(报告加工时间:2017-08-14 -- 2017-08-20)


  • 电子行业:预计7月半导体销售同比22.9%,8月趋势或迎来拐点,建议重点关注台积...
    预计 7 月全球半导体销售额维持高增趋势同比增 22.9%,环比增 2.6%,8 月趋势或将迎来拐点。6 月全球半导体销售额 326.4 亿美元,环比增长 2%,同比增长 23.7%,基本符合申万宏源预计(同比增 22.85%,环比增 2.3%)。存储器供需偏紧,价格相较于去年同期处于高点仍然是 7 月全球半导体销售额维持高景气的重要原因,另外汽车、工业半导体领域高增部分抵消智能手机半导体供应链库存消化的不利影响。我们维持对全年半导体整体销售额的判断,预计全年增长 17.6%,7 月同比增长 22.9%,但由于高基数原因,8 月趋势或见拐点。
  • 电子元器件行业:苹果第三季度财报亮眼,十周年新品备受期待-周报
    8 月 2 日,苹果公司今天发布了 2017 财年第三季度财报。第三财季每股摊薄收益为 1.67 美元,较上年同期的 1.42 美元增长 18%;当季营业收入 454.1 亿美元,同比增长 7.2%; 当季净利润 87.2亿美元,同比增长 11.9%;当季服务业务收入达到创纪录的 72.6 亿美元,同比增长 22%,值得一提的是上季度仅增长 3%;当季其他产品收入 27.4亿美元,同比增长 23%;同时,苹果也给出了对 2017 财年第四季度的预测:营收 490-520 亿美元,毛利率在 37.5-38% 之间。
  • 电子元器件行业:显示屏指纹识别传感器商用时间推迟-周报(2017.7.31-20...
    上周 A 股整体小幅下跌,沪深 300 指数下跌了 0.38%,收报于 3707.58 点。电子元器件板块表现弱大于市,跌幅较大,电子元器件(中信)下跌了 2.65%,收报于 5455.57 点。
  • 电子行业:IC设计与封测上半年产值大陆已超越台湾地区-周报
    上周全体 A 股下跌 1.35% (流通市值加权平均法,下同),创业板上涨 0.55%,中小板下跌 0.61%,申万电子行业上涨 0.28%,在申万 28 个行业中排名第 5,跑赢沪深 300 指数 1.87 个百分点。电子行业子板块中,半导体+0.84%,光学光电子-0.18%,设备制造与材料+2.04%,电子元件+0.25%。个股方面,江粉磁材、盈方微、有研新材、神思电子等涨幅居前,兆易创新、深天马 A、远望谷等下跌较多。
  • 电子行业:国内强标推出在即,重视TPMS行业高增长-深度报告
    TPMS 为继 ABS、安全气囊后的第三大汽车安全系统。从 TPMS 行业发展进程来看,TPMS 行业的主要推动力为各国及地区的法规政策,TPMS 行业的出货量与各国出台政策息息相关。目前美国、欧盟、韩国及中国台湾等均已出台 TPMS 强制标准,而中国 TPMS 强制标准在 06 年就已开始启动,并于 2016 年 9 月份送审国标委。我们认为,国内 TPMS 强标推出方向确定,且标准要求相比国际主流更高,届时将大力推动国内 TPMS 行业发展,拥有成熟技术及生产规模的行业龙头有望率先持续受益。
  • 电子元器件行业:从台湾公司近期业绩看半导体涨价逻辑标的机会与下半年展望-半导体周...
    承接我们上周周报观点,半导体短期由于估值和业绩形成板块压力且频繁海外并购黑天鹅事件影响投资信心,因此精选具有业绩支撑的个股将成为短期主题。在此背景下,涨价驱动下某些子行业景气度回升带来业绩改善尤其值得关注, 且海外标的往往在涨价潮下股价大幅攀升,具有较高的对标效应。因此,上周我们继续对 NOR、被动元件、硅片等境外对标板块近期业绩(Q2,6、7 月份营收)做出梳理。
  • 电子元器件行业:产能扩张致设备晶圆需求大增,终端二季度出货量小米重回top5-月...
