(报告加工时间:2021-03-29 -- 2021-04-05)



  • 全球止咳糖浆市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Coughing is the body's way of getting foreign substances and mucus out of the lungs and upper airway passages. However, sometimes coughs are severe enough to make breathing difficult, cause vomiting, or prevent rest. There are two kinds of cough medicines such as expectorants and suppressants. The report provides an in-depth analysis of the cough syrup market on the basis of product type, age group, distribution channel, and region. It includes revenue generated from the sale of cough syrups and not the consultation services provided by physicians.
  • 全球体外诊断市场报告(2020-2027年)
    For the purpose of analysis, the global in vitro diagnostics market is segmented into product & service, technique, application, end user, and region. Furthermore, the report includes the revenue generated from the sales of in vitro diagnostic products and services. In addition, the product and services segment is further divided into reagents, instruments, and software & services. Thus, the market study involves the revenue generated from the sales of in vitro diagnostic reagents (liquid form), instruments used in in vitro diagnosis, software used in in vitro diagnostic instruments and sales of in vitro diagnostic services offered across the globe.
  • 全球CRISPR基因编辑市场分析和预测(2020-2030年)
    CRISPR is a technology that is used in gene editing enabling researchers and scientists globally to alter DNA sequence and modify gene function with ease. CRISPR gene editing was adopted from the antivirus immunity system of single-celled microorganisms, namely archaea and bacteria. Fragments of alien DNA, known as a spacer, are incorporated and transcribed into guide crRNA (CRISPR RNAs) to specifically target and cleave the genome of the virus and other foreign bodies using Cas proteins. In other words, the CRISPR-Cas9 system directs the Cas9 nuclease to form a site-directed double-strand DNA break using a small RNA molecule that results in permanent alterations of the genomic target sequence and repair the damage caused to DNA. These components, when transferred into more complex organisms, enable gene editing or modifications.
  • 全球医用塑料市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Medical plastics are polymeric material that can be molded into any shape. They are generally made from thermoplastic materials. After thermoplastics are heated, they can be easily molded. Medical grade plastics are temperature and chemical resistant. This study provides information on use of medical plastics in various enduse industries in India. The study is segmented on the basis of type and application. The study mostly deals with the applications of medical plastics in disposables, drug delivery devices, diagnostic instruments, catheters, and surgical instruments. In addition, the report also includes key drivers, restraints, and opportunities in the market. The global medical plastics market analysis covers in-depth information about major industry participants. Some of the major players in the market include Arkema S.A., Basf SE, Celanese Corporation, Solvay SA, Covestro AG, and Sabic.
  • 全球微创胃肠道手术系统市场分析和预测(2021-2031年)
    In five years, i.e., (January 2016 – January 2021), the market has witnessed 91 key developments and strategies, most of which were related to partnerships, alliances, and business expansions. Efforts are put in to introduce more technologically advanced products in the market. With the introduction of new and upgraded devices with enhanced capabilities, it has become increasingly possible to unlock new use cases for minimally invasive GI surgical systems.
  • 全球吸入一氧化氮市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Nitric oxide is a chemical compound in gas form that is used to treat infants with severe breathing problems associated with narrow blood vessels in the lungs. It works by relaxing smooth muscle to widen (dilate) blood vessels, especially in the lungs. Nitric oxide is usually used together with a breathing machine (ventilator). Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) is recognized as a potent and selective pulmonary vasodilator that does not decrease systemic vascular tone. The Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. first approved iNO in 1999 for use as a medical gas to treat hypoxic respiratory failure associated with clinical or echocardiographic evidence of pulmonary hypertension in term and late preterm neonates. Thereafter, iNO therapy is clinically applied to treat PPHN in term and late preterm neonates without consensus.
  • 全球细胞和基因疗法生产质量控制市场分析和预测(2020-2030年)
    Gene therapy is “a novel approach to treat, cure, or ultimately prevent disease by changing the expression of a person’s genes” (AMA, 2016). Gene therapies repair, deactivate, or replace dysfunctional genes that cause diseases, with the aim of establishing normal functioning of the body. Around 4,000 diseases have been linked to gene disorders, which affect millions of people across the globe.
  • 全球避孕药市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Contraceptive drugs that are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). For the purpose of analysis, the report segments the global market based on product, age group, end user, and region. The report provides information about the various types of contraceptives available in the market such as oral (pills), injectable, and topical contraceptives. In addition, it provides details about the pattern of contraceptive use with age. They are commonly used among women of childbearing age after puberty and before menopause, that is, 15–24 years, 25–34 years, 35–44 years, and above 44 years. It further outlines the particulars about the major end users of contraceptives, including homecare, hospitals, and clinics. Moreover, it stipulates the revenue generated through the sale of contraceptive drugs across North America, Europe, Asia- Pacific, and LAMEA.


