(报告加工时间:2021-11-22 -- 2021-11-29)


  • 中国网络安全工作开拓新局面


  • 全球航空航天人工智能市场(2021-2028年)
    Use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and context awareness computing improves efficiency of several activities that fall under the aerospace domain such as flight operations, better customer service, predictive aircraft maintenance, and manufacturing of aircraft components. The aerospace industry is in its initial phase of adoption of AI. The aerospace sector is witnessing increase in number of applications and more disruptive AI models are expected to be developed over years. Artificial intelligence is anticipated to play an important role in minimizing design process duration, prototyping, manufacturing, cutting costs, and is projected to result in numerous enhancements in the aerospace industry in the future.
  • 全球统一通信即服务市场(2021-2026年)
    The global UCaaS market is increasingly gaining momentum with the growing complexity in the organization, increasing competition, rising focus on improving margins by minimizing cost and increasing employee satisfaction by providing mobility and flexibility. Emerging trends, such as AI, developments of new technologies, rising awareness of cloud and its benefits, maturing business models, and bring your own device (BYOD), are projected to support the market growth. UCaaS finds application across industries such as healthcare, telecom & IT, hospitality, healthcare, logistics, and others, and across job functions.
  • 全球数据中心物理安全市场(2021-2026年)
    Physical security layers are installed in data centers to prevent unwanted entry and threats. They are commonly divided into four layers – Perimeter Security, Building Security, Data Hall Security, and Cabinet Security.
  • 全球电子处方市场(2021-2026年)
    Medication prescription is a formal communication method that physicians use to authorize a pharmacist to dispense prescription drugs or controlled substances to patients. For years, physicians have used hand-written prescriptions for communicating medication instructions to patients and documenting the drug requirements for pharmacists. Factors such as the rapidly expanding population and the growing need for health care services pose a significant challenge to the national healthcare systems worldwide. Also, the increasing use of medications to treat different ailments has resulted in a corresponding rise in the number of medication prescriptions and diversity in medication types.
  • 全球电子学习市场(2021-2026年)
    Continuous learning requirements for students and professionals driven by sweeping trends over the past two decades due to globalization, talent migration, and consistent improvements in corporate competencies and individual talent grooming have increased the scope of e-learning. With rapid globalization, there has been increased mobility of human capital in industries, including tourism, trade, media, international relations, and science and technology. Therefore, there is a need to effectively acquire functional and vocational skills over a short period and in a cost-effective manner. While conventional learning and training methods cater to most needs, they are ineffective in meeting the dynamic learners’ requirements, especially in the rapidly expanding learner segment.
  • 全球工业5G市场(2021-2030年)
    5G is a unified network, which is used by industries for meeting the communication demand between industrial applications. In addition, it provides next-generation user experiences, empowers new deployment models, and delivers new services of communication channels for industries. Furthermore, it collects huge amount of data to accurately predict when a machine will fail and reduce unplanned downtime, which enhances the growth of the market. Furthermore, many industries are using 5G technology in a way to replace traditional networking channels and to provide high-speed network connectivity between two machines. This is particularly beneficial for those manufacturers in countries with limited fixed infrastructure but relatively mature mobile network infrastructure, which is driving the growth of the market.
  • 全球数据中心托管市场(2021-2030年)
    The global data center colocation market size was valued at $46.08 billion in 2020, and is projected to reach at $202.71 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 15% from 2021 to 2030. The data center colocation market shows increasing trend with the rapid adoption of data center across all industry verticals. With the availability of solutions such as retail colocation and wholesale colocation, the market offers flexibility in terms of fulfilling the capacity requirement of individual organization. Data center colocation is a process of renting of large physical space, internet bandwidth and network by service provider within an existing data center to deploy its own data center to store huge data and manage server operation of large companies. It allows sharing of the existing infrastructure of data center resources for data center colocation.
  • 全球编码和标记市场(2021-2026年)
    Coding & marking have remained an integral part of the product/commodity supply chain for years now. The overall technology itself has a crucial role to play in our daily lives, be it from the perspective of businesses, industries, or even consumers. The coding & marking process in simple terms involves the imprinting of information and data on products and packaging to enable an efficient track & trace process throughout the supply/distribution chain. This packaging could either be a primary or secondary form of packaging, depending on the product material to be coded. Similarly, the information or the data to be printed can vary as per product category. For instance, the coding & marking of food items such as fruit cakes can have information such as best before dates and bar codes for tracking it, while in the case of chemical fertilizers, the information related to the chemical may be highlighted more expansively.
  • 全球紧急护理应用市场分析与预测(2021-2030年)
    There is a strong growth opportunity for the global urgent care apps market during the forecast period 2021- 2030. The ongoing adoption of urgent care apps is expected to be driven by the increased use of digital solutions, which has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The global urgent care apps market is populated by a combination of tech startups, small-scale software providers, and well-established healthcare companies which have added software to their product portfolio. Following are some of the key findings:  Advancement in supporting technologies such as 4G and 5G in several countries is a key contributing factor for the growth of the market. Market players are actively pursuing growth plans through business synergies and partnerships. M&As are also playing a key role in driving the growth of the market. Manufacturers are focusing on offering complete solutions through their urgent care apps. New entrants in the future are expected to focus on developing apps that cover the entire healthcare journey of the patient. There is a strong emphasis on post-hospital care for medication adherence and rehabilitation. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth rate of adoption of apps in the healthcare industry. This led to a significant spike in the usage of apps within a few months in 2020.


