(报告加工时间:2018-09-03 -- 2018-09-09)



  • 皮肤病学设备市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Based on product type, the dermatology devices market is segmented broadly into diagnostic and treatment devices. Diagnostic devices are further subdivided into dermatoscopes, other imaging devices, and biopsy devices. Treatment devices are also divided further into light therapy devices, lasers, electrosurgical equipment, liposuction devices, microdermabrasion devices, and cryotherapy devices. Based on application diagnostic products are divided into skin cancer diagnosis and others. treatment devices are divided into hair removal, skin rejuvenation, acne, psoriasis, and tattoo removal, wrinkle removal and skin resurfacing, body contouring and fat removal, cellulite reduction, vascular and pigmented lesion removal, and others. based on end use, the market is divided into hospitals, clinics, and others.
  • 全球协作机器人合作机器人市场 - 分析预测2018-2023
    Collaborative robots have opened up a new dimension of automation across multiple industries. Most importantly, the technology is gaining traction among established as well as new players because of its mobility and low cost. Unlike heavy industrial robots, collaborative robots share workspace with humans, augmenting their capabilities and capacities. The technology proves to be a boon to the small and medium enterprises as it helps them to scale up easily with less man power.
  • 埃及医疗器械报告 - 2018年第4季度
    Egypt is among the top-five largest medical device markets in the MENA region. Per capita medical device spending is below the regional average. The medical device market will record a high 2017-2022 CAGR in US dollar terms. Egypt has a large diagnostic imaging segment considering its overall market size. The medical device market is largely reliant on imports. • Local production is limited to basic consumables and other medical devices. There is a growing presence of medical device multinationals through joint ventures with local partners or through sales offices. Private health expenditure accounts for about 60% of health expenditure. There is a growing trend towards privatisation due to a declining public healthcare sector.
  • Hernia Mesh器件市场分析和分段预测到2025年
    Technological advancements in the market in recent years have rapidly increased the growth of hernia mesh devices market. In 2014, two TeleRobotic systems known as da Vinci Robotic Surgical by Intuitive Surgical and Zeus Robotic Surgical System by Computer Motion received FDA approval. These devices provide efficiency, lower recurrence rate, and facilitate quicker recovery. These devices are permitted to perform surgeries strictly under the supervision of one surgeon present in the operating room. Both devices were found to be safe as they were completely controlled by specialized techniques. Moreover, they provide accuracy as they offer a 3D view of the surgical site to surgeons. This facility of 3D imaging provides a clearer view as compared to infrared technology used by surgeons in laparoscopic hernia repairs.


  • 通信行业:2018年上半年通信业绩承压,下半年或迎反弹-深度报告
    2018 年上半年通信行业营收保持平稳。从营收规模看,通行行业实现营收3017.73 亿元,在申万各行业营收规模中排名第 18 位,同比增长 3.97%,增速位于申万子行业中第 26 位;实现归母净利润 106.14 亿元,同比增长17.64%。剔除中兴通讯,整个板块营收同比增长 24.37%。 
  • 国防军工行业:惯性导航,自助式导航系统,军民两用市场广阔-深度研究
  • 电子行业:云计算和5G基站成为PCB需求新拉动
  • 计算机行业:服务机器人技术迭代、成本下降、加速放量-2018世界机器人大会深度调研一
    2018 年8 月15 日,北京亦创国际会展中心举办了2018 年世界机器人大会。我们深度走访了近百家机器人企业,为大家带来产业、行业、企业三个层面的深度调研报告,本篇介绍服务机器人领域。
  • 计算机行业:Gartner发布2018新兴技术成熟曲线,首届智博会在重庆开幕
    通用平台兴起,迈向AGI:近日,Gartner 发布2018 年新兴技术成熟度曲线,该曲线揭示了包括AI 民主化、数字化生态系统、Biohacking、透明沉浸式体验以及无处不在的基础设施的五大趋势。基于Gartner 的预测,人工智能正在向通用技术平台方向发展。
  • 通信行业:北斗三号发星加速,产业应用全面展开-深度报告
    2017 年底以来,北斗三号进入全球组网密集发射期,至 2018 年 9月已通过“一箭双星”技术快速完成了 13 颗北斗三号卫星的发射。北斗作为国家重大空间信息基础设施获得“十三五” 规划重点支持,国际上对 GNSS 建设投资力度不减,其中 GPS- III 系列卫星在全速生产中,将于年底发射第一颗星开启 GPS的升级换代进程。我们认为,更高性能的 GNSS 系统在国防、物联网、智能驾驶等领域巩固领先,因此 GPS 等技术也在加速升级和换代,北斗作为最年轻的 GNSS 系统具备后发优势,有望加快对国际领先技术的追赶并带来产业的繁荣。
  • 通信行业:移动流量爆发,驱动4G扩容与5G建设
  • 国防军工行业:板块又到历史低位,持续战略看好军工板块2018年整体行情-双周报
  • 计算机行业:于无声处听惊雷-2018年中报总结
    2018 年,在中美贸易战升级、去杠杆监管政策以及汇率继续走弱等外部因素的影响下,计算机行业整体虽有所下跌,但是表现出明显的抗跌性。2018 年前8 个月计算机行业的涨幅位于28 个申万一级行业的第2 名,仅下跌9.75%。目前计算机整体基本面表现可圈可点,不少上市公司2018 年中报的盈利情况持续快速增长或边际改善,自主可控、云计算、网络可视化、零售技术、金融IT 等多个细分行业具有极高的成长性,计算机行业获得公募基金青睐,无论是基金的持仓占比还是持仓基金数都呈现明显的提升趋势。

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