(报告加工时间:2021-03-22 -- 2021-03-28)



  • 2019-2020年中国新能源汽车产业发展研究年度报告
    2019 年,全球电动化步伐加快,中国仍然是目前世界上最大的新能源汽车消费市场,市场份额全球占比过半。虽然中国新能源汽车产量受整体车市低迷影响小幅下滑,但国际市场对我国新能源汽车需求依然较强,我国新能源汽车出口增速大幅上涨,实现较好成绩。国家政策调整和市场需求推动新能源汽车产业持续发展。随着外资股比例放开和消费者需求推动,中国新能源汽车产业将进入技术升级的良性竞争时代。智能网联化、高安全性将成为新能源汽车产业的主要发展趋势和关注热点。
  • 2019-2020年中国动力电池市场研究年度报告
    2019 年全球新能源汽车终端销量出现波动。中国、美国两大新能源汽车市场产销量均呈现不同程度的下滑,导致全球动力电池市场增速缓。中国新能源汽车产量同比下滑2.3%为124.2 万辆,但仍为全球最大的新能源汽车市场,并继续成为全球最大的动力电池市场。三元电池、磷酸铁锂电池市场主导地位进一步加强,锰酸锂电池、钛酸锂负极电池市场份额持续萎缩。受政策调整、竞争加剧等因素影响,动力电池盈利能力显著下降,动力电池产业进入高质量发展阶段。另一方面,2019 年新能源汽车安全事故增多,动力电池安全继续成为社会各界关注重点。赛迪顾问认为,动力电池及新能源汽车产业利润率将继续降低,但短期内仍高于汽车整车制造及其它汽车零部件。面对激烈市场竞争,国内动力电池企业应在电池材料技术、电芯技术、电池集成方案等方面加大研发投入,同时提升自身生产制造水平,以增强自身核心竞争力;持续关注新体系电池、新关键材料,进一步提升动力电池安全性能。


  • 全球汽车市场报告(2020-2027年)
    An automotive motor is designed to translate a type of energy (such as electric) into mechanical energy. The combination of mechanics and electronics has led to incorporate increased number of motors in vehicles, owing to their comfort and convenience features. Automotive motors have applications in electronic power steering, seating control, electric vehicles drivetrain, and others. The automotive motors market is driven by factors such as increase in global vehicle production, high demand for safety & convenience features, and rise in demand for electric vehicles. However, increased weight and cost of the overall system restrict the market growth. Moreover, wide number of applications employing the use of electric motors and the concept of autonomous cars create lucrative growth opportunities for the market.
  • 全球汽车差速器市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Automotive differential is a part of front and/or rear axle assembly that plays an integral role in a vehicle and is designed to allow moving of wheels at different speeds. It is a part of automotive driveline, which transmits the desired torque and power to the wheels to perform driving operations. The primary function of this system is to provide proportional RPMs between two connected wheels. For instance, when a vehicle goes around the corner, the outside wheel must travel faster than the inside wheel. The differential distributes equal amount of torque to both the wheels. In addition, this system provides wheels with resistance and traction. Moreover, sale of differential assemblies is directly driven by automotive production activities across the globe. These procurements are completed through contracts and agreements between original equipment manufacturers and differential assemblies’ manufacturers.
  • 全球汽车陶瓷市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Automotive ceramics are advanced inorganic ceramic materials, that are currently being employed for producing key automotive components, to cater to specific applications. Their combination of physical and thermal properties make them an ideal choice for thermal management, wear & tear, and automotive electronic components. Ceramic materials can be engineered or processed through various techniques into components and coatings. Coatings of ceramic materials on metal is done for increased thermal barrier protection of metal parts, mainly in the engine block. Technical ceramics majorly include zirconia, alumina, and silicon carbide, it is commercially available in various grades.
  • 全球汽车纤维面料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Automotive fabric in the vehicle’s interior increases the interior feels as well as vehicle safety. It has properties such as cold cracking resistance, high durability, UV rays stable, easy to clean, and helps in minimizing fatigue. Automotive fabrics, such as headlining, truck lining, and spray adhesive, are used to repair or replace the spoiled interior surfaces. Automotive fabric includes interior components of vehicles such as headliners, cockpit modules, door panels, automotive seats, flooring, vehicle acoustics, and others. Furthermore, the market is segmented into fabric type, application, vehicle type, and region.
  • 全球汽车订阅市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Car subscription service is the new generation vehicle ownership model, which allows to opt for a vehicle with fixed fee, particularly for less than 2 years and more than 1 month. Car subscription providers also provide the maintenance and insurance expenses along with the option for multiple switching of the vehicle as per the contract between the service provider and car subscription consumer. Car subscription services only include the services opted for passenger cars such as compact, mid-size, and SUV propelled by either IC engine or electric powertrain. The number of market participants operating in the global market is large and it is difficult to be consolidation as these players are operating in the domestic regions only.
  • 全球汽车摄像头市场分析和预测(2020-2025年)
    OEMs are exploring both mono cameras and stereo cameras today. Mono-cameras are currently the primary computer vision option for specialized driver assistance systems due to their low price point and lower processing requirements (ADAS). Mono-cameras, all with reasonable precision, can do many things fairly well, such as distinguishing lanes, pedestrians, traffic signals, and other vehicles in the car's direction. The monocular system is less reliable in calculating the 3D view of the world. Stereo cameras can receive the world in 3D and provide an element of depth perception due to dual lenses.
  • 全球两栖车辆市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Amphibious vehicles refer to wheeled or tracked vehicles capable of operating on both land and water. Different amphibious vehicles are commonly use as busses, trucks, hovercrafts, aircrafts, tanks, and military combat vehicles. The amphibious vehicles are primarily used by the military forces across the globe to secure the sea borders from increasing conflicts via sea and to transport military troops from ship-to-shore. In addition, amphibious vehicles are widely used for surveillance, rescue, excavation, water transportation, water sports, and recreational activities.


