(报告加工时间:2021-12-20 -- 2022-01-03)


  • 中国- 《动力电池月度报告》-2021年12月


  • 全球面向过程工业增长机会的安全仪表系统 (SIS)
    Safety Instrumented System: An SIS is also known as a trip and alarm system, emergency shutdown system (ESS), safety shutdown system, safety interlock system, and safety related control system. The SIS is present in case the operator or process control system fails to maintain operations within the safe operating zone. Often, the process alarm alerts the operator to changes in temperature or pressure, and if the operator is unable to address the issue, the SIS takes control and automatically shuts down the system before anything becomes unsafe. The SIS is a layer protecting industrial process systems from further damage in case of process deviation. An SIS is the integration of multiple safety integrated functions (SIFs), one of which typically includes a set of components, such as sensors, logic solvers, and control valves.
  • 全球固态变压器市场(2021-2028年)
    Solid-state transformer (SST) is an advanced power converter that offers bi-directional power flow, which makes use of power electronic components. These transformers are also known as solid-state transformers, such as universal power electronics, intelligent universal transformer, energy control center, and power electronics traction transformer. However, the most common term used to refer SSTs is smart transformers. The concept of solid-state technology has been getting attention in the recent years as a direct result of advances in power electronics, smart grids, and growth in application sectors such as renewable energy generation.
  • 全球下一代工业计量和检测市场报告(2021-2030年)
    Industrial metrology is a concept used in production and manufacturing sectors to check dimensional conformity, quality control, and all methods to obtain measurement. Industrial metrology is implemented by the company to check validity of production and confirm the products quality. Industrial metrology used to improve the product life cycle in appropriate manner. The next-generation industrial metrology and inspection market is segmented based on offering, equipment, application, and region. Based on offering, the market is divided into hardware, software, and services. Based on equipment, the market is segmented into coordinate measuring machine, measuring instruments, optical digitizer & scanner, and others. Based on application, the market is divided into automotive & transportation, aerospace & defense, semiconductor & electronics, industrial machinery, and others.
  • 全球缝纫机市场(2021-2027年)
    A sewing machine is used to stitch the fabric and other pliable materials together with threads. The different parts of a sewing machine and its various functions help the Operator to know the functioning of a sewing machine. There are different types of sewing machine used in the manufacturing of garments and other articles. Some sewing machines are larger, faster, more complex, and have wide range in their size, cost, appearance, and task.
  • 全球高压清洗机市场报告(2021-2026年)
    The dynamic cleaning equipment industry has witnessed a paradigm shift over the years in terms of trends and challenges across the globe. The cleaning industry is constantly evolving with micro and macro-environmental factors. It is also externally shaped based on the equipment and technology available in the market. With considerable upgrades in business models and operation techniques, the market will witness further traction supported by stringent protocols and corporate policies. The global cleaning equipment market was valued at approximately $26.01 billion in 2019. The professional cleaning equipment market was $8.69 billion, and that for the consumer cleaning equipment market approximately $17.32 billion in 2019. Highpressure washers accounted for a 10.39% share of the global cleaning equipment market in 2019. Accordingly, the pressure washers that form an integral component of the cleaning equipment industry are expected to grow 1.29 times during the forecast period. For battery-powered pressure washers, the contract cleaning market is expected to shape the growth during the next five years.
  • 全球太阳能冷冻机市场(2021-2030年)
    Solar Freezers are now used in several end-use applications such as households, dairy, research-labs, medicals, and more. It is a freezer that transfers solar energy into thermal energy for providing low temperature. The basic components present in solar freezer include solar array, panel support structure, battery (optional), and freezer. Solar-battery based and solar-direct drive solar freezer are the most common types used in different end-use applications.
  • 电源系统模拟器市场报告(2015-2028年)
    The Power System Simulator market and its demand is increasing and growing on a regular basis all over the world. Relatively the growth is seen on the higher side in the Asia Pacific countries and in US due to new technological advancements being implemented. Adoption of IoT and Cloud Platform are considered to be the top most priority for the marketers creating a strong demand. Power system simulator is a kind of software that is utilized by engineers for simulation of power transmission networks under steady-state conditions and over period ranging from few seconds to many seconds. Apparently, the software is used for long-term power generation and power transmission expansion planning. In addition to this. The simulation system provides detailed perspective of the project time and saves a cost of implementation on a longer run.
  • 全球电涌保护器件市场报告(2021-2028年)
    Surge protection devices (SPDs) are designed to protect electrical appliances from voltage spikes. SPDs limit the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold limit to the ground. They are used in automatic control buses, electric power supply networks, telephone networks, and various communication systems. The key factor that drives the SPDs market includes increase in demand for usage of electrical and electronics appliances in commercial & residential sectors. Moreover, high costs incurred due to electrical equipment downtime have also encouraged the adoption of SPDs as it provides safety in industries and in the domestic sector. The key factors that hamper the growth of this market are lack of awareness among small scale manufactures and competition from uninterrupted and non-fluctuating power supply systems. On the contrary, growth in awareness for need of SPDs, rapid industrialization, and power supply issues in developing countries are anticipated to provide lucrative opportunity for the market.
  • 全球灌溉控制器市场报告(2021-2026年)
    The growth in the global population is driving the demand for food in the past decade. The demand for food grains is expected to grow by 59−98% by 2050. This will change the face of agricultural markets in ways that we may not have seen before. Farmers worldwide are expected to increase crop production either by raising the quantity of agricultural land to grow crops or by enhancing productivity on existing agricultural lands through fertilizers, irrigation techniques, and adopting new methods such as precision farming.


