(报告加工时间:2020-08-17 -- 2020-08-23)


  • 全球互联汽车市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Connected car can be defined as a car that is equipped with a wireless local area network (Wireless LAN) and usually with internet. This connectivity allows the car to share data and internet access with any other device both outside and inside the vehicle. In addition, car is also installed with special added technology that connects to internet or wireless LAN and provides additional benefits such as navigation, vehicle diagnosis, and others to the driver. The connected cars market has witnessed significant growth over the years, owing to increase in trend of connectivity solution worldwide.
  • 全球5G服务市场-增长,趋势和预测(2020-2025年)
    The market for 5G services is expected to revolutionize the domain of various broadband services and to empower connectivity across different end-user verticals. The main drivers responsible for increasing the market share are increase in mobile subscriptions, online streaming of video content, strengthening 5G infrastructure, and various IoT applications utilizing 5G. 5G is anticipated to support a wide array of services and associated service requirements across multiple scenarios. Network slicing is seen as one way to address different use cases efficiently, while improving the 5G network architecture. Mergers and acquisitions are helping to shape the industry landscape, which fuels the market demand. At the Mobile World Congress 2019 held in Shanghai, Huawei and more than 30 industry partners jointly established an industry alliance in 5G deterministic networking. The establishment is aimed at promoting consensus on industry development, ecosystem building, and developing the 5G industry.
  • 全球脑计算机接口市场报告(2020-2027年)
    A brain-computer interface (BCI), also known as neural-control interface (NCI), mind-machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI), or brain-machine interface (BMI), is an interactive platform or direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device.Brain imaging technologies such as Magneto encephalography (MEG), functional Magnetic Resonance (fMRI), Electrocorticography (ECOG) and Electroencephalography (EEG), are integrated with BCI systems to capture electrical signals sent by the human brain. The global BCI market is segmented across application, type and geography. Based on application, the market is segmented into communication and control, healthcare, entertainment & gaming, and smart home control applications amongst others. The ‘others’ segment comprises of neuroeconomics, market research, education, training and R&D. Based on type, the market is segmented into invasive, partially invasive and non-invasive types of BCI technology. Based on region, the overall market is segmented across North America, Asia Pacific, Europe and LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East and Africa)The report focuses on the growth prospects, restraints, and market analysis.
  • 全球硬件加密市场报告(2020-2027年)
    Hardware encryption involves encoding of data or information into a form, which is accessible to only authorized users. Encoding of the hardware requires an encrypting algorithm that generates cipher text, which can be read only after decryption. Decoding this private data needs an authorized user to type in a key or a password. In hardware-based encryption process, both the encryption and decryption is carried out by individual processors. Encryption and decryption process plays an important role in preventing unauthorized access to sensitive or private data. Hardware encryption helps the user to protect confidential data during transmission and storage. With advancements in technology, leading market players are developing various hardware-encrypted solutions to cater to increasing demands in the storage industry.