    在过去 2 年中全球半导体市场尤其是在国内的产能扩张全面铺开,华虹集团再次审布将在无锡投资 100 亿美元建设 12 英 寸集成电路生产线,其中一期投资 25 亿美元,建设一条月产能约 4 万片癿产线。随着全球产业的扩张,带来上游设备和原材料的供不应求,从 Semi 的设备采购数据看,订单量和采贩单价均出现同比大幅度的上升,而晶囿厂商在第一季度涨价后再次提出调价预期,原料需求火爆。我们注意到,安徽易芯半导体有限公司自主研发的“年产 160 万片 12 英寸芯片级单晶硅片”一期项目在合肥新站高新区正式投产,如果能够顺利实现,对二中国近年来持续发展集成电路产业将会是重要的利好消息。
  • 电子行业:全面屏,吹响新一轮手机创新的号角-深度报告
    核心观点:全面屏将吹响手机新一轮创新的号角,开启新一轮 3 年期的创新浪潮,同时加速行业洗牌。2017 是全面屏手机的元年,2018年将是其真正爆发的时点。外观的美感提升将推动一轮换机潮,同时终端屏幕形态将向触控显示、指纹、摄像头等上游模组传导;具体而言是其提高了模组行业的资金壁垒、工艺壁垒,随后将推动一轮洗牌;小厂家将会在洗牌中逐渐出局,而拥有 COF、激光加工等核心设备及工艺的模组厂将会借机重新划分市场份额。


  • 全球超级计算机市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A supercomputer is a computing device that performs at or near the highest operational rate of all the computers currently. Supercomputers engage in extremely fast data processing, with number crunching (computational) power being measured in terms of hundred billion floating point operations (gigaflops). They rely on parallel-processing technology and use complex programs in modeling scientific and technologicalapplications such as meteorological phenomena, economy behavior, and nuclear reactions.In this report, Technavio covers the current scenario and growth prospects of the global supercomputer market during 2017-2021.
  • 全球智能插座市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Smart plugs transform ordinary appliances into smart appliances. They are costeffective alternatives for smart appliances. The technology is expected to have a high penetration among millennials. The use of and dependence on devices that can be controlled remotely through a wireless connection is increasing globally, which is a key factor that is driving the smart plug market. The need for connectivity is increasing,especially because it allows consumers to control devices and perform tasks remotely.Smart appliances depend on wireless technologies like ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Z-Wave,Bluetooth, and NFC, as well as the Internet of Things (IoT) and OS like iOS, Android,Azure, and Tizen for consumer command and control.This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global smart plug market for 2016-2021.
  • 全球智能遮阳设备市场报告(2017-2021年)
    North America and Western Europe are the largest revenue contributors to the global smart shade devices market. The high penetration rates of smart appliances and furnishing products encourage both residential and commercial users to adopt home and office automation systems. In smart shade devices, manufacturers have seen significant growth during FY2015. In FY2015, Hunter Douglas’ introduction of smart shade devices under its PowerView Motorization brand helped the segment to register more than 15% growth during the current fiscal year (FY2016).Innovations and new product launches helped the overall window coverings market to grow significantly during the forecast period.Manufacturers are seeing significant benefits from such product launches and innovations. For instance, the launch of PowerView Motorization brand for smart shade devices bolstered Hunter Douglas' overall window coverings sales growth in North America during FY2015. The company witnessed a 5.2% sales growth for that particular segment in 2015 compared with 2014 sales.
  • 全球智能水表市场报告(2017-2021年)
    In this report, Technavio covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global smart water meter market for 2017-2021. The report also presents the vendor landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendors operating in the market.A smart water meter, like a mechanical water meter, is connected to a data logger that continuously monitors the water consumption of a building or house. While traditional water meters only measure total consumption, and provides the information after a month, smart water meters can be connected to the Internet to record how much water is used and when it is being used. Smart water meter provides real-time information enabling companies and individual consumers to understand and monitor their water consumption.
  • 全球智能停车场市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global smart parking market for the period 2017-2021. The report considers the revenue obtained from parking site/facility providers, parking management firms, online payment technology providers, and others. The report considers the sales cost of smart hardware devices such as sensors and M2M modules, parking software installationand maintenance costs, and the revenue derived from parking analytics solution offerings. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the global smart parking market. It also outlines the challenges faced by vendors and the market at large, as well as the key emerging trends.