  • 电气设备行业:海上风电,平价窗口临近,迈向主力电源-深度报告
    为什么沿海省份如此重视海上风电。海上风电具备诸多优点,包括靠近负 荷中心、不占用土地、能够有效拉动当地制造产业等,长期以来,其缺点 也十分突出,那就是度电成本较高、较大程度依赖补贴;基于其突出的优 点,尽管自2022 年起中央财政补贴退出,各省发展海上风电的动力不减, 广东省甚至出台省级补贴支持海上风电发展。我们认为沿海省份高度重视 海上风电是基于能源低碳发展、能源自主供应、土地资源约束、产业带动 等多重关键因素综合考量的结果,海上风电可能是多重因素综合考量下的 最优解。
  • 储能设备行业:储能,能源革命下的超级赛道-储能专题系列报告之储能行业总览
  • 电池行业:工具无绳化+技术降本,国产电芯乘风而起-时代性大趋势之圆柱锂电池行业深度报告
    受益于工具无绳化与技术降本趋势,圆柱型锂电池迎来量价齐升;海外龙头逐步退出,国产电芯厂商有望反超。我们建议关注产能强势扩张、具备供应链认证壁垒和高倍率技术储备厂商:蔚蓝锂芯、长虹能源。圆柱型锂电池为无绳电动工具的核心电源。长期以来,锂电芯市场由海外龙头如三星SDI、LG 化学垄断;新能源车大浪潮推使海外厂商转向车用动力电池开发,产能规划停滞使锂芯供给紧俏。我们认为,在技术赶超、价格制胜前提下,当前时点正是国产电芯厂商抢占存量,布局增量的最好时机。
  • 电气设备行业:拜登“Build_Back_Better法案当前进展及涉新能源条款影响评估-新能源行业每周观察
    新能源汽车:供给端:锂资源供需紧张预期提升,锂电材料供给受 限。Pilbara 下调锂精矿产量指引,短期西澳矿山将受制于劳工短缺 供供给预期,总体看中短期锂资源供需紧张预期提升,锂价高位运 行;需求端:美国《重建美好未来》核心争议点与新能源无关,继 续看好22 年新能源车需求。美国政策方面, 民主党参议员 Manchin 反对《重建美好未来》部分条款,两院对于电动车部分政 策差异较小,包括单车最高1.25 万美元税收抵免,差异主要在 1.25 万的构成、价格上限、收入上限以及政策退坡节奏略的一些细 节。需求上,预计中国1 月新能源车销量43 万辆,其中商用车1 万辆,乘用车42 万辆。行业排产饱满,基本面强势,继续推荐电 动车龙头标的亿纬锂能、容百科技、华友钴业、芳源股份、中伟 股份、恩捷股份、科达利、天赐材料、星源材质、德方纳米、富 临精工、新宙邦等。
  • 光伏行业:新技术和高景气的双人舞-2022年投资策略报告

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