(报告加工时间:2017-07-03 -- 2017-07-09)


  • 电力设备新能源行业:新变革,新趋势-2017年中期策略
  • 电力设备行业:新能源汽车加速轻量化发展,行业前景广阔-新能源车专题报告之三-安信证券
    在节能减排压力和性能提升需求的双重推动下,汽车轻量化已经成为不可逆转的趋势,轻量化材料的应用是轻量化发展核心。目前在轻量化材料应用领域,德国、美国、日本等传统汽车强国处于领先发展地位。相比之下,中国的轻量化起步较晚。当前随着国内新能源汽车的快速发展,加速驱动了轻量化的发展。根据《节能与新能源汽车技术路线图发布》给出的规划,测算得到 2020 年我国轻量化材料市场规模将超 5000 亿元,其中新能源汽车领域市场规模将达到 350 亿元,发展潜力巨大。
  • 汽车竞争情报-第655期


  • 全球车联网市场报告(2016-2020年)
    The global connected car market is in the nascent stage and is expected to register a high adoption during the forecast period owing to its importance in ensuring connectivity and safety, and meeting the infotainment requirements of vehicles.Connected vehicle solutions were largely restricted to the luxury car segment;however, the decline in prices and legislation push have led to their use in the mass vehicle segment. Connected vehicle solutions include infotainment and telematics. Another aspect elevating their adoption is the effort taken by the consumer electronics industry in reducing the price of the components to push OEMs toward adoption of connectivity technology in the mid vehicle segment.R&D activities related to connected vehicles are expected to result in product and service innovations and the introduction of multiple new business models. Urban smart mobility can be realized with connectivity features in modern day vehicles.
  • 商用车辆远程诊断市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Technavio defines automotive remote diagnostics or remote vehicle diagnostics as a solution that enables automation of vehicle health and diagnosis using a wireless network. Vehicle health check refers to monitoring vehicle performance by continuously checking and assessing real-time data of certain parameters. This process helps to identify any deviation against expected vehicle performance. Diagnosis refers to the investigation based on real-time vehicle data associated with vehicle performance parameter deviation and the determination of root causes of the deviation. This technology offers several business benefits to both customers and OEMs by enabling an effective vehicle health planner.


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