(报告加工时间:2017-12-18 -- 2018-01-07)



  • 全球包装齐亚种子市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Chia seeds have a fine coat that can be easily digested. They have a neutral flavor and can be used to improve the nutrition and texture of baked goods, bread, confectionary, cereals, yogurts, and beverages. Chia seeds have a shelf life of over three years. They are oval-shaped seeds that encapsulate omega-3 oils and protect them from oxidization.
  • 全球加工奶酪市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Dairy is one of the most popular food categories with a global market and diverse demographic. Dairy products are consumed worldwide by people of all age groups. However, in recent years, the global dairy market has been affected by factors like:
  • 全球加工肉类市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Processed meat is any meat that is treated through processes like curing, salting, fermentation, and smoking to either improve its taste or texture or to extend its shelf life. The rising consumption of meat products worldwide and the demand for convenience foods are the major drivers of the market. The growth of organized retail has led to increased product availability for consumers and has also been a key factor in market growth.


  • 农林牧渔行业:2018年农林牧渔行业十大猜想-专题报告
    展望 2018 年,随城镇化迚程以及国家对农村政策支持力度的加大,农业集中度将逐步提高,在此背景下,我们从农业参与主体、种植、养殖、消费等方面提出了 2018 年农业行业十大猜想。 
  • 农林牧渔行业:苏沛丰中央农村工作会议部署乡村振兴战略,由表及里循序渐进
    本期农林牧渔指数下跌 1.28%,同期沪深 300 指数下跌 0.59%,行业跑输沪深 300 指数 0.69 个百分点,在申万 28 个行业中排名第 22 位。分子板块看,本期其他种植业和动物保健板块表现较好,环比分别上涨 2.19%、1.72%,相对沪深 300 指数分别获得 2.78%、2.31%的超额收益。
  • 农林牧渔行业:农产品会推动CPI上行吗?
  • 农林牧渔行业:猪价研究框架及18年猪价展望-生猪养殖专题报告
  • 农林牧渔行业:父母代销量下滑,建议布局行业复苏-专题研究
    上半年受“H7N9”流感冲击以及强制换羽等因素影响,白羽肉鸡产业链各环节均逐步陷入亏损。3 季度略有反弹后短暂回落,12 月份再次上行,当前产业链各环节均恢复盈利状态。据协会数据,父母代鸡苗价格从 17 年初的高位下跌后回升,目前约 25 元/套,单套盈利约 10 元/套;据博亚和讯,商品代鸡苗 1-11 月均价约 1.4 元/羽,目前突破 3 元/羽,羽均盈利近 1 元;商品代毛鸡方面,17Q1 跌破 2 元/斤,创近年来新低,目前回升至 4 元/斤,实现盈利。 

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