  • 全球智能医疗市场报告(2016-2020年)
    mHealth segment is expected to witness the fastest growth in the market, due to the increase in healthcare cost, the demand for patient centric healthcare model,and the occurrence of chronic and lifestyle-related diseases.The Americas had the largest share of the smart healthcare market in 2015, due to the presence of sophisticated IT infrastructure that enables the easy implementation of advanced healthcare facilities.Most wearable healthcare devices function on GPS, wireless networks, and M2M technology. Therefore, the battery life of these devices is very low because of their high power consumption. This also affects the durability of these devices and,therefore, has the potential to affect the demand for smart wearable healthcare devices in the coming years, which will have a direct impact on the market.This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global smart healthcare market from 2016-2020.
  • 全球智能工作场所市场报告(2017-2021年)
    A smart workplace is a concept that involves the integration of workplace technology within a physical office space with the employees or users of the system that facilitates financial optimization, increased productivity, and additional data regarding overall workplace and workforce performance for attaining operational efficiency purposes.For market sizing, the report considers the revenue generated from the installation of the following smart workplace components in both new buildings and retrofitting:Smart Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC),Smart Lighting,Smart Security,Smart Thermostats,Smart Windows.
  • 全球回音壁市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global soundbar market for 2017-2021. The report explains the market with a detailed forecast of its revenue and shipment. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of soundbars.
  • 全球智能戒指市场报告(2017-2021年)
    The report focuses on the global smart rings market for the period 2017-2021. The report considers wearable rings that can be technologically integrated or connected to smart devices. The report also considers smart rings that have Bluetooth or NFC compatibility.To calculate the market size, the report excludes vendors like Neyya whose presence in the market is questionable due to their inability to ship products to their backers from the crowdfunding platforms. Another vendor that has been excluded is Smarty Ring,which had its crowdfunding campaign in 2013 and has not yet launched its product in the market. The company is presumed to be dissolved. The report also excludes vendors like Nod, whose Nod rings are merely a miniaturized version of a drone controller. The report also excludes ring vendors such as Siren-ring, which is a device that can emit a loud noise that can be used for self-defense, mainly by women in emergency situations.To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the total unit shipment of smart rings by the key leading vendors who accounted for 90% of the overall market in 2016. The average selling price was derived by finding out the prices of all smart ring vendors and the products offered by each of them in the market. The prices were found on the company's web page and online e-commerce sites. The average selling price was found for both Bluetooth- and NFC-enabled smart rings together.The global smart rings market is presumed to be the subset of global wearables market. In the global wearables market, the wrist wear devices include smartwatches and smart wristbands like fitness trackers and other notification bands.
  • 全球智能垃圾桶市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Through this Technavio report, the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global smart trash bin market for 2017-2021 have been covered. To calculate the market's size, the report considers the revenue generated through the sales of smart trash bins.For market sizing, the sales of products that have sensors for motionless operation have been considered. The market size does not take into account the sales of trash cans with connectivity features (Wi-Fi or any other wireless networking technology) since these products are largely planned to be launched in the coming years.Currently, the wireless connected feature is largely available in public bins, where the bins are procured from a different player and the wireless sensors are procured and maintained by different waste management players in the market (they both are not sold as one product).
  • 全球电信物联网市场报告(2017-2021年)
    This report covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global telecom IoT market for the period 2016-2020. The report considers the average annual investment made by the major telecom companies worldwide on IoT technologies and solutions.The report incorporates business areas such as smart home, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing, and smart mobility. In addition, the report discusses the major drivers that influence the growth of the global telecom IoT market. It also outlines the challenges faced by vendors and the market at large, as well as the key emerging trends.
  • 全球Smallcell市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Small cells are low-powered radio access nodes, and they operate in licensed bands.These are used in indoor and densely populated areas to provide better wireless network coverage. The coverage area of small cells varies from more than 32 feet to a few miles, which is comparatively less than that of mobile macrocells. The types of small cells that are commonly used by telecom operators globally include femtocells,picocells, microcells, and metrocells.Small cell base stations play an important role in expanding the capacity of wirelessnetworks. Implementation of small cells is considered eco-friendly as it reduces the number of cell towers and provides a better signal with less power. Users experience low latency for data services and enjoy faster downloads and uploads with small cells.The global small cell market is expected to see significant growth during 2016-2021. In 2016, the Americas dominated the market, followed by APAC and EMEA. The global small cell market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.80% during the forecast period.

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