(报告加工时间:2018-12-10 -- 2018-12-23)



  • 行业月度报告-科技金融201810
    10 月,行业运行有所波动,整体发展表现一般。行业融资小幅回升,区块链融资热点有所减弱,行业融资金额为 28.33亿元,环比上月上升 90%。


  • 中国消费者与零售业报告2019年第一季度
    Retail sales increased by 8.6% y-o-y in October 2018, down from 9.2% the previous month and down from 10.4% in July 2017. Several consumer goods categories have seen a retail slowdown, with furniture the most impacted and cosmetics the only category still showing positive growth in retail sales.  Following the criticism of a perceived racist marketing campaign, luxury retailer Dolce & Gabanna cancelled its high profile catwalk show in Shanghai, while e-commerce majors Alibaba, JD.com and Yoox Net-a-Porter have dropped the brand from their websites.  US retailer Urban Outfitters has announced global expansion plans which involve a broadened commitment to China through the Tmall platform, holding inventory in the country and fulfilling orders through a third-party service provider in China.  Ralph Lauren is set for rapid expansion in China, with plans to open one store a week. This follows Ralph Lauren's plan to hit USD500mn in revenue from Greater China in the next five years. Chinese consumption of luxury goods will face downside risk following the escalation in border crackdown in October 2018 on Daigou shoppers who bring luxury purchases from overseas to Chinese consumers to evade taxes. Inditex-owned Uterqüe announced the launch of its flagship store on Alibaba's business-to-consumer platform Tmall, joining Zara on the platform in August 2018.
  • 越南银行及金融服务报告2019年第一季度
    Vietnam's insurance industry remains underdeveloped, with total premiums comprising only around 2% of overall GDP at present. Widespread poverty and low household incomes have limited the affordability of even basic property and motor products. As it is one of Asia's fastest-growing economies, we believe that there is potential for rapid growth across most lines over the next few years. In the personal insurance segment, increasing car ownership will support higher demand for motor insurance products, while fast growth in private healthcare usage will drive wealthier households to purchase health and personal accident insurance products. The fragmented nature of the market at present will also provide scope for mergers and acquisitions.
  • 哈萨克斯坦银行和金融服务报告2019年第一季度
    Kazakh real GDP growth will continue to receive tailwinds from global oil price and domestic crude production gains, though both factors will somewhat moderate in 2019 and 2020. • Moderating hydrocarbons growth will be offset by a strong outlook for investment, government led economic diversification and recovering private consumption. • Our real GDP growth forecasts of 3.8% in 2019 and 3.9% in 2020 thus remain above consensus, although we note that further KZT weakness could pose a headwind to Kazakhstan’s positive economic outlook.
  • 私营公司的问题和机遇全球考虑因素2019年
    The wheeled machine, which looks like an oversized floating computer scanner, is capable of moving up to 3,300 pounds around a warehouse without incident. It takes in its environment and learns, meaning that new obstacle somebody put in its way is now part of its programming. Otto receives orders, reports on its status, and notifies human operators of issues in real-time. And it has revolutionized warehouse management and logistics as we know it in just a decade: Otto’s maker, privately owned Clearpath Robotics, was founded in 2009 by a group of four University of Waterloo graduates.


  • 银行行业:2019年展望,多重宏观阻力下短期前景承压
    我们对香港银行业转持谨慎态度,预计2019 年多重宏观阻力将削弱香港本地银行的盈利能力。我们建议投资者侧重估值安全性,买入具有长期增长潜力的银行。我们认为中银香港目前处于低估,建议积极买入;考虑到恒生及东亚的风险回报不具吸引力,维持其中性评级。
  • 基本面上防风险,政策面中找机会-2019年信用市场展望
  • 银行行业:涅槃重生,机会在分化-2019年投资策略
    2018 年度银行业回顾——虎头蛇尾。2018 年银行股经历了“N”字形行情:1 月份逼空行情,2-6 月份一泻千里行情,7 月份以后至年底的弱修复行情。银行业2018 年下跌10%,但相对收益位居各行业之首。2018 年股市整体下跌25%,各行业均大幅下跌,跌幅最小的是银行业(-10%)。行业PB 整体呈下行趋势,目前已回落至历史最低点。银行指数PB 估值自2005 年以来估值从2.5 倍回落至1倍以内,整体呈下行趋势;历史上每次PB 估值跌破1 倍均有机会。
  • 证券行业:注册制海外注册制的“他山之石-专题报告
  • 下行压力存惯性,政策发力有时滞-一文看遍债市宏观基本面系列报告
  • 证券行业:“上小下大或许不只是龙头的独舞-2019年年度投资策略报告
  • 金融工程行业:明风格,定方向:权益基金风格识别研究-FOF专题系列报告之十
  • 银行行业:不确定性中寻找确定性-定期策略

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