  • 核药行业:高壁垒铸就双寡头,点亮核药星辰大海-深度报告
  • 医药生物行业:ADC药物蓄势待发,积跬致远,琢玉成器-深度报告
    受全球创新浪潮的冲击和ADC 药物的更新迭代,国内ADC 药物的研发热情高涨,一批生物医药企业相继奔赴ADC 药物创新的战场。除了荣昌生物、浙江医药等重点布局HER2 ADC 产品,云顶新耀、科伦药业、君实生物布局了Trop2ADC 产品,康诺亚/美雅珂布局了Claudin 18.2 ADC 产品,恒瑞医药、荣昌生物深耕于cMET ADC 产品。未来,我国ADC 药物市场将呈现出百花齐放、百舸争流的繁荣景象。
  • 医药生物行业:第二批鼓励仿制药品目录出炉,新修订《医疗器械监督管理条例》发布
    本报告期内,两市医药生物行业共有30 家上市公司的股东净减持34.54 亿元,其中7 家增持0.32 亿元,23 家减持34.86 亿元。截止2021 年3 月20 日,我们跟踪的医药生物行业365 家上市公司中有30 家公布了2020 年年报业绩。其中,归母净利润增速大于等于30%的公司有17 家。
  • 医药生物行业:2021年1-2月疫苗批签发数据跟踪,二类疫苗快速增长,热门大品种表现亮眼
    月,中检院合计批签发疫苗3078.15 万支,同比下降45.86%。其中一类疫苗批签发1246.27 万支,同比下降70.46%,二类疫苗批签发1831.88 万支,同比增长24.91%;国产疫苗批签发2752.79 万支,同比下降48.61%,进口疫苗批签发325.36 万支,同比下降1.34%。
  • 医药行业:全球部分地区疫情反复,国内新冠疫苗接种提速明显
    基于全国各地的积极防控,本土新增确诊患者一度降低并长期维持至零增长 。国内新增主要来自境外输入2020 年 10 月底开始陆续出现本土新增确诊病例,今年初以来增长较快; 2 月以来,疫情散发防控效果明显本土新增逐步归零 。 国家卫健委数据 2021 3 27 31 个省 自治区 、 直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例 8 例,均为境外输入病例;上海 2 例、 四川 2 例、 天津 1 例、 河南 1 例 、广东 1 例 、陕西 1 例 ;新增无症状感染者 19 例, 均为境外输入。 当日转为确诊病例 3 例, 均为境外输入 。
  • 医药行业:空间可观,稳健前行,短期处方外流加速线下发展,长期线上线下分权而立
    药店板块业绩整体维持较高增速,在中美贸易摩擦等外部环境的不确定下,我们仍然看好集中度提升和处方外流给上市龙头药店带来的确定性增长。我们认为线下药店会伴随着处方外流的承接持续高业绩, 3-5年内收入及利润增速保持20%以上。同时我们将持续跟踪线上药店的相关政策,如果线上相关政策陆续放开,线上及线下药店将迎接分权而立的全新行业格局。
  • 医药行业:结合板块走势,甄选Q1业绩高增长个股
    近一个月申万医药生物板块下跌2.31%,跑赢沪深300 指数2.23 个百分点,涨跌幅位列申万28 个一级行业中第14 位,截止3 月30 日,较去年最高点回调11.21%,跑输沪深30017.89 个百分点,但较前三年初涨幅均远高于沪深300 指数,整体TTM 估值为47.74 倍,相对于沪深300的估值溢价率为180.08%,处于历史中高位水平。子板块方面,本月仅医药商业板块上涨,主要由于前期涨幅较小,医疗器械和化学制药板块跌幅居前,相较于2018年初,仅中药、医药商业由于两票制等因素呈下跌态势,估值方面,医疗服务板块冲高回调,商业板块在政策扶持下缓步抬头,器械板块由于受疫情影响导致业绩高走,估值下移。
  • 医药健康行业:EQA,国产发光未来依旧星辰大海-深度研究
    近年化学发光行业百花齐放,但目前市场缺少针对各品牌检测质量的定量分析。本文以国家卫健委组织的肿瘤标志物、甲状腺功能和性腺激素三大类项目的权威EQA(室间质量评价)数据为基础,定量分析主流进口和国产品牌的覆盖范围、一致性和可信赖度。由于数据来自近3700 家实验室,因此相较个别专家访谈的结论更具有统计学意义。我们证明国产一线化学发光龙头检测质量正逐步接近国际先进水平,进口替代未来可期,重点推荐新产业、迈瑞医疗和安图生物。
  • 医药行业:2月血制品行业批签发数据点评-点评报告
    日前,2021 年2 月血制品批签发数据基本公布完毕。2 月,我国血制品新增批签发618.1 万瓶,同比下滑48%,环比下滑12%。前2 月,血制品共实现批签发1319.8 万瓶,同比下滑32%。重点品种静丙、人血白蛋白、人凝血酶原复合物、人纤维蛋白原批签发量同比都有较大幅度下降。
  • 医药行业:血制品行业冬去春已来,新冠疫情加速供需拐点出现-深度报告

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