(报告加工时间:2016-12-26 -- 2017-01-15)


  • 全球类胡萝卜素市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Carotenoids are a class of phytonutrients found in the cells of a wide variety of plants, bacteria, and algae, which help plants absorb light energy for the process of photosynthesis. They play an important antioxidant function of deactivating free radicals (single oxygen atoms that can damage cells by reacting with other molecules).
  • 全球罐头三文鱼市场报告(2016年-2020年)
    Salmon is the common name for fishes belonging to the family of Salmonidae. It is available from both wild and farmed sources. It is estimated that nearly 60% of the world's salmon production is farmed. Salmon farming started in the beginning of 1960s. Atlantic salmon is the most common type of salmon that is farmed. Major part of Atlantic salmon available around the globe are farmed commercially. The salmon farming production cycle lasts about three years. In the first year, production takes place in controlled freshwater environments. In the second year, the farmed salmon is transported to seawater cages. Once the farmed salmon reaches a size suitable for profitable harvesting, it is transported to processing plants to be prepared for sale.
  • 全球水果和蔬菜混合果汁市场报告(2016-2020年)
    Juices are consumed due to their health benefits. Juices aid in digestion and provide better immunity. Fruit and vegetable mixed juices have the added advantage of having low sugar content and more nutrients than normal fresh juices. Due to this, consumers tend to include fruit and vegetable mixed juices in their daily diets.


  • 食品饮料行业:大板块白酒趋势最优,西化生活方式转变催生新景气行业-2017年投资策略
    2017 年,白酒在消费升级和集中度提升两大坚实中期逻辑支持下,将延续2016 年恢复性增长的态势。
  • 食品饮料:奶粉供给侧改革,渠道经销商重构-深度报告
    2016 年“二胎”新生儿出生人口将超过 1750 万,高于预期,有专家预测 2017 年新生儿有望达到 2100 万人,预计 2017 年奶粉市场总体规模会有较大的增幅。我国 0-6 月婴幼儿纯母乳喂养率逐年走低,随着居民可支配收入提高,婴幼儿人均消费增加,再加上消费渠道升级,我国奶粉需求进入上升周期。 
  • 食品饮料行业:单身经济盛行,消费变革渐起-策略报告
    中国单身经济正在崛起。中国正经历第四次单身潮,我们认为单身经济消费主力人群为 20-35 岁的白领女性人群。该单身人群收入水平高,消费意愿高,注重生活质量,没有下一代抚养压力且相对年轻,储蓄保险率较低,是优质的消费主体。定位该人群的商品将不仅仅关注品质和实用价值,并在美观、服务、心理价值方面突出。国际上单身家庭的增多对食品饮料的影响已有先例,如美国单人餐饮消费逐年提升、并推动了零食迅速增长。

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