  • 互联网传媒行业:微博通过港交所聆讯,三大运营商进军元宇宙
  • 互联网健康医疗商业模式五大路径解析
  • 互联网行业:规范化的下半场,脱虚入实的新机遇-海外TMT互联网年度策略报告
    监管加速互联网行业常态化,流量结构变化与结合实体经济将更加显 著。自互联网平台反垄断开始的政策方向,要求行业发展和监管规范两 手抓。我们认为,在明确的指导与规范下,行业将更能与经济发展结合 并有序发展,利好合规经营、发展技术与模式创新的平台。从行业发展 阶段来看,国内全网用户在今年5 月达到11.64 亿人后增速平缓,进入用 户存量竞争、时长重分配阶段。由于流量红利趋缓,叠加外部环境规范 化,催化互联网平台虚实结合,核心能力从早期的C 端获客与变现模式 创新,进化为产业互联网与基础建设。表现突出的平台如美团、京东、 拼多多,无不转往重资产的运营模式以建立壁垒。
  • 电商行业:平台差异化特色凸显,品牌竞争日益激烈-双十一购物节深度报告
    2021 年双十一期间全网综合电商GMV 达9523 亿元,同比增长 13.33%,增速较2020 年下降33.19pcts。双十一当天全网GMV 为 3146 亿元,同比减少5.5%,预售期大促使得销售额分流明显;天猫 市占率仍为第一,2021 年双十一当天占整体销售额的比例为58%, 同比下降1.1pcts,销售额呈分散化趋势。从全年看,对比618 与双 11 期间全网销售数据,双十一仍是全年销售额最高的大促活动,但 618 与双11 的GMV 比值从2020 年的0.54 提升至2021 年的0.61, 618 地位逐步提升。(若无特别说明,2021 年双十一期间指10 月31 日20:00 至11 月11 日24:00;2020 年双十一期间指11 月1 日0:00 至11 月11 日24:00;618 期间指6 月1 日0:00-6 月18 日24:00)
  • 互联网行业:2021年双十一购物节趋势观察-动态点评
    在今年的双十一购物节中,各大电商平台根据各自的优势采取了差异化的策 略。凭借强大的供应链能力,京东提升消费者心智份额,深化对低线城市的 渗透,巩固在核心3C 和家电品类板块的领先地位,实现日用品销售的稳健 增长。阿里巴巴集团(阿里巴巴)聚焦于为商家提供支持,帮助商家在疲软 的宏观环境中提升运营效率,实现更好的ROI。根据星图数据,在今年的双 十一购物节期间,直播电商业务整体录得81%的强劲同比增长,但头部KOL 仍为主要驱动力。我们重申京东为电商板块的首选,并维持我们对阿里巴巴 的“买入”评级。
  • 2017年互联网健康医疗投融资总览
  • 传媒行业:元宇宙,从架构到落地
    元宇宙概念详析与发展意义:概念:元宇宙是一个与现实世界平行且相互影响并且始终在线的虚拟世界,人们在基础设施 完善的虚拟世界中,可以和现实物理世界一样,全方位实现身份认同、货币交易、社区归属感到职业发展等个人和社会需求。 发展意义:元宇宙带来新的资源配置方式;现实与虚拟结合诞生新的商业业态;虚拟世界催生新的生活方式。
  • 传媒行业:双十一GMV增速回落,腾讯游戏海外收入同比增长20%
    上周沪深300指数上涨0.95%,申万传媒指数上涨2.95%,跑赢沪深300 指数2.00个百分点。个股方面,上周涨幅较大的有游族网络(+12.30%)、 蓝色光标(+9.72%)、宋城演艺(+8.02%);跌幅较大的有芒果超媒 (-7.69%)。
  • 中国医药电商发展专题报告
  • 通信行业:央行数字货币稳健发展,海外元宇宙市场热度延续-区块链双周报(11.01-11.15)
    近期区块链市场投融资事件集中于区块链应用、NFT、区块链游戏、DeFi、CeFi 与区块链工具等领域,其中区块链沙盒游戏Sandbox 获得软银Vision Fund 2 领投的9300 万美元投资。

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