(报告加工时间:2020-12-28 -- 2021-01-10)


  • 全球非易失性存储器Express NVMe市场分析和预测(2020-2025年)
    The market dynamics section of the report examines the diverse factors which govern the demand for and supply of storage and memory devices in the NVMe market. This analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the direction in which the market is headed to and the impact of various factors on the same. This section covers the market dynamics – drivers, restraints, and opportunities – in the NVMe market, listing and analyzing several factors that positively and negatively affect the market.
  • 全球精准医学市场分析与预测(2020-2030年)
    With the advancements in healthcare applications, such as companion diagnostics, biomarkers, and next-generation sequencing, the demand for precise drugs and tests has increased. This advancement has further enhanced the potential of precision medicine and the possibility of better outcome delivery. The global precision medicine market has been identified as one of the fastest emerging industries, owing to the changing dynamics of the legal and regulatory framework and the intense competitive rivalry among an array of public companies. The acceptance of precision medicine as an approach is regarded as one of the most noteworthy changes in the healthcare industry because of its ability to provide improved diagnosis, prognosis, and patient/individual treatment processes. Despite recent breakthroughs and growing momentum of precision medicine, there are still significant challenges and barriers hampering or slowing down its global implementation and integration in medical practices.
  • 全球安全保障和救援机器人市场分析与预测(2020-2025年)
    The overview section of the report examines different segments such as product specifications, supply chain analysis, funding scenarios, and industry attractiveness through Porter’s five forces analysis. This analysis provides an in-depth understanding of the safety, security, and rescue robots market along with its ongoing developments. The key segments discussed in this chapter while studying the global safety, security, and rescue robotics market are as follows:
  • 全球可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC)市场展望与预测 (2020-2025年)
    With computers becoming ubiquitous in almost every conventional industrial and institutional system, there arises a need for their use in applications/systems that were once considered to be invincible. These applications/systems include the implementation of vital processes in operational domains in extremely harsh and compact environments. This has propelled a fundamentally different approach to the redesign of conventional mechanical and automation systems to match unconventional applications. Industrial computers and advanced control systems that were introduced in the mid-1980s have undergone a dramatic transformation in terms of computing capabilities, design, and compatibilities.
  • 全球土壤水分传感器市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Soil moisture sensor is an agricultural equipment, which measures the quantity of water content in the soil on the basis of volumetric or gravimetric methods. In agriculture, soil moisture sensor is connected to an irrigation system controller for measuring the soil moisture content in the active root zone before each scheduled irrigation event so as to bypass the cycle when the soil moisture content is above a user-defined set point. The scope of the report discusses the potential opportunities for the key players to enter the global soil moisture sensor market. Furthermore, it provides an in-depth analysis of the market, outlining current trends, key driving factors, and key area of investment. The report includes Porter’s five forces analysis to understand the competitive scenario of the industry and role of each stakeholder in the value chain. Moreover, it features the strategies adopted by key market players to maintain their foothold in the market.
  • 全球机器人市场– 全球与区域分析
    Methodical understanding of the core and adjacent markets as well as the industry changes, for critical assessment of business dynamics of robotaxi market in scope, including the drivers, challenges, and opportunities for various players Analysis of the impact of developments and initiatives made by governments as well as corporate stakeholders that influence the business environment for both market participants as well as customers Examination of competitor’s strategies and their recent developments for effective assessment of market movements at each level of the supply chain Supply chain analysis and supply and demand analysis for the identification of the key stakeholders in the robotaxi market Triangulation of supply-demand gaps with the business drivers and business challenges for the anticipation of business opportunities and new revenue pockets Industry attractiveness analysis for identifying whether new products, services, or businesses have the potential to be profitable in the robotaxi market
  • 硅光子学 场–全球和区域分析
    Methodical understanding of the core and adjacent markets as well as the industry changes, for the critical assessment of business dynamics of the markets in scope, including the drivers, challenges, and opportunities for various players Impact analysis of developments and initiatives made by governments as well as corporate stakeholders that influence the business environment for both market participants as well as customers Examination of competitor’s strategies and their recent developments for effective assessment of market movements at each level of the supply chain, along with supply chain analysis and supply and demand analysis for identifying the key stakeholders in the silicon photonics market Triangulation of the supply-demand gaps with business drivers and challenges to anticipate business opportunities and new revenue pockets, along with industry attractiveness analysis for identifying whether new products, services, or businesses have the potential to be profitable in the silicon photonics market


