(报告加工时间:2016-09-26 -- 2016-10-07)


  • 全球电子鼻市场报告(2016-2020年)
    E-nose is a complicated term and it has a number of definitions. According to us, it is the purpose of the device that defines an e-nose and not a particular application area or an end-user segment. Therefore, we consider e-noses as devices that can be used to detect odor irrespective of what the device is called (gas chromatography, mass spectrometer, or ion-mobility spectrometer). An e-nose consists of three primary components: a sample delivery system, a detection system, and an analyzing system.
  • 全球陆地移动无线电市场报告(2016-2020年)
  • 全球癌症诊断设备市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Cancer is a diverse disease that can originate in different organs and tissues, with each type being associated with different risk factors. For instance, breast cancers have phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and recurrence risks. Similarly, leukemia is the cancer of the blood cells and solid tumors occur in organs such as lungs or liver. The American Cancer Society estimates that cancer is the second most common cause of death (22.8%), following heart diseases (26.6%). In 2015, the organization estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases and 589,430 cancer-related deaths in the US. In the same year, EU estimated 1,359,100 cancer-related deaths. The disease is prevalent among people aged 60 and above and may account for an increase of 45% by 2030 worldwide. The diagnostic methods of cancer are complicated and involve multi-step processes. Some individuals may experience prolonged pauses during diagnosis, which can be caused by various factors related to individuals, physicians, and healthcare systems.
  • 全球数据中心精密空调市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Precision air conditioners are reliable systems, which are capable of operating continuously while offering precise control over temperature and humidity of the data center environment. These units are specifically designed to cool the IT equipment in data centers. Precision air conditioners comprise of an indoor and outdoor unit. They are used to supply cold air through the cold air inlet of data center racks and exhaust hot air from the air outlet. The hot air is treated to optimal temperature and humidity and then supplied as cold air.
  • 全球非临床应用生物传感器市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Biosensors were first introduced in 1962 with the development of enzyme electrodes by scientist Leland C. Clark. Since then, research communities from fields such as very-large-scale integration, chemistry, physics, and material science have come together to develop more reliable, sophisticated, and mature biosensors. These biosensors have been used in the fields of medicine, biotechnology, and agriculture, as well as military and bioterrorism detection and prevention.
  • 全球企业通信基础设施市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Companies across the world are adopting advanced programs and integration solutions to keep their businesses running smoothly in a competitive environment. Enterprises started integrating communication tools such as text messaging, video conferencing, voice messaging, and mobility features to enhance their communication technology and improve collaboration. Enterprise communication is the integration of all these elements on a single platform. The implementation of this solution has provided fast, hassle-free business communications and enhanced productivity.


  • 振芯科技(300101)-立足北斗核心元器件,军民多头齐发展-深度报告
    公司为北斗导航终端龙头企业,围绕北斗导航形成“元器件-终端-系统”全产业链布局,是首批承担“核高基”项目唯一的民营企业。2015 年我国卫星导航应用产业年产值1735 亿元,预计2020 年达到4000 亿元,北斗导航占有率将从20%提高到60%,未来五年行业复合增速有望达到50%。公司在北斗终端市场占有率超过50%,受益市场成长。
  • 信息技术行业:未来已来,重塑时代-“人工智能_产业系列专题报告
  • 电力设备新能源行业:布局乘用车主流供应链,加码配网PPP释改革红利-周报
    骗补核查落地整顿近尾声,预计9 月底补贴调整、目录调整将陆续落地,四季度物流放量将带动产销出现明显向上拐点,明年预计85 万辆以上,高增长持续,长期来看,碳配额落地倒逼车厂供给侧创新,刺激需求,乘用车超2 千万辆潜在空间,确保持续高增长,优质乘用车的“主流供应链”及下游运营“共享经济”模式,将成两大投资方向。重点推荐:国轩高科、亿纬锂能、澳洋顺昌、方正电机、海印股份。
  • 扬杰科技(300373)-分立器件盈利龙头,内生外延双线成长
    分立器件是半导体的重要分支,2015 年全球分立器件销售额达607 亿美元,占半导体份额约18%。而功率器件是分立器件的重要部分,纯电动汽车半导体元器件用量达到673 美元,较于传统汽车增加了127%。而其中功率器件占到新能源汽车中半导体用量的50%。由于新能源汽车等新兴需求的驱动,正迎来发展的黄金时期,百亿空间可期。且半导体中,功率器件对先进制程的依赖度较低,该领域大陆与全球的差距较小,易于实现赶超。
  • 四川九洲(000801)-数字电视、空管、物联网三驾马车齐头并进
    完成收购,数字电视、空管、物联网三大业务齐头并进。2015 年公司完成非公开发行股票募集资金购买资产项目后,主营业务由数字电视产业扩展至空管产业和物联网产业。公司三大产业均具有良好的市场业绩和市场口碑,过去三年公司整体业绩保持增长(2013 年之后的业绩为合并财务报表后的业绩),其中2015 年公司营业收入达到33.35 亿元(YOY4.85%),实现归母净利润2.17 亿元(YOY8.43%)。
  • 通信行业:回调中抓住绩优成长股-周报(09.12-09.16)
    上周(09.12-09.16)通信板块下跌3.38%,跑输沪深300 指数0.99 个百分点,跑输创业板指数0.73 个百分点。其中通信设备制造下跌3.53%,增值服务下跌2.18%,电信运营下跌4.72%,同期沪深300 指数下跌2.39%,创业板指数下跌2.65%。


  • 电子元件行业:天宫二号成功发射,空天技术备受瞩目-周报
    2016 年9 月15 日22 时04 分,搭载着天宫二号空间实验室的长征二号F T2 运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。约575 秒后,天宫二号与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,发射取得圆满成功,这标志着中国航天事业向前迈进了一大步,中国再次在全世界面前展示出“太空强国”的实力。


  • 全球争抢人工智能先发优势
    1997 年, IBM 的深蓝计算机战胜了国际象棋冠军卡斯帕罗夫。在那个人工智能( AI)以绝对统治姿态霸占着各棋类世界冠军的年代,围棋成为了人类最后的阵地。而19 年后,谷歌 AlphaGo 一经出世,这块阵地便被攻破了。    
  • 无人机技术和应用发展与监管研究
  • 谁是未来VR主流交互方式?
    每一代的终端都有其主流的交互方式。 PC 时代的键盘和鼠标、游戏主机时代的手柄以及智能手机时代的触摸屏,这些交互方式降低了消费者的操作门槛,激发终端市场新的活力。可见,交互方式对于终端至关重要。    

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