  • 计算机行业:规范征求意见,第三方平台证券服务走向正轨-重大事项点评
  • 计算机行业:国家卫健委发文推动基层医疗机构绩效考核,强调信息化支撑-互联网+大健康周报
    重点推荐:卫宁健康(医疗IT 龙头企业,互联网医疗业务高成长)、创业慧康(医疗IT 领军企业,整合多方资源推进互联网医疗业务发展)、久远银海(医保IT 龙头企业)、思创医惠(国内优质医院信息集成平台商);
  • 电子行业:三大周期叠加,国产化加速
    创新周期、政策周期、资本周期三大周期叠加,5G、云、人工智能、可穿戴等为核心的创新周期不断。政策周期,国家多次强调支持科技产业,以华为为代表的科技自立,国产产业链重塑;资本周期,科创板推出,华为为代表的龙头崛起增强科技自信,一批硬核资产长期发展空间明确!我们着重关注本轮疫情中大陆电子龙头产业链地位提升、供应链份额集中、库存下降以及国产替代加速背景下的全产业链受益。我们坚定认为,随着后续疫情拐点到来、需求恢复叠加新一轮创新启动,A 股电子企业有望率先受益,继续迎来黄金发展期。
  • 电子行业:英伟达FY21Q2季报总结及业绩说明会纪要-海外电子跟踪报告
  • 计算机行业:零信任安全-将成为数字时代主流的安全架构-网络安全系列报告之三
    数字时代下旧式边界安全防护逐渐失效,零信任架构将成主流趋势。传统的安全防护是以边界为核心的,一定程度上默认内网是安全的。而云大物移智等新兴技术的应用使得IT 基础架构发生根本性变化,可扩展的混合 IT 环境已成为主流的系统运行环境,平台、业务、用户、终端呈现多样化趋势,传统的物理网络安全边界消失,并带来了更多的安全风险,旧式的边界安全防护效果有限。
  • 半导体行业:中报季,正向看待产业链前景-研究周报
  • 家电行业:疫情影响减弱,中期展望积极-家电先行指标“房屋交付量“跟踪(7月)
  • 半导体行业:国内半导体产业再迎利好,苹果3C设备企业业绩凸显-周报
    投资建议:1)看好国内3C 产业链,推荐科森科技、赛腾股份、快克股份,受益标的华兴源创、精测电子等。2)疫情之下小家电有望迎来大风口,推荐拥有核心技术和优质渠道的智能扫地机器人公司石头科技。3)锂电设备下游空间大,设备公司确定性强,推荐先导智能。4)同时推荐国内精密温控优质标的英维克、激光切割控制系统龙头柏楚电子(华西机械&中小盘联合覆盖)。5)HIT 有望成为下一代主流电池片技术,推荐迈为股份。
  • 计算机应用行业:中美科技之争从底层技术向信息数据扩散,新一代AI标准体系建设指南发布
    行情回顾:本周计算机行业(中信)指数上涨1.32%,沪深300 指数上涨0.27%,创业板指数下跌1.63%。《新时期促进集成电路产业和软件产业高质量发展的若干政策》从财税、投融资、研究开发、进出口、人才、知识产权、市场应用、国际合作等八个方面出台政策推动集成电路和软件产业发展;同时美政府计划扩大“干净5G”范畴,将这一计划扩展至5 个领域,包括运营商、应用商店、应用程序、网络云和网络设备,禁止使用中国APP、云服务、电信运营商互联互通等,美政府对中国的限制逐步从底层科技开始向信息数据扩散,系列事件将进一步推动市场对信创、军工信息、网安、数字货币子板块的风险偏好。
  • 电子行业:电子特气,未来已来,成长可期-电子化学品系列报告之一
  • 电子行业:8寸晶圆代工价格上涨背后的供需关系和竞争优势
    8 月第2 周电子指数涨跌幅为-0.23%,板块个股涨跌幅中位数为-0.87%。本周,申万电子指数涨跌幅为-0.49%,同期沪深300、上证50、创业板涨跌幅为-0.07%、0.76%和-2.95%。在申万28 个行业中,期间申万电子指数涨幅排名第16;2020 年初至今,申万电子指数累计涨跌幅为36.96%,在申万全部行业中排名7。
  • 工业机器人行业:周期叠加成长,工业机器人行业迎来新一轮上升
  • 计算机软硬件行业:全球科技产业格局面临趋势性变化
    近期中美科技脱钩事件升级,或将导致未来全球信息技术(IT)格局从“美国一极” 向“中美两极”演进。中美的地缘政治因素,对全球科技产业链都带来了较大的影响,对中国和美国之间的科技依存度、产业链分工都带来较大影响,这种影响程度不是微观的企业级维度,而是宏观的产业级维度。我们认为,该影响是趋势性的,而且这种趋势可能是不可逆的。
  • 计算机行业:从2020年北京网络安全大会与互联网安全大会看网络安全发展趋势
    互联网安全大会(ISC)与北京网络安全大会(BCS)是国内网络安全领域的风向标,均于本月召开。此届ISC 2020 大会主题为“数字孪生时代下的新安全”,BCS 2020 大会主题为“内生安全,从安全框架开始”,本报告将对此届ISC 和BCS 会议的主要内容做简单总结。
  • 计算机行业:信创产业蓄势待发,信息安全新赛道增长点十足-2020年8月投资策略

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