  • 电力设备行业:碳中和下的能源电力维新变法-碳中和系列报告
  • 电力设备及新能源行业:国产大众ID.4即将上市,产业链借势腾飞-大众MEB产业链专题报告
    ID.4 量产拉开大众纯电平台井喷的序幕,平台化定点将为产业链带来稳定持续的机遇,电池厂商、电池产业链及其他新增零部件方面的增量需求将带来弹性。建议关注:MEB 电池厂商宁德时代、国轩高科。四大材料领域,重点关注主要电池厂商产业链中的龙头公司,包括正极材料:当升科技、容百科技、德方纳米;负极材料:璞泰来、杉杉股份、翔丰华、贝特瑞、中科电气;电解液:天赐材料、新宙邦;隔膜:恩捷股份、星源材质;结构件/铜箔:科达利、嘉元科技(与有色组共同覆盖)。
  • 电力设备新能源行业:动力电池回收,降本与突破锂约束,构成锂电循环闭环-碳中和深度报告(四)
    动力电池退役期来临与锂资源约束,锂电回收势在必行。碳中和背景下,电动车和储能市场将快速增长。我们测算2020-2060 年锂电潜在需求量累计将达到25TWh,若按1GWh 电池对应碳酸锂需求约600 吨,则碳酸锂需求约为1500万吨。综合考虑环保因素、锂资源区域约束、锂价格因素,废旧锂电池回收是一项必要工作。然而当前政策正在完善,标准、价格是核心掣肘。
  • 复盘美国汽车后市场格局变化,展望道通科技新机遇210312
    根据我们的观察,汽车综合诊断是第三方维修不可或缺的环节。道通科技作为综合诊断仪龙头,有望长期受益于第三方维修崛起的趋势,且确定性较高。短期来看,公司2020 年中发布的第三代综合诊断仪产品(高客单价)将在2021 年持续向市场导入,综合诊断仪营收有望保持高增长。中长期来看,公司在智能诊断产品保有量持续增长的背景下,提升海外用户付费升级率,推出智能引导式维修服务,尝试在国内进行软件收费。对标海外可比公司,我们认为,公司综合诊断仪的软件业务收入占比有望继续提高,达到50%以上。
  • 电力设备行业:大众Power_Day在传递什么信号?

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