  • 家电及相关行业:11月空调零售量下滑需要担心吗?
    品牌出海,我们看一好美的集团、石头科技、巧环球日、TCL的温和复苏我们看好格力电器、海信家电A+日、老板电器、 欧普照明:上述公司维持跑赢行业评级。 电子比地产产业链 浙江美大、公牛集团、 
  • 家用电器行业:内外销延续较高景气,龙头集中度提升-11月产业在线数据点评
    上周上证综指上涨2.25%,沪深300 指数上涨3.36%,申万家用电器指数上涨3.87%,跑赢上证指数1.62pct。从细分板块来看,上周中信白色家电指数、黑色家电指数、小家电指数、厨房电器指数、照明设备及其他指数分别上涨4.63%、上涨3.87%、上涨1.02%、上涨0.33%、下跌0.34%。
  • 电子元器件行业:半导体产业链国产化仍未来投资重点,优选龙头-中芯国际被美国商务部列入实体清单事件点评
    12 月18 日,中芯国际正式被美国商务部列入实体清单。美国时间18 日早晨,美国商务部网站公告称将中芯国际纳入实体清单,其中重点针对10nm 及以下先进制程,美国出口商向中芯国际出售产品需申请许可证。根据公告,对于先进制程(10nm 及以下)遵循默认拒绝批准,供应商需向美国商务部提交许可证申请,并需举证SMIC 没有违例,否则默认不予批准许可证。而10nm 以上的部分公告中未特别指出,这部分可能相对宽松,实际操作情况还需后续观察。
  • 电子行业:大尺寸面板涨价持续,OLED销售或创新高-点评报告
    根据群智咨询(Sigmaintell)的预测数据显示,2020 年12 月~2021 年1 月全球LCD TV 面板价格维持上涨趋势 ,涨幅相较前期有所缩窄,但涨幅依然较大。
  • 计算机行业:升维,从云到产业互联网-2021年度展望
    计算机板块2020年历经年初疫情加速在线办公参透、年中信创落地开启催化和年末的调整,指数全年上 涨16.92%。展望2021,我们认为以“升维”为框架对于核心公司竞争力变迁的研判,与基本面落地验 证效果的持续跟踪,将成为投研工作的重点。
  • 家电行业:行业增速稳健提升,消费升级促竞争加剧-月报
    行业景气向上,白电维持领跑态势。2020 年12 月(截止12 月29日收盘),家电行业板块小幅上涨1.16%,排名中信一级行业分类中第6 位,维持11 月的排名不变。家电细分子板块,白电(2.1%)板块独自领跑行业整体,其他板块均有不同水平降幅。LED(-6.9%)、面板(-0.78%)在11 月大幅领跑行业整体后,增幅由正转负;其他子版块中,厨电(-3.32%)、黑电(-0.8%)、小家电(-0.77%)。个股方面,A 股74 家上市公司中,上涨公司20 家,2 家持平,52 家下跌。
  • 海外TMT行业:中芯受管制对产业链影响深远,半导体板块机会与风险并存
    12月18日美国商务部网站正式公告,中芯国际及相关实体正式被列入实体清单,原 则上任何美国技术成分占比超过25%的半导体设备/材料/EDA软件等向中芯国际出口时,均需要事先获得美国商务部许可。且美国商务部指出,原则上禁止向中芯国 际出口专门用于l0nm及以下先进工艺的设备等产品。 
  • 计算机行业:互联网保险业务监管办法发布
    12 月14 日,银保监会发布《互联网保险业务监管办法》(下称“办法”),办法将于2021 年2 月1 日起施行。办法共5 章83 条,具体包括总则、基本业务规则、特别业务规则、监督管理和附则。
  • 家用电器行业:乘出口之风,借渠道变革之力-2021年度投资策略报告
    自2020 年年初以来(截止到2020 年11 月30 日),家电(中信)行业上涨27.60%,在30 个中信一级行业中排名第11。上证指数上涨11.20%,沪深300 指数上涨21.08%,家电行业走势显著强于大盘。从估值来看,截止到2020 年11 月30 日,家电行业目前整体估值倍数是 26.4 倍(PE-TTM,剔除负值),在30 个中信一级行业中处于中游水平。
  • 计算机行业:轮动叠加躁动,将迎向上良机-2021年1月观点
    2020 年12 月行业下跌1.3%,落后上证综指3.7 个百分点,位列各行业中位(18/29)。走势延续跌势但跌幅明显收窄,并在月末有快速反弹迹象。我们认为1 月是行情传统躁动期,同时由于计算机行业行情缺位近半年,估值消化较多,有望承接轮动行情。建议加配。
  • 电子行业:关注AIOT周期带来的产业创新与投资机会-深度报告
    行业整体回顾。从Q3 季度来看,国内产业链复苏好于预期。具体体现在以下三方面:一是三季度需求快速回暖,国内产能恢复好于全球,导致国内公司订单景气度较高;二是供给端产能有所下降,中小企业受到疫情影响有部分产能退出,导致行业集中度进一步提升,行业龙头实现份额提升;三是半导体及消费电子等主要下游需求来自国内,因此一定程度上国内需求带动了全球产业链复苏。
  • 电子行业:扩容&替代并重,化合物布局长远-走进“芯“时代系列深度之三十六“功率&化合物“
    国内产业链已构建基本配套环境,进口替代提速:我们认为,目前功率半导体国产供应商已构建基本配套环境, 设计、制造、封测到模块均相对健全。从设计环节来看,以1GB丁为例,目前全球最领先的英飞凌已经更新迭代至 第七代,国内公司与英飞凌的差距大概逐渐缩短至一代以内,并且由于整个!GB丁技术更新迭代速度相对缓慢基本 接近硅材料的极限,随着国内企业不断加强研发投入提升自身技术和产品水平,有望进一步缩短与海外龙头的差距; 从制造环节来看,国内EI前已具备4/6/8英寸产能,并以华虹半导体/士兰微/华润微等为代表的公司预计会增加12英 寸产能,专注特色工艺;从终端产品环节来看,目前在二极管整流桥、MOSFE丁、GB丁及1PM模块等均已具备稳 定的供货能力,同时从设备和材料环节来看瓶颈不明显。我们认为,国产配套能力逐步增强下预计功率器件板块进 口替代有望提速。 
  • 电子行业:中芯被加入实体清单,半导体设备和材料国产化加速
    12 月18 日晚,美国商务部正式宣布,将中芯国际及其部分子公司及参股公司列入“实体清单”。

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