(报告加工时间:2019-11-18 -- 2019-11-24)



  • 行业月度报告-物流201908
    2019 年 8 月,中国物流业景气指数为 50.9%,呈现周期性回落,但仍保持在 50%以上。1~8 月,社会物流总额增速稳中趋缓,全国社会物流总额为 188.6 万亿元,按可比价格计算,同比增长 5.8%,增速比 1~7 月回落 0.1 个百分点,比去年同期回落1.1 个百分点。1~8 月份,全国快递服务企业业务量累计完成 383.1亿件,同比增长 26.6%;业务收入累计完成 4621.8 亿元,同比增长24.4%。2019 年 8 月,物流科技领域不少平台获得融资,多集中于A 轮。


  • 全球冷链物流市场报告(2019-2026年)
    Cold chain logistics is a temperature-controlled supply chain that is an uninterrupted chain of distribution and storage activity in which a given temperature is maintained throughout the chain. This type of logistics is used to ensure and extend the life of the goods and products such as seafood, frozen food, agriculture produce, chemicals, photographic film, pharmaceutical drugs, and others. Monitoring, storage, and transportation are the important factors in cold chain to avoid degradation in the quality of the shipments. Cold chain logistics are anticipated to witness significant growth over the years, owing to rise in need of cold chain logistics in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • 全球自动化物料搬运(AMH)市场-增长,趋势和预测(2018-2024年)
    With the rapid growth in stock-keeping units (SKUs), wholesalers and distributors are finding it hard to make informed decisions about their operations. This drives the need for the smarter use of labor, equipment, and technology. The main factors driving the need for automated material-handling systems are cost savings, labor efficiency, and space constraints. In the current competitive landscape, there is an ever-increasing number of available products and demand for more frequent and smaller deliveries. Automating distribution operations can immediately increase an organization’s order accuracy, anywhere from half a percent up to several percentage points.
  • 乳制品包装市场全球展望和预测(2019-2024年)
    The global dairy products market is identified as a mature market that has grown significantly to cross over $500 billion in revenues in 2018. The market is characterized by intense competition across all its product categories. The significance of this industry stems from the fact that its products are consumed across all age groups. This makes  the industry highly competitive. The range of products in the dairy industry is also an important factor for the packaging industry as the packaging varies according to the product that needs to be packaged. A combination of a slowing economy and intense competition results in margins pressure as value for money is the key in the industry. Regions with low disposable income or slowing economy face packaging challenges such as efficient packaging with lower cost of manufacturing.
  • 新西兰货运和物流市场-增长,趋势和预测(2019-2024年)
    New Zealand observed a steep growth in the Logistics Performance Index from 2016, ranking 34, to 2018, ranking 15th, among 163 countries. The growth in the logistics performance index is observed due to the improving customs clearance systems, international shipments, and logistics quality over the previous year. The international shipments have improved due to the increasing ecommerce cross-border volume. Ecommerce is a major contributor to the growth of the logistics industry in the country. Furthermore, the development of technology in the logistics industry has helped it improve the logistics quality, competence, and tracing and tracking abilities.


  • 交通运输行业:宏观需求扰动,布局结构行情-2020年度策略
  • 交通运输行业:快递预期差显著,公路继续精选个股-2020年公铁物流策略
  • 交通运输行业:京沪高铁系列二,最赚钱的高铁来了
    京沪高铁贯穿东部经济发达地区的黄金通道,区位优势保障客运需求。京沪高铁于2008 年4 月18 日正式开工,2011 年6 月30 日全线正式通车,全长1318 公里。京沪高铁途径东部沿海人口密集省区,通过省市总人口占全国的27.32%,GDP 总和占全国的35.2%,连接京沪两大超级枢纽,区位优势显著。我们认为京沪高铁具有低票价高时效的特点,对航空及公路运输有较强替代能力,成长性强
  • 交通运输行业:推荐油轮两年向上周期-2020年航运港口策略
    虽然面临全球经济增长放缓的外部不确定性,但航运板块在结构性变化和供给端改善的情况依然存在投资机会,2020 年我们首推油轮。
  • 快递行业:_顺丰增速领跑行业,价格战有所缓和-10月数据点评
    9 月与10 月,快递行业业务量增速连续两个月下滑,从8 月高点的29.3%下降至10 月的22.7%,其中异地件增速由8 月的40%降至10 月的30%,是行业增速下滑的主因。结合行业的单件收入增速来看,业务量增速下滑主要是通达系价格战缓和的表现,对于快递公司业绩预计将呈现正面影响。
  • 交通运输行业:国内需求环比改善,首机分红率升至45%-航空机场2019年10月份数据点评
    10 月国航、南航国内线客座率转正,料需求环比改善,期待11 月公商务需求进一步向好。Q4 三大航汇兑收益或6 亿~10 亿、民航发展基金减半3 亿左右,成本端改善持续。10 月春秋客座率仍为最优,新航季国际线结构性优化持续。首都机场现金分红比例升至45%,估值优势仍明显,继续推荐。
  • 航天行业:星星之火-2019年中国商业航天发展研究报告
  • 休闲服务行业:Q3基金持仓比例提升,酒店承压餐饮稳定-11月报
    10 月(10 月 1 日至 10 月31 日)餐饮旅游指数下跌2.07%,同期沪深300 指数上涨1.89%,上证综指上涨0.82%,餐饮旅游板块跑输沪深300 指数3.96 个百分点。 
  • 社服行业:坚守高景气免税/化妆品/火锅龙头,把握酒店底部价值-2020年策略报告
    目前板块整体估值 34 倍,相对万得全 A 估值溢价 102%,低于 2015 年以来均值。细分板块表现分化,化妆品、免税和人文景区领涨。板块持仓和超配比例继续提升,均创 2016 年以来新高。面对宏观经济和外部环境不确定性,建议自上而下优选高景气度&穿越周期品种:免税&化妆品;自下而上精选自身处在开店扩张周期的火锅龙头,以及低估值、周期成长属性、具备长期投资价值的酒店龙头。 
  • 航空行业:运力投放较为克制,国际线客座率小幅提升-10月数据点评
    国内航线方面:10 月份上市公司的运力投放总量同比增长6.6%;除春秋外,其他五家公司单月的运力增速都低于1-10 月的累计增速,整体运力投放较为克制。然而,虽然多个航司连续几个月下调运力供给增速,但对客座率的提振效果却比较有限,今年国庆北京枢纽的情况较为特殊(大阅兵)也使得10 月黄金周的需求受到一定的抑制。


  • 铁路快捷货运产品优化研究

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