(报告加工时间:2016-10-08 -- 2016-10-16)


  • 全球3D半导体封装市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The continuous miniaturization of microchips along with the requirement for greater degree of functionalities points to the importance of 3D-based design framework across the semiconductor industry. Mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and notebook or laptops with upgraded functionalities and increased performance are entering the market at regular intervals. The requirement for such enhanced functionalities has led to the inclusion of thousands of electronic components on a limited amount of space inside these devices. This would not have been possible without the use of advanced packaging technology used in semiconductor device manufacturing.
  • 全球汽车增强现实市场报告(2016-2020年)
    AR in vehicles is an advanced version of the existing HUD systems. It ensures that the pertinent information is situationally and sometimes interactively displayed in front of the driver. The information is displayed in a slightly distant field of vision as convenient — either on the windshield or another transparent screen placed nearby.
  • 全球发光二极管封装设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The numerous benefits of LED lights have aided their growth traction among endusers. They are preferred over incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) as they are energy efficient (they consume almost 75% less energy than other bulbs) and have a long lifespan (which is pegged at 60,000 hours, compared to 1,500 hours of incandescent bulbs and 8,000 hours of CFLs). These features are the main reasons for the continued growth of LED lights, which are also known as green lighting systems.
  • 全球打印机耗材市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global printing market consists of printers and supplies. In the past, printing was restricted to printing or publishing establishments. The emergence of home or office digital printers and a rapid increase in the number of internet users worldwide have revolutionized the printing market. Digital printing has become increasingly popular and help boost the demand for printer supplies. However, the market faces challenges such as increased digitization, adverse currency rates, and ever-decreasing demand for physical printing content. We expect the market to decline during the forecast period due to these challenges.
  • 全球芯片安装技术市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The chip mounting technology has progressed significantly over the last two decades in terms of a practical solution for achieving higher densities related to packaging systems. It started with the conventional through hole technology (THT), then resurfaced as surface mount technology (SMT) and fine pitch technology (FPT). Most manufacturers are using both SMT and THT to produce chips mounted on substrates. The dynamic semiconductor packaging technology has evolved with the help of THT (with component steers through 2.54 mm hole). Then comes SMT, which leads on 1.27 mm hole with minimal sized centers. The FPT leads on 0.63 mm as well as 0.50 mm centers. The component package mainly consists of a silicon-based die or integrated circuits chips, which got reduced to a large extent within the last two decades.
  • 全球指纹识别模块市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Securing data and assets has become a key concern for banks, government organizations, telecommunications firms, and hospitals, as well as for individuals. Keys, identity badges, and numeric keypads were widely used to prevent unauthorized access to data and locations. With technological advances, two-factor authentication was introduced, where individuals could gain access into secure premises only after they were authenticated twice by employing hardware devices and numeric codes. However, two-factor authentication has also become insecure as hackers were able to gain access to hardware devices and obtain numeric codes.


  • 机械行业:国防信息化深度,未来的风-深度报告
    国防信息化急需提速,市场空间广阔。世界新军事革命深入发展,武器装备远程精确化、智能化、隐身化、无人化趋势明显,太空和网络空间成为各方战略竞争新的制高点,战争形态加速向信息化战争演变。据国家统计局,我国2015年军费8890 亿元,增速10.1%。我们预计,未来20 年我国军费有望保持9.4%的增速(下文有详细测算逻辑),其中装备费结构性调整保持12%的增速,据《信息化战争条件下军费开支规模以及结构研究》,西方国家信息技术占装备成本比重平均按照50%,我们认为,未来20 年,我国军事信息化市场空间将达到近3万亿。
  • 机械设备行业:英国欣克利角项目有条件通过,核电板块迎机遇-周报
  • 计算机行业:那些年我们一起追过的主题-热点主题回溯
    计算机行业在过去三年(2013~2015)的成长股牛市中产生了智慧城市、自主可控、大数据、O2O、企业级服务等一系列热点主题,基于热点主题的投资方式在过去几年的市场中盛行,并且取得了丰厚的投资回报,热点主题下诞生了一批几倍甚至几十倍的牛股。以史为鉴可以知兴替,本文将回溯从2012 年到2015 年计算机板块中的热点主题,总结热点主题的推荐逻辑、分析相关逻辑的是否兑现和进展情况,去伪存真,挖掘能够真正落地并且已经达到行业爆发拐点的主题以及相关优质企业。


  • 全球加强法律建设应对网络犯罪
    21 世纪是一个信息化的时代。随着信息技术的突飞猛进和互联网的应用和普及,整个人类社会将被“一网打尽” 。与此同时也应看到,计算机网络造福人类的同时,也带来了网络犯罪这一副产品。    

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