoiding accidental contact to harmful infectious sites or areas. Various types of materials have been used in the manufacturing of disposable medical gloves namely, natural rubber, nitrile, vinyl, neoprene, and others. This report focuses on disposable medical gloves used in medical areas such as for examination, forensics, and surgical purposes.
  • 巴西基础设施部门报告(2019-2023年)
    Since the first highway privatisations in the mid-1990s, Brazil has been liberalising its transport infrastructure sector through concessions and public-private partnerships. This, coupled with a sharp decline in public investment since 2014 amid the country’s economic recession and political turmoil, resulted in private investment surpassing public in 2014, remaining above ever since. Given the need for substantial initial investment and previous nationalistic regulations, the private sector is still limited to a small number of large local companies, despite the government's efforts to increase foreign player participation since 2016.
  • 欧洲建筑化学品市场 - 增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    The Europe construction chemicals market (henceforth, referred to as the market studied) is expected to reach a size of USD 9,117.26 million in 2019, and 11,793.97 USD million by 2024. It is also expected to witness an estimated CAGR of 5.28% during 2019-2024 (henceforth, referred to as the forecast period). Major factors driving the market studied are – growing construction industry in Germany and France, and increased adoption of innovative construction procedures. Regulations for VOC emissions are expected to majorly hinder the growth of the market studied.  Increasing focus on sustainable materials is expected to offer various opportunities for the growth of the Europe construction chemicals market over the forecast period (2019-2024).
  • 加拿大水磨石地板市场报告(2018-2025年)
    According to the National Terrazzo and Mosaic Association (NTMA): “Terrazzo consists of marble, granite, onyx or glass chips in Portland cement, modified Portland cement or resinous matrix. The terrazzo is poured, cured, ground and polished. Typically used as a finish for floors, stairs or walls, Terrazzo can be poured in place or precast.” The report analyzes the terrazzo flooring market based on type and application. The type segment covers epoxy terrazzo and cement-based terrazzo. The application segment covers educational institutions, commercial, government buildings, transport infrastructure, and others (residential and recreational). The study highlights Porters’ five force analysis for the Canada terrazzo flooring market. In addition, the report covers the study and analysis of top companies operating in the market along with their market share.


  • 建筑与工程行业:京津冀一体化建设加速推进
  • 基建设计行业:专项债配套落地利好基建提速,基建设计先受益-深度报告
    专项债配套落地叠加长三角/雄安等催化密集,我们看好5 月起基建提速,基建设计先受益,且低涨幅低估值与高成长性不匹配,推荐苏交科/中设集团/设研院/设计总院。
  • 建筑装饰行业:从《筑梦情缘》看中国近代建筑发展【天风建筑端午特辑】-专题研究
    《筑梦情缘》是由霍建华、杨幂领衔主演的年代励志剧,讲述了20 世纪20年代民国时期,以沈其南和傅函君为代表的民国建筑匠人们克服重重困难与质疑,坚守匠心,在建筑营造与设计领域取得成就并推动中国建筑业革新与发展的故事。在剧中,女主角傅函君的父亲傅建成创办了永晟营造厂,实质上就是现在的建筑公司,负责建筑的施工建设;女主角傅函君在营造厂下属部门打样部工作,所谓打样部也就是今天的设计部门,负责建筑的设计工作;男主角沈其南与家人失散后被傅函君父亲收留,在工地从底层工人做起,到项目小包(包工头)、看工先生(监理)、最终成为了营造师,也就是现在的建筑师。
  • 建筑行业:需求端改善确定,聚焦行业核心资产-2019年中期策略
    受土地购置费大幅下降拖累,预计 19 年房地产投资增速在 4 月见顶之后将逐月回落,但对于建筑工程行业而言,当期需求主要由建安工程投资决定,考虑前期较好的新开工及较低的库存,预计 19 年建安工程投资增速将保持各位数增长,截止 4 月,房地产建安工程投资增长 5.2%,其中建筑工程投资增长 9.1%,明显好于 2018 年的,18 年建安工程投资负增长(-3%)。
  • 建筑行业:否极泰来,不确定环境下拥抱确定性-2019年下半年投资策略
    2019 年 1-5 月固定资产投资增速为 5.6%,比 2018 年下滑 0.3pct;其中基建投资增速为 2.6%,比去年提高 0.8pct;制造业投资增速为2.7%,比去年下滑 6.8pct,创 2004 年有统计以来新低;房地产投资增速为 11.2%,比去年提高 1.7pct,今年以来首次环比下降,拐点已现,后续投资增速大概率回落,稳增长保就业压力加大。基建投资增速去年断崖式下滑后,虽然补短板等政策相继出台,但今年以来基建投资增速仍维持在低位,一方面由于去年投资增速前高后低、基数高的因素,另一方面由于企业订单落地仍然较慢,经济下行压力加大,基建投资托底作用凸显。
  • 建筑装饰行业:“开前门协调“堵后门,以规范促投资力度
    政策高度重视地方政府专项债券发行和使用工作,在规范和市场化框架下加大逆周期调节力度。《通知》旨在从专项债券项目推介、审核、信评、定价、监督、信批等方面进行全面规范管理,着力加大对重点领域和薄弱环节的支持力度,加大逆周期调节力度。《通知》要求加快专项债券发行使用进度,力争当年9 月底前发行完毕,尽早发挥资金使用效益,截至5 月末,新增专项债净融资额8591 亿元,约为全年计划的40%
  • 建筑行业:城市化快速推进,龙头市占率提升-多行业川渝地区联合报告
    西部地区的基建强度相对旺盛,四川省 19 年公路水路建设投资确保完成1400 亿元,力争完成 1500 亿元,同时新开工 10 条高速公路。四川路桥月度经营简报显示 1-5 月份中标金额有所下滑,但我们预计三季度末同比将大幅改善。公司融资成本有所回落,资金较为充沛,在手项目推进正常。在消费端的家装市场,受精装房交付冲击,家装供应商的市场受到挤压。但品牌家装供应商受冲击相对较小,一方面四川客户相对认可品牌企业,另一方面,品牌家装供应商有较好的施工质量和透明的报价作为保障。

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