(报告加工时间:2020-11-23 -- 2020-11-29)



  • 2020年11月中国房贷市场报告
    中国房贷市场报告属于融360 大数据研究院市场数据监测及分析类报告,主要统计监测并分析国内重点41 个城市房贷市场数据。本报告数据维度包含:首二套房贷利率、首付政策、放款时间、银行平均利率等。目前数据维度及监测频率均可实现订制需求,数据监测最高频率为1 次/周。本报告主要针对全国利率变化情况,依据监测数据对当前利率形势及未来利率趋势做出分析判断及解读,并结合政策动向及重点城市实际情况对城市利率变化原因、影响及未来变化趋势进行分析。


  • 全球机会分析与行业预测(2016-2025年)
    The report provides market dynamics and trends related to the global surrogacy market. In addition, it presents estimations and forecast of the market. The study estimates the revenue generated from the IVF and IUI procedures. The cost of insurance, medicines, and price paid to the surrogate are not considered while calculating the revenue. The valuations comprise revenue generated from surrogacy procedures such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and IVF with and without intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This report, however, does not consider revenues generated by fertility medications and costs of other medication involved in surrogacy procedure.
  • 全球穿戴式支付市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Wearable payment is a secure method for consumers to purchase a product or services by using advanced technology integrated in their wearable devices. In addition, it is known as tap-and-go payment method by various retailers and organizations, as it provides retailers and vendor with more secure and error-free payment method. Furthermore, many banks and financial institutions are providing wearable payment options to their consumers for increasing their customers across the globe and providing convenience to their customers. In addition, the adoption of wearable payments and contactless payment has increased over time due to surge in adoption of smartphones and ease of transactions as compared to traditional banking. Moreover, increase in adoption of cashless payment across the globe and rise in need for secure and safe contactless payment drive the growth of the market. In addition, wearable payments provide enhanced customer experience to the users, which fuels the growth of the market. However, increase in security issues in wearable devices and high cost of wearable devices hamper the growth of the market. On the contrary, surge in adoption of advance technology in wearable devices such as near field communication (NFC) and radio frequency identification (RFID) is anticipated to offer remunerative opportunities for the expansion of the market.


  • 非银行金融行业:复苏中求索,改革辟契机-2021年年度策略
    2020 年在新冠疫情从蔓延、防治、管控,到逐步复工复产中即将迎来尾声,我们认为非银板块将在复苏中迎来发展契机,改革中开辟创新道路。其中,保险板块在经历了展业困难、长端利率下行等资产负债端的冲击后,目前疫情影响边际缓释、复工复产稳步推进、资产端渐进修复,拐点已逐渐明晰。证券行业在资本市场改革和双向开放下跨越腾飞的长期逻辑不变。金融科技是转型必需的核心竞争力之一,需厚积薄发。短期看发展机遇和挑战并存,建议关注业务核心增量,把握板块内结构性机会。个股推荐优质龙头平安、太保、国寿、新华、中信、国君和海通。
  • 非银金融行业:基于海外司法体系的分析-数据时代科技公司监管初探
  • 非银行金融行业:既规范经营,又指明方向-保险代理人政策点评
    中Ta国bl银e_保Su监m会m于ary2] 020年11月23日公布了《保险代理人监管规定》(以下简称《规定》),并于2021年1月1日施行,现行《保险专业代理机构监管规定》、《保险销售从业人员监管办法》、《保险兼业代理管理暂行办法》、《中国保险监督管理委员会关于修改<保险专业代理机构监管规定>的决定》将同时废止。对此,我们的观点:(1)《规定》的推出标志着保险中介制度框架基本建立完成;(2)《规定》全面规范保险代理人的经营行为,有利于保险代理人行业的健康发展;(3)行业生态演化的本质在于保险公司与渠道之间话语权的分配,其中保险公司倾向于从事较浅的保险服务,利于个人代理人的留存,以掌握话语权,而其他渠道或将在专业性方面寻求更大的突破,倾向于从事较复杂的保险服务,例如人身险的储蓄服务,提升对客户的吸引力,以掌握更大的话语权;(4)保险渠道的正常演化对大型人身险企业的冲击应当不大。
  • 金融行业:看好养老产业链及保险板块,沪深港通六周年增长瞩目
    本周(2020.11.16-2020.11.20),恒生指数周内上涨 1.13%, 其中,恒生中国企业指数周内上涨 0.08%,恒生小型股指数周内上涨 3.21%, 恒生大型股周内上涨 0.95%。 

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