(报告加工时间:2017-11-27 -- 2017-12-17)


  • 全球充气玩具市场报告(2017-2021年)
    They are dome-shaped permanent structures and buildings that use internally pressurized air to achieve structural stability. Balloons filled either with hot or normal air are used as toys or for decorative purposes. Their low cost and density make them popular among the younger population.
  • 全球实验室耗材市场报告(2017-2021年)
    Laboratory services are an important component of essential healthcare system in resource-limited countries. They play a critical role in disease control and surveillance. Laboratory services support effective healthcare by providing reliable, valid, and timely results. Proper functioning, good quality equipment, and uninterrupted supply of reagents and other lab consumables are essential for this. Lab consumables are used in research processes to measure, analyze, and verify unproven quantities, properties, and phenomena of an element or material.


  • 汽车及汽车零部件行业:SUV领跑乘用车市场,重卡行业仍维持高增速-11月月报
    据中汽协统计,10 月份我国汽车销量约为 270.4 万辆,同比上升 2.0%,其中,广义乘用车销量为 235.2 万辆,同比上升 0.4%;狭义乘用车销量为 231.8万辆,同比上升 0.8%;商用车销售 35.1 万辆,同比上升 14.8%。 
  • 汽车汽配行业:短期结构性机会犹存,长期把握汽车智能化和新能源两条主线-2018年投资策略
    受购置税优惠政策影响,2017 年汽车产销增速回落(约 4%),展望 2018 年,增速或继续下滑(0-3%),考虑汽车行业政策特征,我们建议重点关注购置税、新能源双积分及补贴政策、皮卡政策、排放升级和智能驾驶政策,挖掘乘用车、客车、零部件板块的结构性投资机会,长期把握新能源和智能化两条投资主线。
  • 汽车及汽车零部件行业:混合动力汽车发展进入新阶段
  • 汽车和汽车零部件行业:低增长、新升级-2018年年度策略报告
    整车及配件龙头事级市场表现佳;全年汽车销量或增 3-4%,增量由自主 SUV 及德日系车、重卡贡献;自主一线企业高端化取得刜步胜利,自主品牉强弱分化剧烈;合资中德日表现好,韩法大幅下滑;上半年车市库存压力大,导致官降频仍,车企盈利能力承压;消费升级趋势明显:自主 SUV 蚕食微车仹额,MPV 高端化,豪华车增幅高;行业利润增幅回落但仌高于销量增幅,未杢行业盈利增幅有继续下行风险;2017 新能源乘用车/专用车高增长,客车补贴降幅大,上半年处深度调整期,龙头仹额提升,盈利能力稳定。

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